Question, Would sitting on pillow help?

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Question, Would sitting on pillow help?

Postby Guest » 12 Jun 2007, 16:33

Hello Everyone,
Well after a very bad night, my AF has calmed down. I had 2 BMs today, the second time I had pain for a few hours but nothing like last night. If I get one of those pillow rings do you think that would be ok? Also If I take the fish oil capsules do I want to stop the colace and prune juice? I am just trying to find a good combination of food and products to help me heal. Thanks ..

Re: Question, Would sitting on pillow help?

Postby Guest » 12 Jun 2007, 17:17

I never found the donut ring to be very helpful but you could try it. I have a pillow with the middle cut out that I ordered from a website that has made driving more comfortable.
I would any new component to your regimen slowly to see how your system handles it. I would take one aloe vera capsule and see how it affects you. If you think things are too soft you could give up either the colace or prune juice.
Hang in there!

Re: Question, Would sitting on pillow help?

Postby Guest » 12 Jun 2007, 19:01

Thanks Lecia for all your help. I hope you don't mind me throwing all these questions at you. You guys on this forum are the best. I hope someday I can help some one in return. Thanks for the website I will check it out.

Re: Question, Would sitting on pillow help?

Postby val » 04 Oct 2007, 14:57

Hi, I recently bought a square cushion with like a Y shape cut out of it, and I bought it in a local mobility shop, which sells stairlifts and wheelchairs etc. It's been really helpful, so has sitting on a hot water bottle all day. I've had awful pain all day today, after a few good days, I really sympathise with you and hope you feel better soon!
BTW, prune juice, for me gave me bad stomach cramps, and bad diaorrea, I know everyone's different though!
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Re: Question, Would sitting on pillow help?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 04 Oct 2007, 15:03

Patty, a pillow "ring" can actual strech your anus...not a good thing!! they didn't help me, either...
Deleted User 5

Re: Question, Would sitting on pillow help?

Postby val » 04 Oct 2007, 15:06

For some reason, I have answed a question posted in June! I know I'm useless at computers, but that's just plain daft!!
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Re: Question, Would sitting on pillow help?

Postby Guest » 04 Oct 2007, 15:28

Just curious, is the botox wearing off. Is that why all the pain?

Re: Question, Would sitting on pillow help?

Postby Guest » 04 Oct 2007, 18:14

Yes this is actually a posting from last June, but I will still take any advice. Thanks.
Bum Issues my Botox seems to still be in affect. I have very little pain in the morning and thats it. I still find it hard ti sit normal, but that will come in time. If I start to have any major pain I will call for another shot. Thanks for asking.

Re: Question, Would sitting on pillow help?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 04 Oct 2007, 18:50

Wow, Patty, I was even fooled, I didn't check the dates!!
Deleted User 5

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