How long does nitro take to work ?

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How long does nitro take to work ?

Postby Bliss » 05 Nov 2007, 14:55

Anyone have experience on how long nitro takes to work ? I've been using 0.4% for 11 days. My GP said to use it every 12 hours but I've actually been using half the dose 4 times a day since it helps just before a BM (regular before b/fast) to relax me enough to be able to go but then I think I must have squeezed it all out so have been re-applying & again at ~5pm & at bedtime. It seems to be doing some good as I've not had that awful tearing feeling during BM (although I'm still very nervous) & no bleeding. But I have a terrible spasm which lasts all day. It's OK when I stand but really uncomfortable when I sit. I'm in an office all day at a PC so standing or kneeling isn't really an option.
I feel like someone's sewed my bottom up too tight. Anyone know how long this might take to fix ?
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Re: How long does nitro take to work ?

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 15:14

I didnt start feeling any benefits until about 2 -3 weeks. then, more and more I was able to apply it up higher as I guess the muscle was relaxing. It seems that the higher i could go the quicker things started to heal. I'm now at 6 wks and the spasms last maybe 1-2 hrs or lately none as opposed to 5-6 hours of pain about an hour after bm. I'm on the 0.2% nitro 3-4 times a day. I used to use very little because i was afraid of the side effects but now i just grab a whole finger full and cake it up there. I lost all the squeamishness i used to have about my butt.

Re: How long does nitro take to work ?

Postby buttgirl » 05 Nov 2007, 16:36

I found that it helped basically right away. for some reason, sticking things in my butt has always hurt less than getting poo out, so I was able to apply internally right away. it did give me a major heache though. even made me naseous.
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