Post surgery update

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Re: Post surgery update

Postby Fissulyna » 02 Nov 2007, 22:41

Oh, mine taste GREAT !!! They added vanilla in it so it is like you drink very oily ice cream ; ))))) !!! You can not find it on the shelves , though. I order mine in the Longs (takes about two days to come) and it is called Kondremul. I take one tbsp at noon and one before i go to sleep - but sometimes I am lazy so I just take a "approximate" sip ; )))! The only thing to have in mind is that you should not take it together with Colace for some reason (it is said on Colace box). And, it might interfear with vit A and E absorption , so I wouldn't take it forever and ever , just till I get this fissure under control ....
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Re: Post surgery update

Postby Guest » 03 Nov 2007, 06:46

Hey BG,
That is what :pooh: is there for!!!!

Re: Post surgery update

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Nov 2007, 19:44

JUNEY, I also would be horrified to take anything that might make my poop hard , not to mention cause constipation to which you are pron : (. In my ex country they had Fe injections that they gave anemic patients ! Why they need transf. here is beyond me. Try to get extra natural Fe in your diet - buy yourself juicer - peal 2 fresh beets , one carrot and one apple and drink it 3 times a day. Eat spinach once a day (not too much because of the oxalats ) and see what happens ! If I were you I would give priority to my fissure over anemia unless it is so severe !
I am sure there are much more natural options to help your anemia than just plain Fe tablets !!!!!
Hope you are doing well ! :_):
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