back from surgery!

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back from surgery!

Postby val » 11 Jan 2008, 14:05

Hi guys, I'm back-God it was BAD! I had the LIS, the fistula laid open, a skin tag removed, and the surgeon said I had a 12cm fissure which was cleaned out too, which was down to the muscle.
Here's what happened-
arrived at hospital at 7am, shown into the room.
went down for anaesthetic at 10:15. Was going to be gassed as I have bad needle phobia, but was brave at the last minute and actually had the needle-out in seconds!
woke up at 11:50 and took back to the room.
felt wonderful, no pain,phoned everybody, said it was a breeze-haha! little did I know!
my surgeon came in at 10pm and said all the painkillers given to me in theatre would have worn off and this was as bad as it was gonna get. "Great", I said, "thanks for giving me my life back".
stayed up until midnight so that I could have paracetamol to keep on top of the pain and have a good nights sleep.
woke up at 2am in AGONY! Had to have morphine as I'm allergic to most medicines. it took the edge off it, but not completely.
at 4am, started getting pain in upper stomach, called the nurse, it got so bad, I couldn't breathe and my stomach had gone into spasm and it was all rigid right through to my back. The pain got worse and I thought I was having a heart attack, but it was post-op wind! How embarrassing, but man, that was painful.
stayed up the rest of the night and got home at 2pm.
cant take anything but paracetamol which doesn't even put a dent in the pain. This is a nightmare!
dreading the bathroom when it happens, especially as I've got stitches.
This is the worst day ever! its got to get better!
Thank you so much everyone for all your support and help before my op-you've all been so great Image Image
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Re: back from surgery!

Postby buttgirl » 11 Jan 2008, 14:27

It will al be uphill from here Val. Promise.
I had a couple stiched too. I popped one the second day. That sucked. But I couldn't even feel it amidst the other swelling.
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Re: back from surgery!

Postby Fissulyna » 11 Jan 2008, 14:52

Dera Val :D ,
I am so happy to finally see your post !!!! I was worried when you didn't write yesterday - forgot that in UK they probably don't kick people out of the hospital same moment they open their eyes like here Image !!!
You did great Image , I am so proud of you : ) !!! After the first poop you will be able to relax completely Image
It sucks that you can't take anything but paracetamole, but maybe it is better - you won't become constipated for sure ! And, yes, every day your pain will subside more and more Image
It is good that you went for surgery, dear Val, I can't believe that your fissure was that BIG!!! Image My goodness - maybe it was good that your skin-tag gave you trouble - this way you "cleared" all problems at once !!!! That fissure was time -bomb :( !!!
Write again when you can - in the meantime you know that our prayers and thoughts are with you Image
I wish you fantastic and fast recovery !!!!!!
XOXOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo..... :arwen:
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Re: back from surgery!

Postby Guest » 11 Jan 2008, 18:54

wow, that sounds horrible. i am so sorry you are going through that :(
i hope you feel better very, very soon.
at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel, the pain will eventually go away for GOOD. yay!!!! that is something to look forward to :)

Re: back from surgery!

Postby Guest » 11 Jan 2008, 19:32

I am so sorry for your pain. But now you should be on your way to recovering. What a yukky experience for you..
Val and Fiss on there way to be pain free!!!

Re: back from surgery!

Postby bherna1 » 11 Jan 2008, 21:40

hope you feel better.
my pain feels like it is close to the muscle..maybe as bad as yours
hope you feel better
take care
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Re: back from surgery!

Postby mypoopyhurtsme » 11 Jan 2008, 21:54

Whoa, that's really rough. But sounds like you're a trooper. Good for you. Hang in there! Hope you feel better soon!
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Re: back from surgery!

Postby motherluch » 11 Jan 2008, 22:34

It's got to get better from here...think positive thoughts and I wish you a very speedy recovery, hang in there!!
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Re: back from surgery!

Postby happyass » 11 Jan 2008, 23:21

congrats val!
that was a lot of work done but now you have everything clean down there and everything in a position for healing.
i can't imagine what pain you are in now but i hope that indeed it will lessen and get better and that your new butt will be better off for it.
we are all here holding your hand and wishing the most wonderful recovery thoughts for you.
you got it over and now it's all easy yet stressful sailing but you'll get there......
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Re: back from surgery!

Postby Guest » 12 Jan 2008, 02:58

Sounds like a real ordeal, but at least they have taken care of the problems and hopefully you can now start to get back to normal.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
Regards Mark

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