7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

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7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 20 Jan 2021, 15:06

Maybe i need harder or more formed bms normal bms after all so over taking softeners especially when they haven't fixed the fissure. We can't have a perfect bm with no stress everyday for the rest of our lives. 7 years of being ocd about softeners and bm texture and nothing I'm still having problems regardless of bm texture :dunno: if i have stress i get a flear up, if i have pressure an a soft bm i get a flear up, if i have a hard bm i get a flear up.
I just feel like cutting all softeners like weaning off an then just letting nature take its course. I cant baby my fissure for the rest of my life when its getting me nowhere. 7 years!! Fissure started after having my first baby 7 years ago now about to have my 3rd its taken away all of my years of being a mother. Im 32 years old had this fissure since 25 years old. Im just getting to a point were im done next steps will be wean off softeners when baby is a few months old if the fissure flears back up with soft bms again then lis. I'm over it and I'm starting to feel angry instead of sad an defeated like i have been all these years. Had to vent sorry. Hope everyone else is coming to their conclusions and getting a plan in place. A life like this is not fear on anyone. Just yo add i take 2 sachets of movical / miralax per day which is a high dose but it hasn't fix me.
missy moo
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby Pzgre » 22 Jan 2021, 12:39

Hi Missy,
I've been following yours posts since the beginning and I know how frustrating it is. Ive had my fissure for a long time now and the only reason I won't get LIS is the risk of incontinence and the chance of the fissure coming back.My dr doesn't seem so confident about LIS either
Have you thought about LIS?
I also agree that babying this thing does nothing.....it always comes back!!
I really don't have any advice for you but hope you heal.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 22 Jan 2021, 14:36

Thanks pzgre i don't know were I'd be without this website!! I had a few bad days but yesterday an today have been ok but you know that doesn't stop you from waiting for it an being scared while sitting on the loo what a life. I think if lis is done by an experienced confident crs then the risks are extremely low and success is very high i mean its 2021 they have had heaps of technological trial an error with treatments but lis is still the gold standard. I've lost my fear of lis over the years now i look forward like continue how i am till im grey and old or lis we all get to a point were theres only 2 options left. I'm worried that after this baby is born I'll go through fissure hell i mean Hell because i did with my other two an it nearly broke me well I'd say last time it did break me (mental breakdown) i had mastitis for 6wks a fissure an a new born ended up on iv of antibiotics for 5 days. Just praying this time its different. I'll keep you updated. I really hope you heal too my friend its not a nice way to live :huggies:
missy moo
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 28 Jan 2021, 17:04

Another 2 bad days not happy today was the worst my fissure has been in like 6 months. Im due to have my baby in 4wks and im worried about having an active fissure during childbirth. Im so ready for lis sick of living like this never knowing if todays the day i have fissure inflicted depression/anxiety for a few days till it goes away again.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby ESun » 27 Jul 2022, 12:31

Missy, how are you doing?
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 27 Jul 2022, 19:59

I'm doing really well actually I've stopped all softeners and included 1 serve of fiber daily psyllium husk an I'm not having pain or bleeding but sometimes discomfort
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby borghive » 03 Aug 2022, 07:39

Do you think the softeners were causing the problem? What changed for you?
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby JaimeDeschain » 03 Aug 2022, 15:29

Do you eat any other fibre or just the husk?
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 04 Aug 2022, 01:37

Softeners didn't cause my fissure but i think they prolonged my fissure for sure because my muscle became tighter an also it just couldn't handle anything so if bms were too soft my fissure would retear or if to hard it would retear. Softeners also cause an urgency /pressure on the muscle which i think makes us clench even more for fear on pain. So without the softeners my muscle is now able to stretch again i can have normal bms even hard sometimes without pain or bleeding. Just use a tsp 1 week then next week 2 tsp then 3 tsp so on till you find a swt spot you don't want to be having to harder bms but just spongy bms thats excercise the muscle. If you don't use it you lose it
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 04 Aug 2022, 01:44

Just husk but I've also improved my diet a bit but thats more recent i just eat more fruit/veg but had already got better before that. Always helps to improve diet for the long term gains
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