How'd it go Erin?

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Guest » 29 Feb 2008, 09:56

Wow, Erin I am so pleased that you are feeling so much better. I know what you mean about not even wanting to mention it because there is so much potential for it to act up but just rejoice in the moments that are good and soon the good moments will outweigh the bad.

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I can't believe that the insurance doesn't want to fix it. That is so barbaric. I know how scary it is when your family is going through tough times. My mom had two strokes this last year and my sister and I thought she would not make it or if she did we would have to put her in assisted living. But thank God she recovered enough that she can live independtly. I will keep your grandma in my prayers.

That is amazing you are working out. Just be careful and don't overdo it. I feel like such a blob. It has been about 20 months since I have been able to exercise, but someday I am dusting off my treadmill!

Take care!

Re: How'd it go Erin?

Postby Fissulyna » 29 Feb 2008, 15:37

Well, : )))<, I want to say "I told you so" , LOL, but I will refrain he he. It is just wonderful that you are almost "there" - completely and forever pain free!!! I also understand how hard it is to utter those words "I feel well", I also always think I will jinx it LOL, you might notice me often using "knock the wood" phrase, ha ha ha. But, you know, if fissure thought me anything it is that it can "jump on you" when you expect it the least and that it is a beast that dies hard !!!
BUT - thanks God for the LIS !!!
I am sorry that your Granny is in such predicament - how awful that insurance is denying her treatment : ((((, this health care system really needs some major makeover and I hope that Hillary or Obama will not forget their promises once they get elected !!!! I will keep your Grandma in my thoughts and prayers - just be there with her as much as you can - that will bring her the biggest comfort. People in nursing homes can feel very lonely even with all those other peers around : (((.
Continue with your little "fissure protocol" and soon you will be traveling as you planned : ))) !!!!
Best of luck !
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