healed with CBD suppositories and acupuncture!!

No more pain from fissures I was told require surgery

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healed with CBD suppositories and acupuncture!!

Postby KMK » 13 Apr 2018, 15:09

Hi there!
Like all of you I have been combing these boards for relief. I know you all can understand the agony I was in. I just moved and left my wonderful PCP behind. In my new city I don't even have a doctor yet, so finally I went to a walk in clinic. They referred me to a colorectal surgeon without even knowing what was wrong. After a few more days of excrutiating pain I went to the appt. I couldn't even sit when I got there. After a 5 second peek he confirmed I had a fissure and immediatley pushed surgery on me as the only option. I was in complete shock. He brushed over any alternative treatments and risks. He said this is a very old and deep fissure.

Totally devastated, I called my former PCP. She is an MD but an integrative doctor and she uses a lot of alternative healing methods. She immediatley said absolutely not to the surgery. As a woman in my child bearing years, planning on a family, she said the risks of incontinence with subsequent pregnancies are high. She calmed me down and told me to use CBD oil suppositories, nifedipine, soaked flax seeds for fiber/ lubrication, and magnesium at night. She told me where to get the suppositories, I won't say the company here so that it doesn't get taken down. If you google CBD suppositories 500mg you'll find it. This is only CBD so you can have it shipped anywhere. Don't use anything that isn't high quality and all natural.

I had them overnighted and was in bed, gritting my teeth, and unable to move from spasms when they arrived. I used one immediatley and the spasms soon turned to a dull plain which eventually subsided. With the use of the CBD the pain continued to be dull rather than stabbing for the next few days. It was uncomfortable but easier to live with than those excrutiating sharp spasms. That's when I went to an accupunctirist. After one visit I was about 25% better. 2 days later I had another session, that's when I felt about 95% better. He also recommended that on top of the CBD suppositories I get a CBD oil with THC for even more pain relief. This requires a medical marijuana id card and since I am in Cali, I was able to get it. It still doesn't get me high, I believe there are several strains of THC and some don't get you high. This oil is much more potent and effective. I rub it all around the exterior skin down there and into the muscles that spasm.

One more thing that was helpful. I happened to have a TEMS device for menstrual cramps. You can google it. When I attached it to my very low back, sort of in the butt checks as far down as it would go, it stopped the pain immediately. I had to use it non stop to relieve the pain, but for about 2 days there, it was a game changer until I settled into my routine and finally got accupuncture.

After 3 accupuncture visits, the pain was GONE! I continue the use of everything I mentioned so that I don't re-injure. Flax, magnesium, CBD suppositories, CBD and THC oil, and accupuncture. I also got a squatty potty and have refined my routine so that my bowel movements require no strain whatsoever. That was a game changer for me too. In my opinion the magensium at night helps with that big time. My MD said it could take 2 years for the fissure to be completely healed. I'll keep up with whatever I have to to stay pain free and completely heal this naturally. Best of luck!!!!
Last edited by KMK on 22 Apr 2019, 16:31, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: CBD suppositories=no more pain for me

Postby hurtinend » 13 Apr 2018, 20:17

I took CBD oil by mouth for quite a while, cost a small fortune and did absolutely nothing.

Why can't you provide a source? What country are you in?
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Re: CBD suppositories=no more pain for me

Postby KMK » 13 Apr 2018, 20:46

I believe that comments promoting products are taken down, if that's not the case I'll share. I'm in the US but this company ships internatinally. Apparently CBD by mouth loses much of its effectiveness through metabolism in the liver. Rectal administration allows for much more CBD to hit the bloodstream and it works within 10-15 min.
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Re: CBD suppositories=no more pain for me

Postby hurtinend » 15 Apr 2018, 18:24

thank you that's good info I'll look into it.
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Re: healed with CBD suppositories and acupuncture!!

Postby mandymiguel » 22 Apr 2019, 01:58

Hi, thank you for sharing this, I’ve been struggling with an old deep one too and don’t want surgery for the same reasons you mentioned. Did you end up healing it fully? How long did it take? what is the name of the acupuncturist you saw in CA? I’d love to see them. Also what is the name of your old PCP? I’m looking for a good integrative medicine person to help me with this. Thank you!
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Re: healed with CBD suppositories and acupuncture!!

Postby KMK » 22 Apr 2019, 16:39

I did end up healing fully! I haven't had another issue in over a year. After I started accupuncture it was very quick, a few sessions and totally pain free. I see James Houston in Westlake Village, highly recommend him. I also found a great integrative Dr in Woodland Hills, Dr Gayle Randall. She has a natural regimine for fissures but I was already healed by the time I began seeing her. Wishing you all the best!!
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Re: healed with CBD suppositories and acupuncture!!

Postby hurtinend » 24 Apr 2019, 17:58

wow that's great
I tried those cbd suppositories....at $12.00 Canadian dollars per dose. Can't say they did anything for me

Maybe it was the acupuncture and combo of diet and ointment?
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