My experience with Rectogesic Cream

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My experience with Rectogesic Cream

Postby Ponder » 18 Apr 2016, 02:37

Due to area of application, it's absorbed into the blood stream almost immediately. That's when the head aches hit. Very intense migraine like head aches every time the cream is applied. I also get dizzy, very weak, nauseated, and today had to spend half of it in bed - my skin felt tingly in a flu like way with mild sweating. Sadly, this mornings passing left me still in pain despite the cream. Nothing has really changed for me pain wise it would seem. I am worried because the doctor reckon I should just keep taking this cream 3 times a day with a 12 hour break to let the body recover form the obvious poison this stuff must be.

If I continue to suffer like this, I will revert to just putting up with the original pain minus the toxic cream. Both forms of suffering are on the same level - I'll take the one with less chemicals and that does not pop out the veins in my head. Is very hard to sleep after my last application at night. Not everyone uses the cream for obvious reasons - I think the fact that my body is otherwise clean, is why its rejecting or suffering with this cream medication so much. Again - it's not really helping as much as I originally thought. I might give one more day ... two at most .. but not if I end up bed ridden and sick like I was today.
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Re: My experience with Rectogesic Cream

Postby Canadabum » 20 Apr 2016, 16:27

Ponder -- are you still using this cream? Have you looked in to Nifedipine or Diltiazem which will achieve the same results for the fissure but will help you avoid the headaches etc.
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Re: My experience with Rectogesic Cream

Postby Ponder » 20 Apr 2016, 17:14

Hi Canadabum - 28 minutes ago I see your post to be at. I am at an all time low No sure if I should post because of how depressed I have become. :(

I've tried so hard to do the right things, put in a huge effort whilst remaining kind to myself and all that sort of thing. I'm simply at my wits end.

I've started back on the Rectogesic out of sheer desperation. I will however look into Nifedipine or Diltiazem failing that. I'm actually going to back off the exercise. For a 47 yold I've been opening up my circulatory system pretty good with the amount of cardio and weight training I have been doing - Perhaps too good when using the Recogesic. I think (not sure) that rectogesic works by opening up the blood vessels which is why the headaches ensue - the fact that the veins in my head are already opened up, (relates to high volume and or intensity of exercise) has me pondering on the relationship with that and how the cream works and why I get so damn sick when applying rectogesic cream. Sigh -

The fact that I just now had to stand up and put my notebook on a box at my desk makes me question the point of trying anything at all. :( - I have only gone back to this cream so I can tell my doc (who never listens or is always being requested to hand over more info from the services her refers me too - srry - ranting out of sheer desperation)

I will blow off the rest of my steam (what's left of it) in my diary once this bout of pulsating and life draining pain has passed.

TY for listening - I will surely look into those cream you mention after I can say I stayed sick long enough on this stuff the doctor has prescribed. I really got to bite the bullet and change docs! I went to a dietitian yesterday and just like the hospital, she also had to contact the doctor and ask for more information.

I really wish I could be more positive like so many other brave soles who have so much to offer others like myself. It does help to read the optimistic posts of others.

Again - Thx for listening.
Your welcome to call me Dave. ;)

Forgive the typos - not feeling well.
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Re: My experience with Rectogesic Cream

Postby Canadabum » 20 Apr 2016, 22:56

Dave - sorry to hear that you are in the thick of it right now. The whole experience basically sucks for lack of s better word. All of us have experienced both the horrible physical manifestation of this issue - pain pain and more burning well as the horrible mental manifestation of this ailment which often includes anxiety, worry, doubt that it will never end and a general ptsd because we are confronted with the pain each day.
All that to say I fully understand how frustrated and upset and worried and angry you must feel -- those are ALL totally normal feelings.
So my trick was to try and take it one day at a time, use all the methods available to me to help healing and ease my symptoms and frequent talking with loved ones and on this board for advice and support.
The other creams should really help eliminate the headaches so the sooner you can get one the better.
Hang in will get better over time.
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Re: My experience with Rectogesic Cream

Postby Ponder » 24 Apr 2016, 00:58

Thanks again Canadabum - I've persisted with the rectogesic and backed off my exercise. Is all in my dairy. I am pleased to report that tomorrow will be day four without any tearing and or bleeding.

Your support is much appreciated.
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