Weight gain

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Weight gain

Postby Guest » 12 Sep 2007, 08:26

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to safely gain weight with a fissure. I've lost 25 pounds in 4 months. The weight loss has seemed to taper off but I'm at 150 pounds and I'm 6 feet tall. Would love to get up to 160. It's not an issue of muscle weight cause I actively go to the gym so I still have some muscle tone. Just need some meat on this bones.

Re: Weight gain

Postby Guest » 12 Sep 2007, 09:19

Wow-yes I would say you need to gain some weight!
Do you have an appetite at all?
I am trying to put on a little weight and I add protein powder (whey usually) to my soymilk when I have my cereal. I also eat protein bars like Balance or Clif bars. Some have fiber even so that is a bonus.
What about something like supplemental shakes or making smoothies?
I also put flax seed oil on my veggies and each tablespoon has 120 calories so that can add up too.
Is there something in particular that you like to eat that can be modified so it won't irritate your bottom?

Re: Weight gain

Postby Guest » 12 Sep 2007, 09:45

Thanks for the suggestions, Lecia.
Lately I don't have much of an appetite but I think its mental, a fear of the fissure thing. I think I'll try the protein bars and look into supplement shakes. Wow, it been so long that I can scaresly remember what I use to like to eat. Crazy thing this fissure.
Strange thing is that I eat well. For breakfast I usually have a bowl of cereal (Bran buds mixed with raisin bran) and berries.
Lunch is usually a large salad w/ chicken or brown rice w/ chicken and vegi. Dinner I go pretty light. Usually just an apple with peanut butter and some bread and cheese.
I am however having 2 BM daily, one usually quite substantial so I think my body is getting rid of alot of what I eat.

Re: Weight gain

Postby Guest » 12 Sep 2007, 09:58

It doesn't sound like you are getting much in the way of healthy fats which are so essential and would help you add on some pounds safely. Flaxseed oil also helps lubricate things coming out the other end too. I have some that is infused with rosemary and it really adds some flavor to the stirfry. Olive oil would be great and I have heard good things about coconut oil or Macademia nut oil.
I can sympathize about the mental thing. I am afraid to eat anything that isn't tried and tested and approved by my butt. I did have a bite of pizza the other day-my first in almost a year!
There is so much pain associated with going to the bathroom which of course follows eating so eating in itself has become more medicinal and not as pleasurable.

Re: Weight gain

Postby buttgirl » 12 Sep 2007, 10:13

Also, have you tried almond or cashew butter. Those really seem to stick to my ribs, and they have fiber in them too. I usually eat them on celery. Yummy and high protein, high fat, high fiber.
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Re: Weight gain

Postby happyass » 01 Oct 2007, 19:54

damn bum!!! i wish i could weight 160!
well, i would love to be really between 175-180.
my body seems to be happy right under 200 at 197.
i am 5'11''.
i think maybe your body could get some help from some healthy carbs mostly and then secondarily protein. you don't want to skimp on healthy fats as lecia pointed out.
however, you sound like you are eating well even though it's different than what you are used to. i am telling you, around here a lot of guys are 6 ft and weight around 155 and 160 and i am like wtf?!!!!
anyway, it wouldn't hurt to get a good check up just to make sure everything else is well. and perhaps, you may want to consider an anti-anxiety helper since you state that you are concerend/anxious about eating a bit much due to the fissure.
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Re: Weight gain

Postby Guest » 01 Oct 2007, 19:59

i am telling you, around here a lot of guys are 6 ft and weight around 155 and 160 and i am like wtf?!!!!
You totally crack me up! I seriously laughed out loud when I read that!

Re: Weight gain

Postby Guest » 02 Oct 2007, 08:35

I'd love to get up to 165. I've started working with a nutritionist and it seems to be working. Eating well and spreading the fiber out over the entire day. Gained a pound in a week.
Only thing is I think body is still getting use to the new eating pattern so my stool is a bit heftier (is that a word?) I started using miralax to help combat that but it doesn't seem to be doing much. I 'm going to increase to dosage starting tonight.

Re: Weight gain

Postby Guest » 02 Oct 2007, 08:56

That's good news-hope you can maintain the gain! I have put on a few myself!
If the miralax isn't working I would switch to milk of magnesia (not a full dose, mind you).

Weight Gain - I am 155 6'1

Postby bherna1 » 08 Oct 2007, 20:51

I have the same problem. Went from 188 to 155 in about 6 months. Very rapid weight loss due to my fissure. I cannot eat pizza, beef or pork. It is much too hard on my fissure and too heavy on my system.
I remember being able to eat anything about 1 year ago. I was on 2 mg on Zanax a day and totally relaxed me down there. Now i am on 1mg a day on Zanax and all these problems down there surfaced again. I decided not to be on Zanax due to addiction issues that it may cause and it doesnt last for ever since you build a resistance in your brain. Zanax builds up in your brain and then stops working eventually. I wish there was a drug that was out there that could stop the madness and get me back to eating what i want. Know its just chicken, pasta, fish, fruit and some bread and thats it. I usually eat at subway for lunch everyday which gets old. Pizza cuts be wide open down there.
Just my 2 cents
bum issues wrote:Does anyone have any suggestions on how to safely gain weight with a fissure. I've lost 25 pounds in 4 months. The weight loss has seemed to taper off but I'm at 150 pounds and I'm 6 feet tall. Would love to get up to 160. It's not an issue of muscle weight cause I actively go to the gym so I still have some muscle tone. Just need some meat on this bones.
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