7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby AF3 » 03 Jun 2023, 18:46

As always, thank you Missy Moo. I know its been a long journey and I'm very happy about where you've got to, on your healing journey, and what you've discovered along the way.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 03 Jun 2023, 18:51

AF3 your welcome and thank you also should have said it does help to transition slowly from softeners to fiber then food fiber slowly but eventually just eating healthy fiber full foods mainly fruits and vegetables us the way I've found useful and attainable. I hope you too are doing well
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby AF3 » 03 Jun 2023, 19:04

Camry wrote:
AF3 wrote:
Ada3000 wrote:I have been trying to heal from a chronic fissure. Sometimes with the help of Miralax I can for up to periods of 2 months with no retear. However randomly I will tear again. I feel like its due to tightness this has me wondering if Miralax is the issue and if I should tough it out and get the muscle to pass larger stools. Also thinking dialators. Really trying to stay postive.

Hello to all. I share the same story with you guys. Today i had a retear again and a little bleeding when i looked in the water. I feel its that hard to not so hard but a bit sharp tip that is causing it. Have not found a solution even when drinking lots of fluids or watching what i eat. Its really depressing at times.

Have you tried relaxation techniques? Adding to what MissyMoo says in a post below, the internal relaxation (very elusive especially given the stress of the fissure) can be achieved through breathing and meditation and I think, more lasting than Botox, because you are relying on yourself and re-training your mind. Please ignore me if you've tried it, but thought I'd bring it up, because I think it's the key to everything. Someone told me the other day that relaxation is healing as that really resonated with me.

Wishing you all the best in your healing.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 03 Jun 2023, 20:30

Also if anyone has anything they want to heal including any gut issues look into fasting heaps of amazing videos on YouTube I'm building up to a 3 day water fast right now I've done 1 day then 2 days it's amazing and has helped me mentally like magic we shouldn't be eating constantly our bodies are built to eat then ho hungry for awhile then eat again between eating we heal on a cellular level its amazing stuff. Also it's like training you get good at it and you don't spend the whole time feeling like your staving. I've never had more energy and I'm sleeping great and no more body aches an pains
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby Camry » 10 Jul 2023, 18:30

AF3 wrote:
Ada3000 wrote:I have been trying to heal from a chronic fissure. Sometimes with the help of Miralax I can for up to periods of 2 months with no retear. However randomly I will tear again. I feel like its due to tightness this has me wondering if Miralax is the issue and if I should tough it out and get the muscle to pass larger stools. Also thinking dialators. Really trying to stay postive.

Hi Ada3000, it sounds like you are going through the same thing I am - 1st CRS told me i had a fissure in Mar2022, second one told me I had 2 in June22. I was told that I was almost fully healed when I went back in Sep22 for a follow-up, but since then have had two re-tears since then, which I know has set me back. If I go back to the CRS I know she will suggest Botox, which I don't want, so I'm on here, trying to figure out how to get the fissure healed enough to a level that I can get myself off the Movocil and get the region re-used to more harder and more variable BMs.

The re-tears have come despite me keeping a constant level of Movicol (osmotic laxative) and I think is related to just a little less water or a little less fibre on any one day, than what my gut has now been accustomed to. And that can be very frustrating because it is hard to be perfect and one shouldn't be. I don't know how to break the cycle, but I know that others on here have which means that the rest of us can as well :rainbow:

Hello af3, just want to know regarding retears, does this come to you on a weekly basis where in there are days with no blood and days with blood plus the stinging pain after? Am in another retear period…
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 10 Jul 2023, 21:09

My 4 step healing tips are
1- Drop softeners
2- Take a fiber supplement and or high fiber diet lots of real foods leafy greens vegetables and fruit.
3- Make time for yourself destress, relaxation etc
4- Positive self talk, my body is healed/ my body is perfect/ I am whole.

If anyone wants more info on the positive self talk, self love, and self healing i recommend a book called you can heal your life by a woman called Louise Hay you can buy the book or check you local library.

