A pain in the ass (literally)

My journey through a hemorrhoid, surgery, a fissure and chronic constipation.

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A pain in the ass (literally)

Postby sarahdewitt » 12 Dec 2016, 22:23

I'm sharing this in hope someone has gone or is going through the same stuff that I am, because I certainly feel isolated from everyone else around me. I've dealt with chronic constipation since I was a baby. It was never bad enough to make my parents worry but as I got older things got harder and harder. This year my constipation has been at its peak.

Around March I discovered I had an hemorrhoid and I freaked out. However, this hemmie would pop out after a BM and disappear a few hours later. Still, I freaked out and decided to change my diet. That didn't help. Even though I was eating veggies, fruit, fiber, drinking water like crazy and taking a morning walk the hemorrhoid would come back no matter what. Eventually I was so depressed about it that I went back to my old eating habits and resumed to taking stimulant laxatives when my constipation was acting up. I know, not the smartest decision. On September the hemorrhoid came back on destroy mode and it would not go away. I dealt with it the best I could for three days until the pain was so bad I had to go to the ER. They gave me Daflon and some other pills to deal with it and told me to make some lifestyle changes if I wanted to make that thing go away for good. It worked like magic and I was fine the next day. After that incident I was more than careful about what I ate and I made sure to keep my constipation under control (no longer taking laxatives, but mineral oil and other kinds of stuff) and I had really normal BMs.

Then it all went downhill. A month after my trip to the ER the thing was back and this time it would not budge. I still had some leftover medication and I tried to use that but it didn't work at all. I finally got an appointment with a proctologist who took one look at me after a week of being in intense pain and told me he was going to take the vein (hemorrhoid) that didn't work out that same day. Of course I was scared of the pain but I was beyond fear at this point and I knew I had to do something.

I had the surgery. The post-op was hell. It didn't hurt because I was on pain killers but I was constipated (I always am, duh) and didn't have a BM until the doctor told me to have Lactulose on day SIX. The pain during and after that first BM was something I can't put into words. I was crying constantly because I was so depressed. I couldn't believe this was happening to me, I had always been healthy. After that I started healing and things were okay for a while, although my constipation was still a huge issue for me. Then, when I got an appointment with my gastro to discuss treament options for it I was hit with yet another big f-you. I started feeling pain after and during BMs. I was so scared it was a new hemmie, or that I had split open my surgery wound that I called my doctor and met him so he could take a look at me.

It turns out I had a fissure. He gave me some cream that I'm supposed to apply twice a day and see him in a month.

Now, I can't begin to explain how this has affected my life. My days revolve around whether or not I will have a BM, if it will hurt, etc. I am so depressed it feels like this will never end, that this will be my life for as long as I live. These past three months have been the hardest of my life. Everyone in my family tells me I'm obsessing over what I eat and keeping too much track of my BMs, but how can I not when everytime I overlook either of them I end up in severe pain and with a doctor looking at my butt?
I still don't have an answer to my constipation problems, and I feel like no one is taking me seriously. This has ruined my life. I don't want to be overdramatic but I think the fact that I had no time to think my surgery overy left me with some sort of PTSD. I'm so anxious about my BMs that the thought of going to the bathroom is always on my mind. I want life to be the way it was before. My fissure, for example, is hurting right now and I'm so sick of it. I would have thought by now I would be back to normal or at least a bit better, but it seems things are still the same if not worse. I feel so discouraged.
Has anyone else not had a smooth recovery? It feels like everything that could have possibly gone wrong went wrong.
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Re: A pain in the ass (literally)

Postby tightybehind » 13 Dec 2016, 23:00

I'm sorry that you're going through this. This post will be curt because I'm on my phone.

Your first step to healing is making sure your BMs are soft and regular.

Below is what worked for me. Take some time on this board to understand important factors and what worked for others. Keep in mind everyone has a different path.

