we are not doctors on here, so can only advise. I have put your photos under a Spoiler, so people who want to see them can click.
may be a thrombosed hemorrhoid, which I have experienced. Very painful. Had it removed with emergency surgery. I've also had other hemorrhoid surgery, as have millions of others. You do not say whether you are in pain. If you are, see the CRS sooner rather than later. If they are prolapsed hemorrhoids, they are uncomfortable rather than dangerous, so I would not worry that much.
You have an appointment with a CRS, and presumably if it was considered very bad by the doctors you have already seen, they would have sent you immediately to the ER.
Please, don't worry too much. If you read some of the stories on here, having part of your intestine removed is uncommon. But only a doctor (and preferably a CRS) can confirm what the problem is for sure.