Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Slow healing, mental health, light in the end of tunnel

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Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby pinpin » 23 Sep 2013, 12:56

As I promised in one of the parallel threads, I would like to share my personally unique experience with such terrible condition as hemorrhoids, and stuff related to it. Back in 2006, I got surgery on my appendix, and right after bad constipation with first hemorrhoid. That time is went away quickly, but some 3 years ago every business trip with beer, stakes, burgers and bad bowel habits leaded to hemorrhoid flare up, it was thromboses once a year, and I had 3 times performed thromb evacuation as outpatient surgery. Well last 2012 I got 3 such flare up, which went away after 2-3 weeks, and mostly I was fine, but in June 2013 my baby boy was supposed to be born, and I decided to fix this problem permanently forever doing surgery prior his birth. So I never return to problem again. I wanted to do it partially for myself to be able to continue drinking beer, eating meet, and partially to be able to care about newborn. Though to be honest, probably I wanted to get it fix for myself.

Went to surgeon in January 2013, he told I got some internal small hemmie, where he could perform some laser treatment to heat vessels and prevent blood flow. But I wanted to fix external as mostly bothering, now I remember he didn't like this idea, but agreed with can do this together. He never mentioned any complication I can get, and told that having surgery on Friday, by Monday I will be fine again and can go to work. I did very small research on internet read about some complications, but mostly saw positive stories in all reports across internet. So I was so successful at that point of time, great job, family, new apartments, waiting baby, so never was looking at bad scenarios. Lets say I didn't want to see them, though as I know now there are some many of those.

We agreed on the date - 07.02.2013. By this time my recent flare up calmed down, so in any other situation I would cancel surgery, but I was thinking it will return again, so even I am fine now I should get things sorted out. Everything is so good now, I am on the horse, so last thing to fix is hemorrhoid, lets do it finally!! Surgeon told to make one enema prior arriving to hospital, and ask somebody to get me back to home. I was supposed to get spinal anesthesia. That was a date everything started.

To be continued..... :helmet:

07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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Re: Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby pinpin » 25 Sep 2013, 12:56

Were no signs of trouble (07.02.2013)
Day of surgery with great mood, my wife delivered me to hospital. I got surgery as planned with spinal anesthesia, also they gave me some sedative, so I was in lala land during surgery. Managing small team in corporation I work, I was working even after surgery with great mood and power, answering on the calls. Surgeon visited me after surgery, and gave almost none post operative instruction saying do what you are doing usually, for pain management prescribed some pills, and told to eat like I usually did. Well, on Friday(next day) with all gauzes I went for managers training feeling a injured, but positive. On Saturday second day after surgery I started to become worried regarding BM, and on Sunday went to push some out of me, which came as small ball and so crazy painful! That time I firstly felt disabled and out of control of my body. On Monday I had so terrible BM, it was huge, painful and broke all my anus apart. After BM I was walking around for 4 hours, because I was not able to lay and tolerate pain. I will never forget this BM! Wife visited me in noon and saw how I was suffering.. I had no clue it was only beginning. Immediately I understood, I am not going to survive this next time, and asked wife to get laxatives. They were osmotic, and made me go every morning, but I noticed they are stopping working with time, and didn't made me go every morning. BMs were still painful, but didn't split any wounds.

I got open hemorrhoidectomy, where approximately 1 quadrant of anus was cut off. The most painful places were edges of open wound - posterior(360) and 270. The outside started to heal quite quickly, but not inside.

On Monday I cancelled all my flight for next 4 weeks, also informed I will be off work during this time. Later on I took 2 weeks additionally, which leaded to 6 weeks out of work. That was so much traumatic, that even after 6 weeks, I was hardly walking and sitting on work.. I was afraid to eat all this time and ate only yogurts, but had some body reserve, so didn't notice I am losing weight. BMs were terrible, insert suppository, oh boy... That time I started to do some enemas in order to simplify my life. It was March 23, 6 weeks, and I went to business trip, which I hardly survived....
All 6 weeks I was hopeful, really hopeful, by the 3rd week I started to lurk on internet checking what is actual recovery time, and for most cases it is 6 weeks maximum. So I was blindly following this target and hoping I will be fine by this date, as many others do...

Unfortunately I was completely not.... And I understood something is wrong here....
To be continued... :helmet:

PS: I am sorry for spelling, will setup spellchecker soon to correct words.
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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Re: Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Please go-away! » 05 Oct 2013, 19:49

I do hope things are getting better for you, feel your pain, well not the same, but in the past, please heal fast my friend.
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Re: Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby revma1 » 17 Oct 2013, 14:43

I believe I have the same issue as you, it has been 4 weeks since my external thrombosed hemorrhoid was removed - since then my existing non-painful tiny fissure has been torn open and created a new world of pain. In addition to this, my wound from the hemm surgery looks the same - my GP took a look today and she sais the wound did not appear to be healing - she seemed concerned - as it looks worse this week than last. In addition to this I find the wound sensitive to touch and slightly painful when dabbing dry with cotten wool following a BM. I can feel that it is growing in pain. How long is the norm for wound healing down there? What is your experience? Will LIS cure the wound according to your CRS? Should I wait a few more weeks before I panic? At this point its hard to tell if pain is from fissure or wound! Any thoughts or ideas would be helpful please!
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Re: Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby revma1 » 17 Oct 2013, 14:48

Should add - BM's not very painful, 1/10 - no burning just discomfert, its after bm completed and clean up that it feels sensitive and starts to pulse and prickle and swell. Again not sure if all symptoms are wound or some relate to AF. I can feel the wound though now and again.
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Re: Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Itsrachel » 13 Nov 2013, 13:51

I had a hemorrhoidectomy 8 months ago and I have been going through problems ever sense.
I'm pretty sure I had a closed one... When people explain things to me that I'm really nervous about Its hard to listen and or remember.

