Toronto-Based Fistula/Fissure/Hemorrhoid Surgeons

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Toronto-Based Fistula/Fissure/Hemorrhoid Surgeons

Postby ThirstyBuddha » 07 Jul 2018, 14:21

Hello everyone,

I'm based in North York Toronto, does anyone know or have had a good general surgeon who is good at dealing with fistulas? I was referred to Sunnybrook and don't know who I'll get, seems like it'll be drawn out of a hat and it might be a 3 month wait just to get a consult.

If you know a good surgeon in the Toronto area, Sunnybrook, Mount Sinai, Toronto General... Please let me know.

Thanks you.
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Re: Toronto-Based Fistula/Fissure/Hemorrhoid Surgeons

Postby chachacha » 07 Jul 2018, 22:55

Here is the list from ratemd. You can click on each and see which hospital they're affiliated with. I believe that Dr. Bernick at East General (now the Michael Garron Hospital) treated someone on this forum who was very happy with his service. Two of the top few are at Sunnybrook, so you may be lucky and get one of them on your referral. ... ctologist/
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
LIS January, 2015
Hemorrhoidectomy December, 2017
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