STOP Anal Itching!

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STOP Anal Itching!

Postby ronnie42 » 18 Aug 2015, 14:55

ANY condition that affects your anus is incredibly unpleasant…I dealt with anal fissures for 3 years. My main problem was that I could not stop itching and it made the fissure worse and more irritating. I did some research and found that pruritus ani (chronic itchy anus) is very similar to anal fissures. PA led me to Pranicure, which is an ointment that I think you can only get online.

But friends, Pranicure seriously works for fissures too. Within 3 weeks, my condition had improved drastically and I only had to apply the ointment every other day. I can't tell you how good I feel and I wanted to share my story so hopefully I can help more people out! It's worth a shot.
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Re: STOP Anal Itching!

Postby hurtinend » 18 Aug 2015, 15:13

It is a good product, it is relieving.

Eventually your body will get used to it, and because it only masks the issue....the evil may return

It helps but I do not see it as a cure.
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Re: STOP Anal Itching!

Postby Savaici » 18 Aug 2015, 20:09

Hi Ronnie. We appreciate you letting people know about this ointment. However, both your posts have been about this, so would appreciate thst you do not put up another covering the same topic...we would consider that close to you advertising this.

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