Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

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Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Postby buttgirl » 23 Oct 2007, 12:55

hi all,

i am wondering how long it is safe to stay on ibuprofen? I have been taking one a day for months now. It helps curb the inflammation and pain I am still having in the anal area. Any sage owrds of advice?
King Fissure
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Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Postby Guest » 23 Oct 2007, 12:57

I am all out of sage words of advice but to me 1 advil a day doesn't sound problematic. I took 8 advil a day for a month and have used painkillers on and off at different levels due to chronic pain. For me I have just decided I have to absorb some of the risk so I can have some level of normalcy in my life.
I think as long as you take it with food there ought not to be a problem!

Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 23 Oct 2007, 13:41

At just one or two a day, it appears from what I can google, that Chris is fine. But in Lecia's case it is much more difficult to judge. I would beg Lecia to not take it month after month at such a high dose, and it appears from her reply above that she doesn't. It can eventually damage the kidney(s)after long-term high dose usage.
Kidney Effects: As with other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
long-term administration of ibuprofen to animals has resulted in renal
papillary necrosis and other abnormal renal pathology. In humans,
there have been reports of acute interstitial nephritis with
hematuria, proteinuria, and occasionally nephrotic syndrome.. A second
form of renal toxicity has been seen in patients with prerenal
conditions leading to a reduction in renal blood wflow or blood
volume, where the renal prostaglandins have a supportive role in the
maintenance of renal perfusion... …Those patients at high risk who
chronically take ibuprofen should have renal function monitored if
they have signs or symptoms which may be consistent with mild
azotemia, such as malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc. Occasional
patients may develop some elevation of serum creatinine and BUN levels
without signs or symptoms.”

I hope this helps
Deleted User 5

Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Postby buttgirl » 24 Oct 2007, 09:47

Thanks Kim and Lecia. I appreciate the input. It's so nice to have people to bounce ideas and concerns off of.
King Fissure
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Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Postby Guest » 24 Oct 2007, 18:08

I have been taking Advil on and off since June. I take it with food and I drink alot of water. I take it with extreme pain. It is only when you take it for a long time it could cause damage to you kidneys and liver. I am going to ask my doctor what he thinks.

Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 24 Oct 2007, 18:15

Thanks, Patty. Ask him if taking 800 mg at a time for over a month is serioous...
Deleted User 5

Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Postby Guest » 24 Oct 2007, 18:37

My doctor told me I could!

Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 24 Oct 2007, 18:47

I sometimes take high doses when I have back trouble, so I was wondering.
Deleted User 5

Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Postby Guest » 02 Nov 2007, 07:24

Ibuprofen has the lowest risk of gastrointestinal effects
Here is some info on gastrointestinal and renal toxicity of Ibuprofen:

Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Postby Guest » 02 Nov 2007, 07:27

Thanks for the links! I can tell you have done a lot of your own research.

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