Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

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Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

Postby m_cush » 07 Jan 2016, 09:13


know I'm in trouble.... I know that I'm going to need Surgery for this and I'm scared to death of it.

The thing is that I don't even know what this is. This is what comes out whenever I have to have a Bowel Movement.

I showed it to my PCP and he saw one picture and said that those were Prolapsing Internal Hemorrhoids. I showed him the other picture and he said he didn't even know what that was. The only thing he could do is give me a Rush Order to see a Colorectal Surgeon.

The Colorectal Surgeon that I'm going to see is the Best of the Best from what I've been told. One of my Friend's has really bad Crohn's Disease and he had to have like 4 Sections of his Intestines removed. He couldn't eat any more. Would throw up or puke whatever he ate and lost more than half of his body weight in a year. They basically had to Frankenstein his Intestines. He saw like 4 Doctors before one was actually willing to do the Surgery. This Surgery saved his life and he's pretty healthy again. I'm seeing the same Doctor that treated him.

So I really don't need to hear any more Horror Stories about how bad the Surgery is. I'm already scared to death of it. I just need to hear from people that have survived it and possibly even done better after the Surgery.

The attached pictures are pretty Graphic but if there are any real Experts out there I kind of want to know what I'm dealing with. Is this a Hemorrhoid, a Partial Prolapse, what?
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Re: Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

Postby Savaici » 07 Jan 2016, 14:08

:wel: we are not doctors on here, so can only advise. I have put your photos under a Spoiler, so people who want to see them can click.

It may be a thrombosed hemorrhoid, which I have experienced. Very painful. Had it removed with emergency surgery. I've also had other hemorrhoid surgery, as have millions of others. You do not say whether you are in pain. If you are, see the CRS sooner rather than later. If they are prolapsed hemorrhoids, they are uncomfortable rather than dangerous, so I would not worry that much.

You have an appointment with a CRS, and presumably if it was considered very bad by the doctors you have already seen, they would have sent you immediately to the ER.

Please, don't worry too much. If you read some of the stories on here, having part of your intestine removed is uncommon. But only a doctor (and preferably a CRS) can confirm what the problem is for sure.
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Re: Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

Postby m_cush » 07 Jan 2016, 15:07

Well, pretty much every Bowel Movement hurts. Whatever happens to go past my butt no matter how soft it is feels like it's tearing me open but I'm thinking that's because of the size of the thing I have inside of me.

It causes a lot of pressure pain in me as well. I almost always feel like I need to have a Bowel Movement. I can't move gas out (fart) at all any more. I need to be on a Toilet to do so.

It hurts to wipe and I'm getting a lot of mucus discharge on the Toilet Paper. As well as streaks of blood.

Then after every Bowel Movement I have to grab that in a handful and shove it back inside of me. It's not just like one lump on the side of my Butt or any thing but it's like a round circle of flesh that I have to keep jamming back up inside of me.

It's putting a lot of pressure on my Prostate as well because I can't stop peeing every 30 minutes or so.

I'm using Dr Wheatgrass's Superbalm Ointment on my Butt so that does cut down on the pain quite a bit. Without that it feels like I'm passing Hot Coals or Razors which I know are signs of a Fissure.

I don't know how to rate my Pain. I hardly do any thing any more. I've been on Disability for 10 years but now I'm pretty much at home hiding because I don't know when my next Bowel Movement is going to be and how much pain I'm going to be in after I have it. It's like giving Birth several times a day.
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Re: Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

Postby chachacha » 07 Jan 2016, 17:13

I'm not sure if my experience is at all related to yours (and you really have to have this looked at by a professional CRS!), but you can read all about my prolapsed hemmies and fissure here: lis-success-for-me-t9369.html

I was never brave enough to even look at them in a mirror though, so don't know if they looked like the pictures you've posted above. I had pain, blood, and mucus though, and had to return a very large mass of prolapsed hemmies back after every single movement, similar to what you're describing.
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Re: Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

Postby m_cush » 07 Jan 2016, 17:48

Chachacha what did you do to treat them and how was it?
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Re: Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

Postby chachacha » 07 Jan 2016, 19:58

Did you read the link I posted above? It explains my whole, entire experience.
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Re: Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

Postby Nicolay » 15 Jan 2016, 05:14

Not a doctor myself, but those photos remind me of me in 2009. External or prolapsed hemmies.

If I may give friendly, but URGENT advice ... have this looked at and treated immediately! After breathing, make this your next highest priority. This is not life-threatening, but it is a threat to your quality of life.

Best of luck!
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Re: Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

Postby m_cush » 15 Jan 2016, 05:31

I know, they give me the worse bowel pain. I always feel like I have to go even when I don't and that leads to straining and then trying to cram those back up inside of me which hurts like Hell.

The thing is I'm scared to death of the Surgery.

Which Surgery did you have Nicolay?
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Re: Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

Postby Nicolay » 15 Jan 2016, 11:24

m_cush ... had the traditional Hemorrhoidectomy where they simply tie off the blood vessels that have become enlarged. This leaves skin tags behind, which can be irritable and makes hygiene a bit of a pain (shower after BM) but the surgeon says removing them may make the hole too small. Not something I wanted to test.

The op was really a breeze. 3 days post-op hospital stay, minimal pain for about 1 week. 2 weeks off work. A good time to reflect and pamper oneself back to health.

That said, I have been dealing with spasms/cramps on and off for 3 to 4 years since, but did have 1 really good year after op.

Best of luck!
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Re: Scared... can somebody tell me what this is?

Postby m_cush » 15 Jan 2016, 12:31

Nicolay that doesn't sound like the Traditional Hemorrhoidectomy at all. In the Traditional they take a Scalpel and cut off the Hemorrhoids. What you're describing sounds like Rubber Band Ligation.

I think I'm a little bit too large for Banding.

I'll know in 27 days but I think my CRS is going to recommend performing the PPH Procedure or the Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy.
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