Anorectal manometry

anorectal manometry with severe stenosis...would it be painful

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Anorectal manometry

Postby Anex » 31 Jul 2015, 13:51

I ve had 3 surgeries..First was for external hemmoroids..After that i suffered from severe anal stenosis and mutiple fissures for which i got anal dilation..things got a bit better after this..but stenosis returned resulting in fissures...fissures became so painful that i had to go through another idea if doc prformed fiisurectomy or LIS..but things didnt get completely ok..i still had trouble passing out bulkier stools...and now i have an active fissure again and stenosis too...i cant get checkup done with open eyes so doctor has advised.anorectal manometry..I want to ask would it hurt? I cant even pass out pencil size stool so how can they check me up ? Would it damage fissures ? And what do i expect after this test?
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Re: Anorectal manometry

Postby pinpin » 12 Aug 2015, 03:57

If I am not wrong, this kind of procedure is done under general anesthesia, which means it is not painful.
It also may damage fissures, depends how gentle they will be.

I suppose doctor expects to get full picture of things down there, as due to spasms and fissures, and stenosis it is difficult to get all these seen.

From what other forum members experience, sometimes two birds are killed with one shot. They check up things and may also perform surgery. For stenosis please read up about flap surgeries.
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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Re: Anorectal manometry

Postby msimon » 12 Aug 2015, 12:08

I had anorectal manometry done several years ago (before my AF) and it is a test done consciously where they are measuring the pressure of your sphincter (mainly internal). They first insert a finger to check things out, then they insert a deflated balloon which they inflate to various pressures while asking you about sensations and to squeeze your muscles etc. At the end, they have you poop out the balloon. I have anismus (and did at the time) -this is where I have trouble relaxing the muscles (external sphincter and pelvic floor) and could not poop the balloon out. They had to deflate it and pull it out. Not to scare you but I think even just sticking a finger in could be painful and worsen a fissure but Doctors like to do this test before further intervention because it tests the tone in your internal sphincter and this determines whether and LIS could heal you or make you incontinent. It can be very important, especially if you have already had an LIS and may answer the question about whether a second one would be beneficial or harmful. Hope this helps!
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: Anorectal manometry

Postby salamon555 » 12 Aug 2015, 18:04

I don't know about the Anorectal Manometry , but I had my colonoscopy done yesterday , the procedure itself was very easy ,the result was my colon looks good besides a medium sized fissure with 2 big skin tag . In my case I should have wait until either my fissure get healed or until it approach a dead end , coz in my situation I was doing some improvement until the procedure was done then I find myself in the square one: irritation,spasm, pain etc ... also i don't mean to scare you because the procedures are different and perhaps my case is not like yours , you may ask your Doctor to be gentle to do it , and this is only my own colonoscopy experience . I hope you get better
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Re: Anorectal manometry

Postby aimonaali » 10 Sep 2015, 14:15

I've had anorectal manometry. For me they didn't use a finger first but just inserted the balloon. I think they tried to put it in in a wrong angle ro something since it hurt a bit eventhough my fissure has healed. They pump water into the balloon and move it a bit to get the pressure of the relaxed muscles. Then they had me tighten my sphichters to test the pressure that way. The last thing they did was to pump water to the balloon and I had to let them know when I felt like going to the bathroom.
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