creams and such after LIS

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Re: creams and such after LIS

Postby juney » 08 Jan 2008, 15:13

it just seems so strange that they wouldn't recommend you use stool softeners. usually they recommend that after any kind of anal surgery b/c the area is so sensitive. i can't imagine how you keep things soft enough with just fiber supplements!
i had the burning/discomfort after BM too, for weeks after LIS. i was off work for 2 weeks and didn't sit in a chair the entire time! i laid on the floor with a heating pad on my butt when i wasn't in the tub. taking lots of hot baths will help, especially immediately after BM.
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Re: creams and such after LIS

Postby Fissulyna » 08 Jan 2008, 17:08

Thanks Juney : ) !!!
Their theory is that that part has to "work" and if it gets used to soft BMs it can't handle normal once when it is healed and than brakes open again. Same way people get enlarged colons if they do not empty them regularly . So, that was not recommended only to me but to all of their patients - it is in their pamphlet for post op care. I really can't complain about consistency since it is fluffy but it is only because I never had problem with constipation to begin with. Actually, when I started using mineral oil and MOM I had to go 5 TIMES A DAY to the bathroom, and that is why I lost 20 pounds. Now I go usually 2 times, but fiber really bulks it up ! So, yes, my sphincter is "working" , beaucoup over-time !!!! I am amassed actually that it does not bleed more than it does ! But, I am wondering how poor people who have constipation deal with post op like that : ( ???
They also recommended that I eat everything since I was not ever constipated to begin with. So, yeah, I do eat everything , and my poop is normal soft due to metamucil but again - too big in my opinion ! Mineral oil is absolutely forbidden to me - again - it lubricates too much and colon gets used to it, they say.
I don't know : (, I am afraid not to follow instructions because if anything goes wrong than it will be my fault, know what I mean ?
Thanks for telling me that you had burning and discomfort too , maybe some of us need longer time to heal.
How long your skin tag wound needed to close over ? Was it more painful than fissure pain when you would have to go to the bathroom? I am asking
because I have this new problem with my skin tag and maybe they will have to remove it.
Thanks a lot in advance Image
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Re: creams and such after LIS

Postby juney » 08 Jan 2008, 18:34

the skin tag wound took at least 2 weeks to heal from what i remember. i had that removed during my first LIS last may. i don't remember any abnormal pain during BM after the surgery/skin tag removal. my fissure experience has definitely been different than most people's, as i've required 2 surgeries and have still not completely healed.
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Re: creams and such after LIS

Postby Fissulyna » 08 Jan 2008, 20:47

Thanks Juney : )) !!! I just came from CRS and he said that I need to wait 6 month before he would do skin tag removal, oh least he would do it if needed. I guess I should be happy about that ... Image
He also said that since I had fissurectomy I will need at least 4 weeks to heal, but by 8 th week it should be gone (knock the wood :koolaid: ). We shell see...
Thanks again for everything and best of luck with your continuing healing Image
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