How'd it go Erin?

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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Fissulyna » 24 Feb 2008, 16:33

Hi Erin : ) ! Yeah, I stopped everything immediately. BUT - I have to emphasize that I never had constipation in my life. I always went to the bathroom 1 or 2 times a day. Because of that when I started with softeners I went 5 times a day which caused me to drop 20 pounds in 4 months - and I ended being 116 pounds before surgery (I am 5 feet 6", so it was really not good). Since my diet had a lot of fiber anyway too, adding Metamucile was all that was needed for me. I tried other "fibers" but Metamucil works for me the best. I drink it WITH food, so it mixes up with it and makes it nice and fluffy. We are all different, so you must find what works for you , but I strongly believe that what my CRS said is true. As any other muscle - you use it -or you loose it...
I wish you all the best and I am sure that you will heal just fine : ))) !!!
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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Guest » 24 Feb 2008, 16:57

Thanks for all the great advice. I went again today. Still sorta soft and loose b/c I think my stomach is not adjusting to food well after the anesthesia. I think I'll stick with what I've been doing for a month. Minus a few gulps of MOM here and there and see how I progress. But I totally agree, if you don't use it, you lose it! My poor colon :(
Anyone excited for the oscars? I AM!
Juney-one day we won't need MOM, I promise, but until that day lets thank god that we can get it at every drug store around! :)

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Fissulyna » 24 Feb 2008, 18:17

Erin, Val and me had trouble with some food reintroduction after we went back on normal diet. Like our body "forgot" how to digest normal food. Believe it or not, I got diarrhea after eating FRUIT YOGURT !!! ??? Now I have no problem. Just introduce one thing at a time and don't assume that you will not be able to eat it latter if it causes trouble first time around.
I am SUPER excited about Oscars : ))) !!!!! Was so worried that writer strike would ruin it too, but thanks god it will be in it's full glory !!!!
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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby happyass » 25 Feb 2008, 18:06

congrats erin on getting thru with the LIS.
it sounds like you are doing so well and just troopin' along!
take your time getting back to full speed and i hope you enjoyed the oscars!!!
i am so happy the marion c. won for best actress. and i love tilda swanson (chronicles of narnia) :-)
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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Guest » 26 Feb 2008, 08:33

Loved the oscars. The best supporting win was a bit of an upset but good for her! As for my bum, still doing the same. Haven't really been resting in bed all day or taking tons of baths but I know that if the pain comes back that's what I will do. Still have small residual pain after BM and then I take a bath but so far so good. Even slept over a relatives house tonight who doesn't mind if I have to sit in her bath or drink up her metamucil :) Sticking to the diet as well but had a glass of wine last night with a few bits of calamari, I'm italian and my relative owns a restaurant so it's hard to say no. Image

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby happyass » 26 Feb 2008, 17:38

so lucky to have a relative with a restaurant!!! :-)
mmmmm i love calamari (fried of course).....
keep up the good work erin!
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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Fissulyna » 26 Feb 2008, 19:03

So glad to hear that you are dong great Image - oh yes you are !!!! You are on the right track 100% and soon the butt problems will be the "problems of the past" Image
How cool it might be to have relative who is 1. Italian, 2. owns the restaurant
!!!??? You lucky ducky Image !!!
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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby dano » 26 Feb 2008, 21:25

hey luxdunst,ive tried a few of the fiber supplements like benefiber and fibercon,both made me poop like a it just turned everything to all but liquid which in turned burned the heck out of the fissure,once i got the metamucil CAPLETS,its been a smooth ride,they told me the store brand is fine as the main ingredient is the psyillum husk,whatever that i tell others it makes the poo soft and a cloud! for the most part...i wont touch the other stuff anymore....
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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Guest » 26 Feb 2008, 21:48

Great to hear it went so well. That's fantastic. Hope you recover quickly & fully. You're a real trooper, Erin.

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Guest » 29 Feb 2008, 08:28

So I go back to work tonight and so far the fissure hasn't been acting up. I'm almost scared to write how good I feel in fear that I will jinx it or sthg. I've been pretty good on my diet and keeping up with my supplements and getting rest. I haven't done a lot of sitz baths but when I feel the need to do them (we all know when the best cure is a hot tub for your ass) I'll jump right in.
On a sad note, just when I thought life would calm down and stress would be eradicated (as if that ever happens) my grandma fell and broke her hip and is just not doing well at all. All we can do is pray and fight with her insurance to let her get surgery and go back into the nursing home. So on that note life is once again stressful but I'm counting my blessings.
I never thought I would be a 'blogger' but sometimes I feel like this site is a place for us to 'blog' and ya know what, it feels fabulous. I don't get those ppl who write all the details about their life everyday as if ppl actually care that a bird pooped on them or their bf didn't remember their b-day. But this place is diff. It's my sancturay sorta and I thank each and everyone of you. THanks for reading my long arse post. Talk to ya soon!
Oh and ps worked out today and feel good. I need the gym in my life:)

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