Finally getting help

Hemorroid or fissure

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Finally getting help

Postby In Denial » 26 Aug 2014, 11:50


I am new to posting but have spent many a sleepless night reading posts over the last week. Let me start with a bit of background, I am unsure if I have a fissure or if my hemorroid is causing me pain. I occasionally have a tingling sensation in my anus which causes me slight discomfort however in the evening the pain becomes quite excruciating. I have either a tag or a prolapsed hemorroid, if I continually massage the tag the pain goes but if I don't the pain becomes sharp and a bit like someone is stabbing me. Having a BM doesn't cause me pain but then afterwards I have a throbbing sensation which can last a few minutes then come and go during the day. Ice and heat doesn't help, sitz baths don't work, any creams are also of no use (one application resulted with me screaming in pain, washing it off and then lying on the floor crying). I've tried accupuncture which gives me short term relief but after 2 weeks it wears off.

I have suffered from hemorroid since the birth of my second child 7 years ago, but the recent flare up has had me in pain for 3 months. Does anyone else have experience of this, it is making me so miserable and my 2 children and husband are besides themselves worrying.

Thank you in advance
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Re: Finally getting help

Postby Apes » 26 Aug 2014, 13:34

I can't really tell you what it is, but strongly recommend you see a CRS so you can get proper treatment.. Good luck. Love your avatar
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Re: Finally getting help

Postby In Denial » 26 Aug 2014, 14:38

Thank you Apes, I have an appointment to see the CRS on Thursday evening. My doctor made an NHS referral which gave me an appt of 20th October, I could not wait for that long so am going to do it privately. Surprisingly I am sitting her with my children making loom bands and at the moment have no pain.

Avatar summed up how I have been feeling of late
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Re: Finally getting help

Postby owmybum » 29 Aug 2014, 10:00

How did your appointment go??
What did the crs say??

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: Finally getting help

Postby In Denial » 30 Aug 2014, 14:24


I actually ended up cancelling my appointment as I am feeling 50% better and was worried that any poking, prodding, examinations will make it worse. My skin tag seems to be shrinking and feel the changes i have made might be working. I will rebook appointment if i feel at any point my symptoms are not improving.

How are you? I have read many of your posts with great interest
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Re: Finally getting help

Postby owmybum » 30 Aug 2014, 16:21

That's really good news... I hope things continue to get better for you. At least you know you can book a private appointment at short notice if need be.

I am much the same, thankyou for asking. I live in hope I too will turn that corner soon.

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: Finally getting help

Postby In Denial » 30 Aug 2014, 16:24

to be honest I am not sure if I did the right thing but was so scared after hearing from people who felt an appt with a CRS had made them worse. But as you said a private appointment is about 3 days maximum so should be ok. I am finding as I am typing this that the stabbing pains have no changed to a stinging sensation, no idea what that means but I have not had the need to take pain killers this evening which is good news.

Have you tried the Dr Wheatgrass superbalm, I ordered it and am hoping for a miracle :)
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Re: Finally getting help

Postby owmybum » 30 Aug 2014, 16:40

No I've not tried it..... It must be the only thing left on the planet I haven't tried!! Lol I hope it soothes you.

I can't blame you for wanting to leave things well alone if they are starting to feel better. Some crs's are really rough. My crs has never laid a finger on me unless I was under anaesthetic.

It's always tricky to work out what's going on with a fissure when there are so many different sensations. Stingy sounds better than stabbing though!! The area is just so packed with nerves that it seems there is always some sort of weird feeling going on!

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: Finally getting help

Postby mmklinemm » 30 Aug 2014, 22:46

Please don't be afraid to see the CRS. Mine just looked, he never touched me, so it was totally painless. Completely degrading, but painless. :) If you're worried, you can ask him point blank not to poke, prod, or do a digital exam. It's better to have a diagnosis and know exactly what is causing your pain. The treatments for fissures and hemorrhoids are very different. I'm glad you're feeling a little better, though!
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Re: Finally getting help

Postby In Denial » 31 Aug 2014, 05:41

I know I should not be afraid of going to my CRS, I have done much research and he seems very knowledgeable and sympathetic to 'bum pain' as my husband calls it. However as I was beginning to feel better I did not want anything to aggravate. I actually think I have a hemorroid as the pain is outside and not inside but I am not qualified so this just speculation.

The positive thing is I have been using the wheatgrass now for one day only and I can report that it seems to be making a difference already (it might just be the timing of me already healing and using the cream or the cream is accelarating my healling - who knows). last night the stinging sensation was not as stingy (if that makes sense) more itchy so I maybe moving onto another stage of my healing process.

This morning i woke up with an achy bum and after my BM i had no pain just an uncomfortable sensation for a few minutes, i am still not 100% but compared to when i wrote this post i would say i am definitely 80% better. i had the odd occasional stinging spasm but if i start walking or moving it seems to stop.

Fingers crossed for me please and speedy recovery for everyone else too x
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