If you want more information on diet you can follow the medical medium on facebook, YouTube, or Instagram he has lots of books and videos on healing with diet and has helped thousands of people heal from all sorts of illnesses including incurable diseases. You can also buy his books on Amazon or hire from the library. If we all just did 1 thing CHANGE OUR DIET to real foods we would be a much healthier species. Lots of love to you all. I'm here for all of you if anyone needs me. Ps figure out what foods your body doesn't like by eliminating 1 thing at a time for a couple weeks and see if you body improves.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby kamard2300 » 11 Jul 2023, 09:11

Can i know do you feel completely good now missy? Can you reply by émail [email protected]
I feel so hopeless ... i thjnk my life is ruined and Will never feel as comfortable as Inused to before it all started
Can you give me hope ? Would you say after 8 years it went normal 100% or just better but never as it used to?
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 14 Jul 2023, 14:50

I understand how you feel because I was there I would have committed suicide if I had the cuts to, I was deeply depressed BUT I'm here as loving proof that we can all heal out bodies are self cleansing and self healing out bodies don't want us to get sick and die otherwise we aokldnt love long an not many people would live on earth. We have been taught that we need help to stay alive, to get better, to stay clean etc it's nonsense our body is mostly unknown to scientist. You must trust your boby trust that it knows how to heal but you just need to stop getting in its way which can be mentally, physically or emotionally. I can email you of you want or feel free to pm me.

Emotionally would be your punishing yourself by feeling like i deserve this because your guilty of the passed or been told growing up that you are worthless. Or you have no self love and you see your bum as gross an you have no respect or love for it.

Mentally would be you think you are never going to heal and you tell yourself such unhelpful things so this is your conversation tou have in your head around your fissure and uou the connection. Maybe you say MY fissure often which is taking ownership of it.

Physically would be diet, no time out, no relaxation and physically being loving an gentle with your bum putting creams on your when washing treat it as an opportunity to be loving an gentle. When you put cream on think in your mind that you are putting cream on the 5 year old you how terribly sad the 5year old you has a fissure pior baby now your helping that 5 year old you and obviously you really want to help this little child right? You would have care in your heart let me help you you poor thing let me help you heal and you send love and kindness while dealing with this child's wound.

Spiritually would be tou have internal wound that's manifesting physically this is were reading the book you can heal your life by Louise Hay would come in.

I'm so so much better wish I never got 2 rounds of botox was a waste of time but was a part of my journey so was needed in that sense. I never fear bms which is huge even though I've still had some set backs like when I eat too much junk foods aka PRODUCTS cause is ain't food. Them I'll get a day or two of decompress while on the toilet nut quickly goes away that's my body reminding me to eat for life an health. It's actually abusive to eat the crap out there we should only eat food that has been alive before. Try fasting if you want there's videos on YouTube one man in particular says we can't fast or stop eating junk because we are ADDICTED which is so accurate sugar is more addictive them cocaine. Look up Dr pradip on YouTube he says that if you fast you can stop the food cravings, heal your gut clean up cancer cell alsorts also you reset your gut so digestion will be better and you'll give your fissure a break. Drink only water for 3 days then only eat fruit an veggies I'd recommend the medical medium diet and doing some fasts.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 14 Jul 2023, 14:53

Kamard2300 you can fast for even a week but if your on any say diabetic drugs or anything just ask your doctor is fasting will be ok for you. Also your goal in life should be to come off any pharmaceutical drugs but safety. Alot of people do while following the medical medium and once they have been doing it a couple months they come off drugs because they don't have the disorder anymore so doctor tales them off
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby Kitty » 08 Nov 2023, 13:43

I’ve suffered from minor AF’s off and in for about 7 years. For the past several years I’ve been on miralax and when I retear I add magnesium and stool softener. I’ve noticed that since I’ve been in miralax my stools are soft, long and narrow. Is this from the miralax?
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