The evil returns

The dreaded retear

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The evil returns

Postby hayleyw » 08 Dec 2015, 14:28

Hello everyone. Been a few months since i've posted her, the main reason being because i've felt almost completely cured since mid-august, well I did until yesterday when I went the loo and found i was constipated. I felt the tear again and there was a bit of blood too. The pain wasn't too bad, sore afterwards for an hour or so. No spasms or anything i couldn't mostly ignore pain wise. Went again to the toilet today and again I was still quite constipated, it was a quick visit, i knew I wasn't going to get far with it so I didn't strain and injure things more. The small bm i did manage to have didn't feel like razors but it had a strong burning sensation which passed a few seconds after the passage of the stool. No blood this time, surprisingly.

Really annoyed now. Two months of easy bms and no trauma should have been enough to heal it you'd think. You can stick to the best diet in the world but occassionally for one reason or another, you will have a hard bm and maybe this will always be the result of them for me. I just hope it's a small retear and I don't go back to the dark days. I think i'll start again with the dilt cream for a few days.

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Re: The evil returns

Postby Canadabum » 08 Dec 2015, 23:01

Hayleyw....sending you a huge virtual hug


The retear sucks....been there and can totally relate. It is a tough journey that we are on. Are you taking any fiber supplements or stool softeners on a regular and religious basis. My own personal approach is to be super careful for a full year after my last bleed/pain episode....once i pass a year i will know i am really ok and done with it (unless it decides to come back 10 year from now...hope not!). I have been taking Miralax and finding it really helpful...I take less than half a dose a day and it works wonders...and no dr i have spoken with is too concerned about long term use.

The good thing is that you didnt feel the razor blades and glass shards...thankfully!!! Sounds like it may be a very minor tear and in all likelihood you will catch it early with the Dilt and you will be able to resolve this quickly. Great idea to go back on the cream...get out that heating pad and make friends with water and all the yummy fiber foods again.

Please keep us posted.

All best,
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Re: The evil returns

Postby Severelydepressed » 09 Dec 2015, 11:33

Hi Hayleyw, I too wanna send you a virtual hug. I'm sorry about the slight retear, but I'm really glad it wasn't the worst of the worst. I know it's disappointing, but I am realizing this is a very slow, and I mean slowwww process, unfortunately. Great idea getting on the Diltiazem right away! If you're not already on a stool softener, maybe try using one - at least for the next few days. I'm sure you already know all this, but I just wanted to say I know what it's like fearing the return of the "dark days". You're not alone. And as long as you quickly nip it in the bud, I think you'll be ok. Wishing you luck & hang in there X
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Re: The evil returns

Postby hayleyw » 09 Dec 2015, 18:19

Thanks guys! I don't know what i'd do without this forum.

I take Laxido (similar to Movicol to those who have never heard of it) every few days or so. I was taking a satchet a day but I think i've developed a very low tolerance for it and sometimes as little as one satchet can give me very watery bms which is just as bad as hard ones. I'm trying to just eat high fibre foods in moderation and generally i'm ok with that. I went again today, wasn't as stingy as yesterday and apart from the odd sore twinge i've had no pain afterwards.

The only thing i've changed recently is that i've stopped using vaseline before going. It was making me feel sticky and i found that it took a lot more wiping to get clean when i was using it so I decided to stop. Maybe that has played a part too. As of now i'm back on the Dilt and back using vaseline before bms again. I'm using the Laxido as and when I need it since I developed a sensativity to it.

Fingers crossed it'll pass pretty quickly. Thanks for all the well wishes, i'll keep everyone updated.
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Re: The evil returns

Postby Shania213 » 10 Dec 2015, 02:46

Hi all I can say is ditto!!!!

Just went-stool was soft but there was still some blood and from a different place.

It feels like my fissures are at the entrance more around the outside ring. It feels like one heals..then at another time there is a new tear...none of its consistent-know how you feel. Stool softener end up giving me thrush uggg!
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Re: The evil returns

Postby Savaici » 10 Dec 2015, 06:37

Thinking of you Hayleyw, and sure that things will soon be back on track again. All the very best to you :smilyhug:
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Re: The evil returns

Postby hayleyw » 11 Dec 2015, 19:22

A quick update on my situation. Went to the loo yesterday and again today. I usually go once a day unless my stomach is upset. Last two times have been pain free i'm happy to report. I think getting back on the cream immediately was a good idea. Skin tag is back to feeling loose and unswollen again. I'm wondering if it will ever go away, even after the fissure does. Happy for now, but i fully expect it to happen again in the future. At least it's not a constant thing anymore.
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Re: The evil returns

Postby Canadabum » 11 Dec 2015, 20:17

So glad to hear!!!!
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Re: The evil returns

Postby Daisy Mac » 11 Dec 2015, 22:24

Glad that it wasn't too bad. One thing I do (and might do forever) is use glycerin suppositories if I feel like I'm going to have to strain at all. Might be worth trying next time you feel bunged up. Then I adjust my diet slightly to soften things up.
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Re: The evil returns

Postby hayleyw » 24 Dec 2015, 11:29

Another update. The retear lasted about two days before all symptoms disappeared, everything was good for about a week and a half and it happened again. Following the same pattern it lasted about 2 days before the pain and discomfort disappared again. Been good for the past 6 days or so. The skin tag is still has big as ever and i can feel a scraping sensation coming from it now and then. Over all it's not taking over my life anymore but it is always in the back of my mind.

With the christmas period here i have been eating more than usual and in particular much more unhealthy foods too. Haven't seen a change in my bms or the fissure though which isn't surprising as I never attributed my diet to the well being of the fissure, the type of bowel movement, sure but i tend to be ok as long as it doesn't require straining. I hope everyone has a good holiday and doesn't let their bum stop them from enjoying some junk food.
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