1. Meals consist of the following:

Breakfast: 50grams oatbran, 16grams flaxseed, 20grams protein powder
Lunch: small salad, two hard boiled eggs
Snack: two wasa whole grain crispbreads with almond butter or avocado
Dinner: medium sized baked sweet potato, 4 slices turkey bacon; two eggs if still hungry
Dessert: 6-10 dark chocolate covered almonds

Avoid anything that can make you constipated such as processed foods, alcohol, red meat, and dairy.

Regimen: try to have BM in morning. If possible, wipe with flushable wet wipes, take sitz bath after. If no wet wipes, use wet toilet paper or jump directly in shower.

Before and after BM: apply extra virgin organic coconut oil to anal area and inside. Apply a few times a day as needed.

Take fiber supplement such as citrucel or miralax. Also take stool softener such as dulcolax and add magnesium to diet (also softens stool).

Continue above until you heal. Slowly wean off any laxatives and stool softeners. However, continue healthy eating with lots of fiber and water. Continue citrucel and magnesium as both are fine for long term use. After you heal, if you do indulge in meat or alcohol, take stool softener as a precaution so you do not retear.

Good luck and keep us updated.
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Re: A pain in the ass (literally)

Postby sandrasmiles7 » 14 Dec 2016, 00:47

My LIS surgery recovery hasn't gone well either. I'm not in as much pain but there is more blood and itching than before the sugery
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Re: A pain in the ass (literally)

Postby Dnank » 18 Dec 2016, 22:20

I'm wondering how you're doing, sarahdewitt. It doesn't look like you have posted since Dec 12th.

Your experience sounds terrible. I've also been through a lot over the last year and a half and some of what you said sounds so familiar to me. I have suffered with chronic constipation for a couple years and a Dr prescribed Amitiza. It has really helped me. I also take Miralax daily which I see you already take.
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Re: A pain in the ass (literally)

Postby Okmike » 19 Dec 2016, 15:11

I know what you're going through. I never dream that such a small part of my body could have such a control of my entire life. My problems seem to go and come. I starting to notice it more during the winter months then spring and summer. I had a tear on my fissure which was so painful i still hate talking about it. My Doctor did surgery and said there was a 99% chance i will ever have to face this problem again. Well guess what about 6 month later i ended up going back into surgery for the second time. I believe my problem is from my blood pressure med. I drink water all day but is still dehydrated when it come to my BM. I don't eat meat other than fish. I guess I'm going to have to go back on a stool softener and increase my intake of fibers until i can get thing back under control. Right now I hoping not to tear my fissure agian.6
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Re: A pain in the ass (literally)

Postby Dnank » 19 Dec 2016, 15:48

Okmike: I also take meds for high blood pressure and I believe it caused me terrible constipation. I think Norvasc (amlodipine) was my problem, even though constipation is listed as a less common side effect. My doc removed it and added another med. Since then, I haven't had the terrible constipation I had before.
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Re: A pain in the ass (literally)

Postby sarahdewitt » 23 Dec 2016, 22:55

I'm still learning how this whole page works! (Technology has never been my thing, so). It's been about two weeks since I last posted something here, so I just wanted to check in and tell whoever's reading about my progress. I went to see my gastro and he gave me a prescription for a thing called Lostamucil, which is a powder that I'm supposed to mix with water and drink before going to bed. I've been doing this for almost two weeks now and here's my veredict: it's okay if your issues with constipation are related to straining, but this kind of laxative does not "make you want to go". If you're taking anything like this (could be Metamucil or whatever) then you HAVE to drink a lot of water for it to work. Otherwise you'll end up with too big, hard stools that will make you strain when you have a BM. Not a fun experience. So far, so good. My fissure bothered me the first week and it would hurt for a couple of hours after, but nothing new. I've been applying the cream my proctologist gave me and (on week 2) I can feel a difference. I just hope I can start this new year with this problem solved. HAPPY HOLIDAYS FOR ALL! (hope you have amazing BMs!)
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