How'd it go Erin?

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby buttgirl » 22 Feb 2008, 18:54

Wow! that was fast. Good for you. Keep us posted.
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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 22 Feb 2008, 20:42

Even with your pain, you make it sound like a piece of cake! Another fissure bites the dust! Way to go, Erin!
Deleted User 5

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Guest » 23 Feb 2008, 01:41

Great news, Erin. You're very brave & strong-minded.
I'm sure you'll recovery quickly .
Thinking of you & praying for you.

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Guest » 23 Feb 2008, 09:17

Hope you heal quickly, bet you're relieved it's over!
The pain now has to be worth it for a pain free butt in the future :)
Yikes to the local! They gave me a GA just for a sigmoid....
Hope you're feeling a little better today :)

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Guest » 23 Feb 2008, 19:11

Guess what, the pain was a 4/10 when I woke up this morning. Didn't take anything all day. Then around 5 pm after I ate some food that was a bit too oily I had a bad stomach ache w/diarrhea. Oddly enough some of the poo was semi-formed and some soft and liquidy. It didn't hurt at all coming out! I sat in a bath right away and then went back to bed. The pain started to get worse as time passed but nothing like AF pain, more like soarness from surgery pain. This is great news. Thought i'd share with everyone. I'm back to my regiment of colace/fish oil/aloe vera/ and MOM or Mg supplements so I'll see how I do. Just one question. Everyone seems to know that taking Mg or MOM makes the BM soft and easy to pass. Well, I was wondering if I should stop taking them and see how it feels to poop w/o them. I'm scared that it'll heal but once I stop taking MOM something will re-tear. But maybe b/c I got the LIS the retearing is not that big of a concern. I dunno, I'm confused. Does this make sense? Any thoughts?

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 23 Feb 2008, 20:06

I asked my CRS about what to eat and was told to eat a sensible diet. For me it was best to keep things soft but formed because anything loose at all burned like crazy. I was just using colace and eating lots of fresh fruit.
A retear would be no fun but any subsequent healing should be more rapid now. I had that sore feeling too, it's a good sign!
I'd just stay off my feet as much as possible for as long as possible this first week. You'll probably get an incredibly sharp itch in about three weeks or even sooner. Then a couple weeks later if all goes well, it'll be R.I.P. for your fissure! Photobucket
Deleted User 5

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Fissulyna » 23 Feb 2008, 21:06

Hi Erin : ))) ! You are doing great !!!! Your pain will have it's ups and downs but ups will be minimal and downs more and more obvious : ))) !!! I am so happy for you !
Regarding diet - I was actually ORDERED by my CRS to go back to normal diet immediately (but I was never constipated to begin with and was eating "Mediterranean" diet all my life - just because I was born in that region), and just to use Metamucil 2 times a day 1 tea spoon with 8 oz water. He insisted that I go off all kinds of stool softeners because colon has to "work"and not get used to extra soft and small poops. I listened to him and I had no problems at all. My fissure is now officially closed and I eat everything but am taking Metamucil before dinner and little bit in the morning still, just to be on he safe side. I will continue doing that for a year, because that is the period that is needed for the fissure site to become its original strength , and after that I will see... Best of luck and once more - congratulations on taking that thing "by the horns" and making sure to give yourself chance to heal fast and completely and probably forever !!!!
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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Guest » 24 Feb 2008, 07:44

Wow Fiss, so your doc said to stop all stool softeneres and similar things?! That makes soo much sense but I'm so scared to do that. Did you stop them immediately after the surgery? Maybe I should give it a try now that I'm home for a while and see how things go. Does that incluse fish oil pills, aloe vera, and things that ppl talk about in other threads like slippery elm? Or just colace and MOM.
Today I won't take my morning colace. Maybe my fish oil though. I'll add some extra benefiber to tea and water. Is benefiber and fibersure the same as Metamucil? Sorry for all the questions. Lots of love to everyone.

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Guest » 24 Feb 2008, 13:08

I would say to keep doing what you were doing before since you still have a fissure that needs to heal and now an incision. So, IMO, I would stay on the same regimen. It seems like in the past when ever anyone stopped too soon, that is when they had a setback. But Fiss's doctor makes a good point. It just isn't worth it to me because I bleed whenever it is formed (from the hem surgery).

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby juney » 24 Feb 2008, 13:45

erin - i wonder the same thing all the time, whether i should try a normal poo w/o MOM or not. i feel like i've been using MOM so long now that a normal poo will tear me right open again. i'm too scared to skip a day. i've cut back on the amount of supplements and stool softeners i take every day, so that maybe i can slowly return to "normal". But since you just had surgery i wouldn't try to rush it too much! After both my surgeries, my dr said at least use stool softeners for 30 days after.
As for aloe vera, fish oil, etc - those aren't medicines so i don't see why you'd want to stop taking them. They can only improve your overall health (and hopefully keep your BMs soft in the meantime)
I hope you're feeling even better today!
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