New Here.....Not new to the pain

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New Here.....Not new to the pain

Postby hurtinginNH » 23 Oct 2015, 14:26

Hi Everyone,

I have never signed up to be a member of the forum but it has been a huge help to me on so many occasions. I'm here with my third experience with this pain in the arse in the past 4 years.

My experience started with a bout of constipation 4 years ago and then not knowing what was going on with me for months after. Thought it was hems and did just about everything wring that I could have. Managed to heal on my own after finally figuring out it was a fissure.

Had a couple of relapses since but managed to overcome them in not much time.

This latest bout, which started after taking a round of antibiotics, is worse than ever. Finally went to see a GI doctor today and he is sending me in for a colonoscopy next week. Pretty nervous about that but I figure I should do it so they can figure out what's wrong with me. It feels a little different this time, almost like there is an abscess up there. Blood on the stool for the past couple of weeks getting better now.

Back to my routine of sitz baths and heating pads.

I wanted to share a couple of things that I have been doing this time that have helped a bit and see what you guys' opinions are and if you have anymore advice. I have been on a dose of miralax for about 3 years now. That helps.
I have been taking 400mg of magnesium everyday along with an extra strength dose of probiotics daily and a digestive enzyme with every meal.

I have found that the high fiber diet doesn't work for me and I need a healthy dose of fats everyday like grass fed butter and coconut oil. I have found that eating a serving of white starch for some reason helps me as well. I know this flies in the face of much of the wisdom on here but I can feel my digestion getting more healthy as I take this course of action. Stools are much smoother and smaller thank god! Bran and wheat products seem to make everything drier and more irritating for me. Also realized that I was drinking wayyyy too much water and washing the magnesium out of my body before it got absorbed.

Also, I got prescribed Rectiv today but almost lost it when I went to the pharmacy and heard the price. I'm not a wealthy man. Called the doc back and he said he would send my prescription to a compounding pharmacy and it would be about 1/10 of the price.

Anyway, this is my story. Hoping to get some answers after the colonoscopy and praying the nitro will help me a bit. If anyone has any advice or encouragement I would greatly appreciate it :)

Thanks to everyone here who has helped me so much already without realizing it!

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Re: New Here.....Not new to the pain

Postby Savaici » 23 Oct 2015, 15:17

Hi Nick,

:wel: to the Forum, and it sounds like you have been doing totally the right thing! Always a bit of a nervous time, the build up to the dreaded colononoscooy, but I am sure the worst part of it will be the 'clean out'. Try to eat lightly (though it seems you do that already) a few days before, and if they are giving you a GA, cut back on smoking (if you smoke; I don't) a few days before too. Apart from these bits of advice, you seem to have it pretty much under control.

Let us know how it goes!
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Re: New Here.....Not new to the pain

Postby hurtinginNH » 23 Oct 2015, 15:25

Thanks Savaici!
I will let everyone know how it goes.

Just going to keep at it and try to beat this beast!
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