My doctors never tried anything else for a few external hemorrhoids. They just wanted me to jump into removing everything all together. I didnt know I had other options so I did it. I have never fully healed. I ended up getting 3 somewhat large skin tags from the surgery and one became infected when I was almost healed. Then after that the pain never stopped. I think i got a fissure but no doctors could actually see my issue and didn't believe my pain. Thankfully my new doctor noticed irritation and diagnosed me with a fissure. I feel like everything in me has changed and I hate it. I really hope I heal from the fissure soon because the pain is just never ending.

I hope you heal and seriously be very very careful with what you eat and make sure to keep your BM's soft.... but not too soft. My new doctor said I will have the anus of a 12 year old for hte rest of my life and I need to make sure my BM's never get to a "normal" size.

Let me know if you find anything that makes you feel better and if you fully heal! It's a very frustrating and hard process.
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Re: Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Turk the cat » 14 Nov 2013, 16:54

Rachel, What are the other options re tag removal? Waiting for them to diminish in size as time goes on would be one I suppose. I certainly have noticed that has been the case with mine -- although still large.

I have the chance to have LIS and (hemorrhoid) skin tag removal in early January, but the more I read up on it, I'm thinking I want to go the natural route for sometime longer.

Itsrachel wrote:My doctors never tried anything else for a few external hemorrhoids. They just wanted me to jump into removing everything all together. I didnt know I had other options so I did it. I have never fully healed. I ended up getting 3 somewhat large skin tags from the surgery and one became infected when I was almost healed. Then after that the pain never stopped. I think i
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Re: Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Itsrachel » 14 Nov 2013, 20:10

Turk the cat wrote:Rachel, What are the other options re tag removal? Waiting for them to diminish in size as time goes on would be one I suppose. I certainly have noticed that has been the case with mine -- although still large.

I have the chance to have LIS and (hemorrhoid) skin tag removal in early January, but the more I read up on it, I'm thinking I want to go the natural route for sometime longer.

What's a LIS? If anything I would have gotten the general anesthesia and the scalpel. Or the banding. I think the healing with that would have been a lot easier and I wouldnt have so many issues that I do today. I only had a few external hemorrhoids so after doing more research I'm confused why they decided to do the extreme surgery on me. If you have an inner hemorrhoide problem that is really painful I would suggest having the surgery. Everyone heals differently though... I probably just had a bad experience.
My skin tags are supposed to go away, I did have 5 from surgery and now I'm down to 3. They said its just scarring and like most scars they shrink during the healing process.
If they don't fully go away in another year I'm going to see if I can get them removed [without having surgery]
If yours dont bug you then I would wait it out, if they do and they get irritated a lot then I would talk to a doctor about the options that you have!
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Re: Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Turk the cat » 15 Nov 2013, 16:38

Rachel, I am so sorry the Doctors decided you had to have a full hemmorhoidectomy. Sounds like what happened to me, sort of being roped into taking measures without knowing my other options. I had the outdated sclerotheraphy procedure. If I had done my homework I would have gone for banding.

My resulting skin tags are bulky, sensitive, heed me from cleaning properly, and cause that extra bit of poop to appear after BM's. That said, in the one year since last hemorrhoid was done there have been some big improvements in the tag and discomfort level, and even, the extra poopage. Mind you, a big part of the discomfort has shifted to the fissure situation (anemic LOL!) in fact, I believe I likely a fissure not too long after first scherotheraphy injection.

LIS is Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy currently the "gold standard" (buzz word) of fissure treatments. ... ncterotomy

My CRS doesn't seem to think my tags will go away, although he thinks the discomfort will be manageable with diet. I have been exceedingly careful with my diet over the past year. Sometimes I get constipation still, but that just makes me more diligent and try different food measures. For example, right now I'm working on a bit less fiber so my stools will be less bulky.

I'm on the waiting list for LIS/tag removal, but am strongly considering continuing to take care of the situation naturally. As far as LIS if I proceed I'd be in trouble on two counts by being older, at 50, and a female, for an extra chance of fecal incontinence. And as far as skin tag removal this seemingly simple procedure can have devastating infection results.
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Re: Slow recovery after Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Please go-away! » 19 Nov 2013, 19:36

And as far as skin tag removal this seemingly simple procedure can have devastating infection results.

I cant agree more, My Doctor did not recommend this procedure, due too that issue, I also am over 50, keeping my Diet healthy and avoiding Constipation, I have to be careful due to my IBS, even after healing,

Please take care and heal fast :smilyhug:
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