Feeling really down today- need encouragement

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Re: Feeling really down today- need encouragement

Postby Bambi » 06 Dec 2010, 19:41

Thank you Cagirl- I went Christmas shopping this afternoon and ended up very sore on the outside. The skin tag I have developed after having this thing way too long (since mid-March) is causing me problems the most right now I think. I have to say that right now I'm wishing I had the LIS scheduled and you all have given me courage to not be so scared of it. My husband says I should still assume the botox is going to do it, but I think I will end up having LIS and I am ready! If I could do it tomorrow and have the Christmas fairy come by and do everything that needs doing, I would! Thank you again for your support and I hope your good recovery continues. You are doing the right thing to take good care of yourself! And my husband is so wonderful- he was just listening to me cry and he is so supportive. I don't know how I got so lucky!
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Re: Feeling really down today- need encouragement

Postby Guest » 06 Dec 2010, 22:09

the only thing that helped with my skin tag was basically living in the warm baths. I wish there was something I knew that would help. I tried everything in the book and couldn't get much relief.
I know many people leave them when getting LIS but I really felt like it would have caused me more problems after surgery if I hadn't had it removed. I've read of others on here having problems after LIS when they weren't removed. It worried me having more done than one thing done down there when I had my surgery but I'm really pleased w/ the outcome. I was told I could leave it though and it wouldn't hinder my fissure healing...I was just afraid that I would regret it and have to have it removed later.
I am so sorry that things aren't going better for you! I hope Ng comes on soon since he has the experience w/ botox.
I think this takes as much of a toll on our spouses as it does us. I felt so terrible for my husband and notice he is much happier since I've recovered. He was very supportive too and I know it hurt him to see me that way and there was nothing he could do to fixs it.
Take care!

Re: Feeling really down today- need encouragement

Postby Bambi » 06 Dec 2010, 23:43

Thanks Dawn! I'm about to go up for soak number I don't know what today. I've taken to doing crosswords in there now. At least I should be making some new brain connections! It helps to hear of your experience because based on what my CRS said about the skin tag "going away" as the fissure healed makes me think he might suggest leaving it after LIS as well. And based on my own experiences so far and hearing what you are saying, I would ask him to remove it. He said something about removing it as an in-office procedure if it didn't go away and was bothering me and that surprised me. I know it is better to not have drugs or be knocked out if you don't have to, but I would frankly appreciate either one rather than a local. And I hate the idea of doing that and then still having recovery from surgery as well. Seems like it would be better to just get it all over with in one fell swoop as you did.
Thanks for the support and I hope you are still doing well.
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Re: Feeling really down today- need encouragement

Postby Guest » 07 Dec 2010, 06:09

I would definitely want to be knocked out for the procedure too.
When my crs office canceled on me twice and I was kind of freaking out on them because I was in so much pain, they told me that it was rare and that they had only ever done it maybe twice but they could do mine in the office. I asked is it painful and the PA that I talked to me on the phone( who was very nice and honest w/ me every time I talked w/him)- said yes, it would be very painful without being put to sleep.
I think he said they would give shots there to numb it and thats it....
I've read a few post on here where others have done that and that's not for me plus I figured if they rarely did it, then it wasn't something the really like to do...
I hope the baths help you out and atleast give you some relief. I know they are very boring. The crosswords sound like a good idea.
I started setting my laptop on the potty right next to the tub while I was recovering and took my baths...Lol
I would definitley have the tag removed though. She told me at my post op follow up that most women my age didn't want that on them anyway. I really didn't care what it looked like, but what it felt like is why I wanted it gone.

Re: Feeling really down today- need encouragement

Postby Bambi » 07 Dec 2010, 13:47

Dawn- eek- I don't know why my CRS seems to be of the people should be brave and bite the bullet variety. It is good to know that a PA said that so I can talk with him about it. I am considering calling him and moving my post-botox followup appointment up but decided to wait a day or two. I know the reality is probably that I couldn't get in any earlier now anyway. I agree with you- I wouldn't be worried about how it looks- haha(although it does look weird)- but increasingly it is bothering me simply when walking around. I went into Boulder today to do a little shopping and was bummed that just walking down the street was irritating. This is not good- it is certainly making me less active. And lol I would be afraid to have my laptop so near water!
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Re: Feeling really down today- need encouragement

Postby Guest » 07 Dec 2010, 14:47

Yeah I'm not too good with lap-tops either. This is my 3rd one in about 5 years and it's a mini one and easy to carry in there and...cheaper to replace,Lol

Re: Feeling really down today- need encouragement

Postby happyass » 10 Dec 2010, 21:44

hi bambi,
i hope u r feeling much, much better today.
from what i gather in this post is that you are dealing with a skin tag but not quite sure if you also have an active fissure - is that also the case?
with regards to the skin tag, since that is my precious gift that my chronic fissure of about under six years left me - and which i have named Laverne and Shirley (Laverne when the skin tag is misbehaving and irritated and just a nightmare to deal with and Shirley when it is being cooperative and like a good guest that lives on my ass!).
if you only have the skin tag, here are some things that i would recommend to make your co-existence a bit more pleasant, if not entirely blissful:
1. when irritated, apply some vicks vapor rub. it actually will help soothe and provide a "cooling" feeling compared to the hot, poking feeling when it is irritated.
2. every day after bathing/showering, blow dry your butt in cool setting - especially the area where the skin tag is so that it is completely dry. once dry, add a little bit of palmer's cocoa butter with vitamin e or jojoba oil. this will help soften the skin tag while moisturizing it.
3. the trick here is to be mindful of not straining or blowing out farts like there is no tomorrow! be so sensitive to the pressure you are applying while having a bm or passing gas. if you can simply respond to the cue of when your body is ready to pass something, then that is the time to pass it. not before, not on your time...but on your body's time.
4. look at your diet. spices, coffee, artificial/preservatives ingredients, among others, will create stress on your digestive system which in turn creates stress in your anus/rectum which affects the skin tag.
i've been paying attention, and at least for me, whatever the reason, my skin tag will be on its best behavior when i attempt to stick with a very purified diet - ie, as natural as possible and eliminating anything processed, meats, dairy, white sugars, etc.
5. last but not least, when you are ready to have that bm, attempt to squat. of course, it would also be great if you can prep your anus with a nice coating of vaseline or other lubricant to protect it and the skin tag. as you squat - and simply do this by putting a sheet or two of newspaper or old magazine on the floor and just hover over it, squatting, and take your dump.
breathing is key and just relax as you are squatting. don't push and be patient to let things come out on their own.
having a skin tag is no fun but i know there can be a co-existence that could possibly be had without surgery.
good luck.
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