LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

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LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Bum_UK » 09 May 2017, 06:52

I saw the CRS last night and he recommended LIS as I have had fissures on and off for ten years. He was only able to carry out a visual inspection yesterday as everything is too tight. He said he will have to knock me out (his words) anyway to get a better look. He said he can band my hemorrhoids and do the LIS and I should be back on my feet the next day. He said to expect to be fully recovered in two to four weeks.

I was going to hold it off until September as we have several vacations booked over the summer. The first one is on 25 June and I hope I'm at least in less pain than I currently am.
I've got another appointment for next week and I will ask him then but I will ask here in the meantime. Does anyone know whether it's fine to travel by air four weeks after the surgery above? It's two European flights, one is around two hours with a layover then a three hour flight to Lisbon.

Update: I asked the medical secretary about flying 4.5 weeks after LIS and hemorrhoid banding. She asked where I will fly. I told her and she said it shouldn't be any problem at all. She wouldn't recommend long haul but I'm not doing that until mid-August.
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Re: LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby ResMePlz » 09 May 2017, 08:50

I had both done almost 3 weeks ago. There's no way In hell you'll be "back on your feet" in 2 days.... I don't know why they tell people this shit. I was "back on my feet" aka finally going for a walk outside at the end of week 2. It should be criminal to give people shitty info. I would go to a new doctor to be honest. If he's already lying to you now, how can you trust him?

I'm almost at week 3 and extended my leave from work for another week because there's no way I can work right now. I can't even drive yet, and I have a 40 minute drive to work.

I'd give yourself AT LEAST 3 weeks to start to feel semi-normal.

For instance, last couple days I've had diarrhea for some reason (I never get diarrhea, so figured I have it when I'm trying to heal) and the site is so raw now, I can't even sit down anymore, and I'm planning on laying down all day.

Plus if you are having the banding done, you'll have A LOT of pressure there after bowel movements that, for me, were almost as uncomfortable as the spasm pain.

Does the doctor go home with the patients after surgery and live with them for 2 days to make sure they are "back on their feet"? I doubt it.

Sorry but that pisses me off lol good thing you can get real information from people who have had it done on this board. Everyone if different, but some people are good in 2 weeks, some people take months and still haven't healed. I'd look for a new doctor :)
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Re: LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby ResMePlz » 09 May 2017, 08:54

Oh wait, I re-read it. He said back on your feet the NEXT day? LOL that's even more ridiculous
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Re: LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Bum_UK » 09 May 2017, 08:58

Well, he said back on my feet in the sense that I should be able to shuffle around the house. Not in the go for a one hour brisk walk sense.

He is very experienced and the director of surgery at a large university hospital in the UK. I've read quite a few of his academic publications and I think he knows what he's talking about.
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Re: LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Bum_UK » 09 May 2017, 08:59

I have told work I need two to four weeks off work.
How many hemorrhoids did you have banded?
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Re: LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Mypoorbutt » 09 May 2017, 09:37

Hi I haven't had my hems banded but have had LIS. My CRS advised against having my hems banded but think that's as I have IBS and crohns so they would probably have returned and as although they are numerous and large they have never caused me many problems he said banding so many hems can lead to stenosis.
My CRS was honest and told me that due to my other issues my recovery could be awful and it was, way worse than I expected.
Of course you will be up and about heck I had to go food shopping the day after my op but I was in pain and I wouldn't have wanted to go anywhere in the first month that needed my enjoyment. I went back to work after 2 weeks but could have done with longer.
Everyone heals differently so you could be totally fine after a week or so I would however maybe upgrade especially for the 3 hour journey
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Re: LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Bum_UK » 09 May 2017, 09:58

I've got one hem that has started to prolapse with very BM and it's agony after I've put it back up where it belongs. My original plan was to continue with the diltiazem until September and see how I am doing then. The constantly prolapsing hem and the agony after I put it back pushed me over the edge and I figured I might as well bite the bullet now and get it over with.

We will cancel the trip if I'm not fit by then. I need to call our travel insurance tomorrow and tell them about the surgery. I hope we are able to go as I'm always much happier when I'm out of the country. We fly business class and will have access to a lounge with beds, showers etc during the layover. I'll bring a pillow to sit on if necessary.

I'm working on a list of questions that I'll bring when I see the CRS again next Monday.
I expect the recovery to be very painful and I hope to feel pretty normal again after eight weeks. If it's as quick as my CRS says then that's amazing but if it isn't I'm fine with that as long as I notice improvement.
MyPoorButt how long ago was your surgery?
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Re: LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Mypoorbutt » 09 May 2017, 10:14

Oh you should be okk to travel then as you can change position and even lie down. It was the sitting that would be an issue.
I had mine 6 months ago and had a flare 10 days after the op which was agony. But even with that I was back swimming by week 5 even if a lot slower than normal.
Some members on here are back at work, school normal life fully within a couple of weeks max so there's no reason that won't happen for you
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Re: LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Bum_UK » 09 May 2017, 10:25

How was your first week after surgery? How long did it take after the flare on day 10 to improve? My surgeon said I will probably hate him for a week after the surgery. ;) I look forward to the day when I can have a BM and not be freaked out when I realise I need one, in agony during it and then in pain for hours after it.

Had you fully healed by week 5 or is it fine to go swimming regardless?
I seem to remember that you're in the UK too (I may be wrong though) did you have yours done on the NHS or privately?
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Re: LIS and Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Mypoorbutt » 09 May 2017, 12:05

My first week was ok actually not too bad pain about a 4. It was the flare that lasted nearly 2weeks that drove me insane it was horrendous. But after a week of normal ish BMs my pain was back down to a 6. By week 5 my incision was healed my fissure was about 40% healed but it was a long and deep fissure.
My surgeon said I was fine to go swimming from week 4 and back to the gym too. It made me feel better trying to get back to normal
Yes I'm in UK I had a private consultation as I was turned down for LIS by 2 previous CRS due to my crohns. I had the op on the NHS at his teaching hospital with a couple of students present lol. The care was no different as he spent a lot of time with me as I was begging him to cut as long as possible
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