Happy Birthday AFSF Forum!!!!

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Happy Birthday AFSF Forum!!!!

Postby Deleted User 5 » 04 Nov 2007, 19:20

Wow. I almost overlooked the calendar. :`~: :!^~: :`~:
This board is one year old TODAY!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
Thank you, Cheryl, Image for all the folks who have come here and found good advice, friendship, and perhaps even a little relief rom their daily agony.
Let me also thank you, because it was becuase of this board I found the courage to have my surgery and finally say goodbye to Bob, the anal monster, once and for all.
Your effort has paid out in spades! Here's a high five just for you!!
Deleted User 5

Re: Happy Birthday AFSF Forum!!!!

Postby Guest » 04 Nov 2007, 19:39

Wow-I can't believe it! This calls for a toast. Okay, does everyone have their Miralax spiked water? Image
Here's to the first year of the AFSF and thanks to everyone for making it a success (not that you really thought or wished you would end up here) and here is to a fissure free future and happiness and a life full of love and joy.
God Bless,
Lecia Image

Re: Happy Birthday AFSF Forum!!!!

Postby Cheryl » 04 Nov 2007, 22:58

oohhhweeeeee!! Happy Birthday AFSF!! Image
Can not believe it has been a year!! Im so glad that this place has brought us all together to help each other - (your right Lecia.. the last place id ever imagined my self to be... or creating a forum for that matter... Image )
Well heres to many more years of helping out folk who are feeling the pain of Bob... lets rid him once and for all hey!!!!
Congrats guys Image
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