Fissure after childbirth

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Re: Fissure after childbirth

Postby Newmommy28 » 30 Jan 2014, 18:10

I'm glad to hear that some of you are doing better!

I, on the other hand, think I may have jinxed myself after writing my last post, as I've had another setback (I think this is #4?). I'm going to attribute it to not drinking enough water the past couple days. I have really struggled with this. It is so hard especially lately with my 4 month old. He's in the stage where he wants to be held all the time, so its very difficult for me to drink enough H20, let alone eat!

Anyway I've been in a lot of pain and am about 80% sure I may do the surgery. I'm really scared about it, but I really don't know how much more of thîs I can take. I'm trying to keep positive though.

Interestingly, the past 3 days I've started having bad anal itching. What could this be from? I've stopped using diltiazem but the itching is still there. I don't get it. Has anyone else has this? At first I was hoping it was a sign that things were healing and new tissue was starting to regenerate? But then I had all this pain today. I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor.

I really hope everyone is doing better today!
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Re: Fissure after childbirth

Postby FDP » 30 Jan 2014, 18:37

Hi Newmommy28 so sorry to hear you are suffering. when the pain was too much for me I used to wrap a couple of ice cubes in a paper towel and hold it on my bum while going to the toilet to try and numb it and it helped. Try stay strong, you've come so far. Try think that its healing more and more each day even if you have a retear you might recover faster than before because of all the healing you have already done. I know it must be getting too much for you by now.. how soon could you get the surgery done, what's the main thing holding you back?
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Re: Fissure after childbirth

Postby skumar » 31 Jan 2014, 01:05

I understand your pain. I was in the same boat earlier. I am now 2 months post op and have a close to 4 month old kid. I would say talk to your doctor, see what he is saying. Are you in US? Plz read my post in lis surgery section for more detail.
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Re: Fissure after childbirth

Postby Newmommy28 » 31 Jan 2014, 12:09

Hi, FDP,

The weird thing is it doesn't really hurt when I'm going. It's the spasms after that drive me up the wall and pretty much last all day. I have a lidocaine cream the doctor gave me and I try to use that before going and after but I don't find it blunts the pain. I'm torn. I don't know what to do regarding surgery. I'm really scared that it will cause me to be incontinent when I'm older, and my husband and I would like to have more children. I had a terrible vaginal labor with our son so I think either way I would opt for a c-section with the next. I asked my doctor how it would affect me having a 2nd child and she didn't really give me a clear answer other than to speak to my Obgyn. But they don't seem to be very educated about the subject either. I have no clue what to do. I kind of feel like I would be in the small category that has issues after doing the procedure, just based off of how horrible my postpartum issues have been. But I guess that's just me being a pessimist. At this point it's hard not to.

Hi, Skumar,
How are you doing post-op wise? I will check out your posting. Are you planning on having more kids? If so what did your dr say about it? Yes, Im currently in the Washington, DC area in the US. How are you feeling now? I would really be curious to hear more. Thank you for responding to my post!
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Re: Fissure after childbirth

Postby skumar » 01 Feb 2014, 06:13

I just gave birth to my second kid. No more plans. Both are c section. First one was emergency and second I opted for c section because of this whole fissure issue. It's very subjective but I think I can deal with c section or normal delivery then any tear in the rectum area. You will know the rectum pain , emotional stress and trauma it brings to daily life only when you deal with it for years being a working mom. I am glad I opted for c section and loss/fissuretectomy/tag removal after 1month of delivery. I can understand how is it dealing with fissure and a small baby. I was in this boat when my first one was born. You can find all info on my post but pm me if you need more or want to talk.
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Re: Fissure after childbirth

Postby Mummy88 » 03 Mar 2014, 04:27

Hi, how's everyone doing? Well I hope!

I was just celebrating that this weekend was 6wks without any bleeding or issues whatsoever. However, I forgot to take movicol on Sat, had no issues on Sun so decided to not take it and see how it went. My BM this morning felt rather sharp and had a tiny bit of blood on the first wipe (sorry TMI) and now feels slightly irritated. I'm hoping its not the start of a retear but rather just irritation. Anyone experienced this? Does this also mean that I will need to be on movicol forever??
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Re: Fissure after childbirth

Postby ButtQueen » 03 Mar 2014, 05:55

Hi Mummy88. Hope you are feeling better today! Yes, don't worry about irritation at all. AFs tend to bring all sorts of sensations and feelings up the butts! My AFs seems to be irritated when it has to stretch a bit too much or if I have to go 3 to 4 times a day. Though I know it is only irritated and not re-tearing because I don't get the sharp, knife like feeling while passing BM anymore and the pain is a LOT lesser than when it initially began. Do not be disappointed or be worried by this. Just keep on doing whatever you are doing to keep your BMs smooth and regular. Good luck!
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Re: Fissure after childbirth

Postby ButtQueen » 03 Mar 2014, 06:01

And you might have to be on movicol for quite some time, if not forever :) Continue this for at least 6 months until you are truly sure that your AF has healed completely.
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Re: Fissure after childbirth

Postby missy moo33 » 05 Mar 2014, 21:54

Hi all has anyone stopped breast feeding? Has it made a difference at all? Im weaning my 5 months old at 6 months il post an update then im crossing my fingers all the pain stops after i stop breast feeding im sick of getting a new fissure every month even when im drinking least 3 litres of water per day. Good luck everyone
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