AF and childbirth advice

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AF and childbirth advice

Postby Guest » 17 Jul 2007, 14:25

Hey all,
The other day I came across some info on reducing the chances of causing damage to the perineum during childbirth. (A traumatic delivery is how I got my AF.) Apparently, Kegel exercises are great for strengthening the muscles down there, which, apparently, reduces the risk of tearing and the need for an episiotomy. So Kegels are highly recommended during pregnancy, as long as your doctor says they're okay to do. By the way, apparently 11% of women develop an AF after childbirth. Interesting!
I know not everyone will find this useful and having babies is certainly the last thing on everyone's mind right now, but I thought this info would be handy for managing the AF for the future. I know I'll keep this in mind with baby number two down the road. :)

Re: AF and childbirth advice

Postby Guest » 17 Jul 2007, 14:29

Thanks Merita,
That is good advice. I wish I had done kegels during pregnancy. But I do them now and it does help with the integrity of the pelvic floor.
What an interesting statistic you found about AF and childbirth. I read a good book called "Childbirth and the Pelvic Floor" that discussed trauma during pregnancy and childbirth to that area. Very eye-opening indeed!

Re: AF and childbirth advice

Postby Cinderella » 19 Jul 2007, 06:31

Thanks for your advices.
I got hemorrhoids during pregnancy and one thrombosed after my baby was born. I had to have hemorrhoid surgery (2 weeks after my baby was born) and after that I got AF. However I went through c-section because of other reasons. In the future I am a able to give birth normally but I will ask for c-section. I do not want to take any risk of rectal injuries.
Actually I am planning second pregnancy. However I do not know how can I manage with my AF during pregnancy? I still have few painful dбys every month and occasionally I need to take painkillers. I can feel that I have something in my bott but usually I do not have pain during BM.
I do not think that it is good to have the surgery in advance just to make sure that I can handle the pregnancy. But if the situation gets horrible during pregnancy and I cannot stand at all is it possible to have the surgery then? When I am not pregnant like know I can manage with the pain but likely the situation will be different during pregnancy.
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Re: AF and childbirth advice

Postby Guest » 19 Jul 2007, 09:13

Dear Cinderella,
I do not think that they will do any kind of pelvic surgery during pregnancy unless it was an absolute emergency. I know the amount of pain that I have gone through would lead me to do whatever it takes to make sure I was close to 100% before another pregnancy and delivery.

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