I just feel like cutting all softeners like weaning off an then just letting nature take its course. I cant baby my fissure for the rest of my life when its getting me nowhere. 7 years!! Fissure started after having my first baby 7 years ago now about to have my 3rd its taken away all of my years of being a mother. Im 32 years old had this fissure since 25 years old. Im just getting to a point were im done next steps will be wean off softeners when baby is a few months old if the fissure flears back up with soft bms again then lis. I'm over it and I'm starting to feel angry instead of sad an defeated like i have been all these years. Had to vent sorry. Hope everyone else is coming to their conclusions and getting a plan in place. A life like this is not fear on anyone. Just yo add i take 2 sachets of movical / miralax per day which is a high dose but it hasn't fix me.