Healing? Help!

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Healing? Help!

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 09:57

Its been a little over 2 weeks since my Botox procedure. I'm still having pain and some blood eventhough my stool is soft (formed but soft.) The pain is after a BM and just from the fissure, no spasms. Is this normal? How can I be healing if I'm basically reinjuring the fissure everyday?

Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Deleted User 5 » 05 Nov 2007, 11:23

It could be that you're not re-injuring so much as just irritating the fissure each time a stool passes by. But healing should be happening now that your sphincter is not clenching and spasming. The botox only works on the sphincter, not the actual fissure, which heals after the sphincter "allows" it...
I bled some even after my fissure was well on it's way to healing. It was a bit distressing, but seeing blood always is. But it is normal. You may not stop seeing blood for up to six months or longer AFTER the fissure has stopped bothering you with the pain. But you won't see nearly as much at that stage, just little pink smears on the TP.
Unfortunately, it sounds like your fissure may be deep and that's why it's hurting so and bleeding. Just stick with the diet and all other measures. Now is not the time to let up.
Deleted User 5

Re: Healing? Help!

Postby buttgirl » 05 Nov 2007, 11:24

hmmm. Two weeks is not that long. Remember the fissure has to heal and that can take 2 mos to a year. I would suggest that it sounds like you need to get the poo under more control. Even soft poos can hurt my rear end. HAve you tried all veggie days? Have you tried stool softners or MOM? (Go light on the MOM--2T or less.)

When I got the botox, I had just a little bit of the fissure left to heal, so my problem cleared up withint two weeks. That was after 4 mos of healing though, so really the fissure healing tokk me 5 mos. I knew the sphincter spasms during my period were causing me to clench during bm and that is what caused my repreated reinjury. the botox stopped that for me. By that time, I had the poo under strict control with MOM and mineral oil and a nearly vegetarian diet.

Even now, my rear is quite sensitive. I had a large bm at the end of September that irritated my roids (which I didn't realized I had before). I think I might have just recovered from that one. honestly though I couldn't have done so without the MOM and minerla oil.
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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 12:01

Thank you both. As you all know its just frustrating dealing with a fissure. I've been dealing with my fissure for over 5 months now. Was on Nifedipine for awhile and that helped but like you, buttgirl, decide to do the botox so it could help with the tightness and clenching.
My CRS says that I also only have a bit left of the fissure to heal. The remaining bit though is high up in the canal. You can no longer see my fissure on general inspection.
I've been taking 1T of MOM for the last 3 days. I'll try upping the dosage and see how that goes.

Re: Healing? Help!

Postby buttgirl » 05 Nov 2007, 13:02

Sounds good. My last bit was high in the canal too. Be careful about upping the does too much. you don't want to get the runs. I find that more than 2T is a big no-no for me.
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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby happyass » 05 Nov 2007, 14:30

bum issues, hang in there...imagine have a really bad fissure for almost four years!!!!
that was my story and i didn't really go see a CRS until about 2.5 years into it. and i never got creams or anything to help it heal.
just the basic fiber adjustment in diet and the goal was to have oatmeal soft poos.
as posted above, the botox won't help cure your fissure. just relax the sphincter so that you can hopefully allow the poo to pass without too much or any straining at all.
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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 17:15

Bum issue,
Hello, yah give the Botox some time. I am going for my second shot wednesday and I think it will help it completerly heal. But everyone is right stay on the diet and supplements. Two more days for a dead butt!!!

Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Nov 2007, 19:14

hey girls :), how do you combine mineral oil and MOM ? Do you take them at the same time or not, and how much of each and when?
Thank you so much in advance..... Image
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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Nov 2007, 19:27

KIM, forgot to ask you - can you do for me same thing what our dear Lecia did? Give me an example of one day typical menu and stool softeners that you used during your recovery period after LIs trying to heal.
THANKS A BUNCH !!!! :cheer:
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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Guest » 06 Nov 2007, 09:39

So I increased the MOM to 1.5T last night. Unfortunately my problems continue. This mornings BM was again soft and formed but caused much more bleeding than I have had in months. I'm not in much pain just discomfort and of course really discouraged. I just don't understand what is going on. I'm doing everything I'm suppose to, diet, water and supplements.
I try not to strain just a little "abdominal push" to get things started.
Kim, like fissulyna, i 'd love to see a typical day's menu and supplements. Maybe it will help me get aninsight into what is going on.

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