by foreverbum1 » 09 Mar 2020, 22:10
Thanks for sharing. I’ve not hear of high FODMAP. I have no constipation issues, or gas or bloating. My diet is really restricted because of eosinophils esophagitis so I really don’t eat meat anymore besides occasionally pork, no dairy, no gluten, limit soy, no tree nuts. A typical day is gluten free oats raisin a little of maple syrup, lunch is usually avocado, peas, broccoli, rice burger that is free of all common allergies, and dinner is usually some variation of that. Snacks are bananas, apples, rice Chex, miralax after dinner, and I also take a 80billion probiotic which seems to help too. Been fissure free for 2 weeks now even though I have surgery scheduled for 4/1 - will more than likely cancel it if I’m good up until then. Probably ween off of miralax on the coming months and see what happens.