Newbie ... in need of support

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Newbie ... in need of support

Postby mimi12 » 18 Jul 2014, 14:37

Hello everyone! I am new here... this is probably the best blog if have seen on fissures. There really isn't a lot out there. My story ... I had a fissure about year ago ... lasted probably about 6 weeks....I finally realized what was wrong and started taking fiber, sitz baths and using coconut oil. I believe my fissure healed ... not really sure. I have no pain or blood when having a BM anymore ... been about 9 months since I've had pain. Now I have a sentinel pile .... it doesn't really hurt unless using the toilet paper at work. That seems to irritate it. Anyhow .... I am going to a CRS for the first time on Monday to see if I can have the tag removed and I'm very very very nervous. What should I expect ...?
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Re: Newbie ... in need of support

Postby Roidsfizzman » 18 Jul 2014, 16:05

Hi Mimi,

Your CRS will tell you that the sentinel pile can be removed with surgery. You need to be careful with any type of surgery in the anal area. The anal area is not friendly to heal as it has a lot of nerves, moisture and the area must still be used while healing. If you do get an infection, there can be complications with an abscess. If your only issue is with discomfort from the TP at work, I would recommend that you try to find a work-a round and do the surgery as a last resort.

Your CRS can provide you with the best information on what you can expect, but they do have a vested interest in doing the surgery.

If you do make the decision to do the surgery, I wish you the best and a speedy recovery.
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Re: Newbie ... in need of support

Postby Jbl22424 » 18 Jul 2014, 21:54

So you only have pain if you use the TP at work? What if you just brought your own TP? I'm not understanding the need for surgery. Some folks on here are here because they did surgery in the area... I wouldn't mess with things that aren't too bad but if you have a bigger issue you should get it addressed.
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Re: Newbie ... in need of support

Postby mimi12 » 19 Jul 2014, 09:38

I agree with both of never bugged me before and frankly I never thought about the pile until I saw my GP. She suggested I see a CRS. I told her about the pile and she told me that's a sign of chronic fissures and that my fissure would most likely cme back again and again. So now off I go to CRS for an exam and seeing about surgery and removal. I almost wish I didn't see the GP...I was finally feeling normal again.
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Re: Newbie ... in need of support

Postby Scientist2516 » 19 Jul 2014, 16:33

I agree with 'Roids and Jbl - don't do anything about your sentinel pile unless you absolutely have to. This surgery, which seems so simple, has caused some people a lot of pain and complications.

It doesn't seem as though there's a reason to have it removed. It's a sign you once had a fissure, and not that your fissure is active or chronic now. Also, suppose your fissure is chronic and active - you don't heal it by removing the pile!

I have a sentinel pile. Probably most of us with healed fissures have one. It doesn't bother me except now and again, a little bit.
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Re: Newbie ... in need of support

Postby Apes » 19 Jul 2014, 19:41

Just to add another voice, I'm in total agreement. I'm just about healed from botox, have an annoying sentinel pile. Compared to the fissure pain it's nothing. I go back to my CRS for a checkup in a couple of weeks, and will not think of having it removed.
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Re: Newbie ... in need of support

Postby mimi12 » 19 Jul 2014, 19:52

Honestly... thanks for the advice. I was so conflicted on what to gp made it sound like a simple procedure but you are all correct...if its not necessary then why put my body through any surgery. I think I just needed to hear that from someone else. I'm happy I found this blog ... truly helpful. Thanks you all again...u have helped me in what I also believe is the right choice.
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Re: Newbie ... in need of support

Postby Jbl22424 » 19 Jul 2014, 21:38

Isn't this forum great? Where else could you get advice from five total strangers about your butt! Sounds like you are doing fine, Mimi. Don't let someone scare you. If you aren't in discomfort and you continue to stay fissure-free, then you don't need to do a darn thing!
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Re: Newbie ... in need of support

Postby SRR » 22 Jul 2014, 09:50

I'm not new to this and I know how scary it can be. I have had several fissures which will leave a skin tag and also hemorrhoids. Avoid surgery and do what is best - don't aggravate the pile or fissure. We need to eat healthy, exercise and drink plenty of water. Many people suffer with this problem. Avoid getting scared ( It doesn't help, trust me. I'm a big funk!) Avoid TP, it's not good.
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