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New Here

Postby InPain123 » 05 Jun 2015, 22:28

I've been lurking around here for a couple of days and decided I should make an account so here I am! I'm a 19yo male who was just diagnosed with an anal fissure on Monday. For the past month or so there was a tiny bit of blood (no pain) when I had a BM but nothing major. I started using Prep H on it a week or so ago because I thought it was a hemorrhoid, but turns out I was wrong. I've been in great pain for the past few days... painful BMs, constant mucusy/bloody discharge even when not having a BM (is this normal?), itching and soreness. My doctor put me on diltiazem, but I've only been on it for four days. Doesn't seem like it is working so far. I'm concerned because after reading many of your posts, it seems like I'm only just at the beginning of this horrible journey. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to stop the itching and if the mucus/blood discharge is normal?
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Re: New Here

Postby msimon » 06 Jun 2015, 14:50

Hi there. Welcome to the forum. This is such a wonderful place to find when suffering with such an awful affliction. I'm sorry to hear that you too are suffering. I'm glad you got to the Doctor right away though as early treatment is so important for healing. As for the diltiazem, it can take a while to work, like up to 8 weeks. You won't likely feel an immediate benefit, although some do. The reason is that it takes so long to heal in this area as it is constantly reinjured by bowel movements. If you keep your stools soft and use the ointment regularly, there is no reason to believe you won't heal completely from this. But it can take time. Do you know what may have caused the fissure?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
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Re: New Here

Postby chachacha » 06 Jun 2015, 16:20

And as msimon says, only some people feel immediate relief, because the diltiazem's main purpose is to increase blood flow into the area so that the fissure can heal itself. It is not meant to bring you pain relief like putting on a cream to dull the pain, even though it sometimes helps to keep the spasms (if you have those) to a minimum. So if you don't spasm, the diltiazem will need time to increase the blood flow and get that fissure healed. I also agree that you have a very good chance at fixing this permanently, because you've started treatment so quickly.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
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Re: New Here

Postby hurtinend » 07 Jun 2015, 14:02

I have Diltiazem mixed with lidocaine, Been on it almost 3 weeks. Will ask the doctor for a new prescription minus the lidocaine, since it really does nothin for the irritation. I think the spasm is slightly less now.

Stay patient and follow the protocol, I wish you healing.
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Re: New Here

Postby InPain123 » 07 Jun 2015, 20:19

Thanks for the welcomes and advice, everyone!

I was experiencing excruciating pain yesterday and saw a growth at the opening and my anus and was freaked out. Called my doctor up and he said that it is probably a sentinel pile. Rest of the day was on a off pain, felt a little lightheaded but not sure if that's from the diltiazem or because I didn't eat much.

Today pain wasn't as bad (6/10). When I woke up and wiped there was a lot of blood and a blood clot (should I be worried?) Has two BMs today... first was painful and second was bad but not as painful. Still constant mucus and blood discharge coming from the area. I've been wiping with toilet paper and wet wipes. I also take three sitz baths a day. When I put the diltiazem in today it hurt so so much that I almost cried. The pain subsided after 10 minutes, though.

Do you guys have any recommendations on how to control the moisture down there? I think it's aggravating my skin and just adding to the pain of the fissure and pile.

Thanks so much!
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Re: New Here

Postby hurtinend » 07 Jun 2015, 20:42

Couple things

Try not to wipe, at all, wash the area with water. Wiping causes irritation.

I am going to start putting a cotton ball down there, to absorb moisture, you could try that.
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Re: New Here

Postby InPain123 » 09 Jun 2015, 16:58

Today feeling less pain! Minimal blood leaking from the fissure throughout the day (still a decent amount right after BM). Still having some puss leak from the area consistently. Taking 3 sitz baths a day and applying diltiazem in the morning and at night. Switched up the position I apply the diltiazem in and it is much less painful now.


Not 100% sure where the fissure came from. Towards the end of the semester I didn't drink much water and had pretty hard stool so it could be from that. I also tended to hold it in for long periods of time until I could get to the toilet in my dorm. Fissure also could have been caused by anal sex or digital stimuli but probably not. I also just finished up being on accutane which dries out your skin significantly.


Thanks for the advice. I'm wiping less frequently but I can't control the urge at some points throughout the day :(
I hope you are feeling better!
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Re: New Here

Postby Duke » 09 Jun 2015, 20:06

Hi everyone,
Six months ago I had a colonoscopy which resulted in a fissure. Thought it was a hemmroid, and treated accordingly. Pain became unbearable, was finally diagnosed with a fissure by specialist. After getting much good info from this forum, I'm glad to say I'm 90% healed. I tried creams, and suppositories and stool softeners.
Here is what fianally worked for me. I upped my stool softeners to four per day. I also gradually worked up to 9 grams of vitimen C. After a month of the combo I noticed a huge improvement. The v-C helps keep the stool soft and helps the injury heal. I added many hot baths and sometimes the finger pressure at the fissure site. (Gross)
Someone on his site said to "keep your stool soft for a month" and it will improve. I did and it did.
Thanks everyone and good luck to all.
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