does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

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Re: does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

Postby cherylk » 11 Sep 2008, 15:20

Val & Fiss,
Like you both indicate no one understands like the people in this group (our families, friends, etc.). I agree with what you wrote.
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Re: does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

Postby pinky » 11 Sep 2008, 17:25

well said val.Noone can understand wat we r going through.we have each other to understand and care.its so crippling and yet not many know wat we go friends call me once in a while to see how im doing and sympathise but i dont have anyone to share my miseries.i try to make it better in front of my parents and sis so that they dont worry.even my state's the same as fissy.i feel so bad to cry in front of my hubby all the time.he's studying for exams and i feel so guilty.
hope we all r pain free soon
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Re: does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 11 Sep 2008, 20:40

Hi Cheryl! Played any good rounds lately?
"I'd move heaven and earth to be able to break 100 on this course," sighed Mac, the golfer.
"Try heaven," advised the caddie. "You've already moved most of the earth."

Hope your digestive problems are easing up, and thanks for all the good advice and support you give out regularly!!
Deleted User 5

Re: does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

Postby buttgirl » 15 Sep 2008, 13:57

what especially bugs me is when people think they understand but they clearly don't. perhaps I shold ust be thankful that they're trying.
i just had to go through an insurance interview b/c of my new job, and they wanted to know all about my recent surgery to see if it was a chronic, uninsurable problem I was having. Let's just sya, that that session ended with a lot of jokes being cracked. SOOOOO embarrasing!!
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Re: does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

Postby Guest » 15 Sep 2008, 19:01

How insulting, BG!  I really hate to be spiteful but I wish these people would have to walk in our shoes for just one day.  

Re: does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

Postby Fissulyna » 15 Sep 2008, 19:24

People are just plain crazy - I do not even know what to make out of this event : ((( !?! How can anybody in their right mind make jokes about somebody's ANY ailment and IN FRONT of that person - just totally out of place - I even don't make "blonde" jokes even though we all know that it has nothing to do with real world Image !!!
Sorry buddy :truebud: - next time anybody of them gets a cold or a migraine start laughing and cracking a jokes Image !!! Stupid people Image !!!
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Re: does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

Postby val » 16 Sep 2008, 02:00

:( that sounds like a nightmare Chris.
Thats the trouble with this though, everyone thinks its funny! It sounds funny when we describe it. But, hell, we all know it ISNT BLOODY FUNNY!!! I dont think anyone will ever understand unless karma does its job and bites them up the butt!
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Re: does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

Postby pinky » 16 Sep 2008, 15:00

val-how do u feel now?i read in one of the posts u have neck problems.wat surgery r u waiting for?i cant find that post at all.hope they sort u out soon.
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Re: does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

Postby val » 17 Sep 2008, 00:54

thanks Pinky! I've got a fragmented disc which is pressing on 3 nerves and my spinal chord, so I've got to have an Artificial Disc Replacement. Its really painful and i have to spend most of the day laying down. I got good news yesterday though, i got the appointment through for 6th october. I'm sure the consultant said that the op would be 3 weeks after that. Then i shall start really freaking out about it!!
How are you today?
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Re: does this sound like an abcess/fistula?

Postby buttgirl » 17 Sep 2008, 00:56

Good val. I;m glad to hear they're going to help you soon.
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