Need some support about possibility of surgery

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Need some support about possibility of surgery

Postby Bambi » 28 Jan 2011, 16:22

So I did just read some things on the HappyAss thread and I want to say I'm so happy for you and hope things continue to go well.
Along those lines, I am pretty frustrated today. My instructions have been to continue using the Nifedipine ointment 3 times a day for two weeks past any pain or bleeding. This is after the second round of botox which was 3 weeks ago this past Tuesday. So far, I went about 8 days after botox with things going well- no pain or bleeding. Then I had 3 days of fairly mild pain with bleeding that occurred even just when urinating and seemed to come more from the skin tag which was swollen those days. That only lasted 2 1/2 days and then I've had pretty much 13 days of no pain or bleeding (occasional mild skin tag irritation) and then this morning out of nowhere I had firmer bms that were incomplete (so now it has happened twice_ that resulted in a little pain and a tiny bit of bleeding each time. The skin tag now seems more irritated again. I am frustrated because I was so excited to get to that two week mark tomorrow and so I could eliminate one other thing in my life that has become way to routine- putting on the ointment. I know it seems silly, but how am I ever going to be really "better" if I can't make it two weeks?? Things are better, don't get me wrong, but I was finally moving on with plans to take a trip which we keep putting off cause of me! I was having so much fun planning yesterday and looking ahead to April 5th when we could jet down to Florida and explore for a couple of weeks. But now I'm back to thinking that I should go ahead and call the Dr. and see what he wants to do (I know he will probably want me to wait until the 6 week mark (pretty much Valentine's Day) before we really check in. He didn't even want to see me this time, but said was could check in by phone. I think he was really thinking the second botox would do it and if not, next step surgery. It's the whole waiting around thing that begins to really get me frustrated. My sister is even calling me to check on my "bottom" and said today- you need to get that fixed! It's been almost a year (I agree!)
But of course, I do not want to do surgery because it will start things over in a way since I am having so many good days. My husband says we shouldn't plan an April trip now because I might be post-op. I guess my question is: for most of you who have gone through LIS with success, would you think that one month post-op would be pushing it to go on a trip that would involve a 4 hour plane trip and then probably a couple of hours of driving each day? Would 2 months out work? (and I know everyone is different- just a general idea...)
And here's my plan:
-call the CRS on Monday since he is already gone today
-tell him about the little bit of pain, bleeding and the swollen skin tag
-get his opinion about if waiting two more weeks to decide is worth it
- get his opinion about surgery now or wait a little while longer
- And ask his opinion about how long it takes to get over it (although I think you all will be much better at answering that- I think they tend to downplay things. He certainly downplays my aggravation with the skin tag)
What do you think? Image
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Re: Need some support about possibility of surgery

Postby Bambi » 28 Jan 2011, 16:26

Oh and during a lot of the nearly two weeks, I had stopped taking most of my supplements, including my calcium and magnesium (I had the stomach flu for a day in the midst and things easily turned too loose) A couple of days ago I added back my 600 calcium citrate and 250 mg of magnesium before bed along with an increase in my Miralax. I am inclined to stop those again in case that is what is causing the firmer stools. However, I fell on the ice on Monday and that put the fear of God in me about the calcium since this past year I have not taken it. Old post menopausal me...
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Re: Need some support about possibility of surgery

Postby StevePain » 28 Jan 2011, 16:40

I definitely think 1 month post-op would be pushing it, but everyone is different, I wasn't even up to walking about at 2 months post-op and at 3 months post-op I still couldn't sit properly, the last thing on my mind was holidaying.
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Re: Need some support about possibility of surgery

Postby scaredy_butt » 28 Jan 2011, 16:42

I just had LIS and a skin tag removed on the 25th and honestly, by last night and certainly this morning I can't tell that anything has happened down there. I had my first BM on the evening of the 26th, it was much softer than I would have liked and it left a burning sensation. I've only taken 2 pain pills, one the evening of surgery in case the freezing wore off in the night and one after that BM to try and get rid of the burning. I didn't have a BM yesterday so I'm really hoping for something today. I feel like there's something there but obviously I'm not going to try very hard to get it out. I feel really good right now, no pain at all, but I'll have to wait for a few more BM's to be able to say if I'd be ready for any sort of trip. I did go get my hair cut and streaked this morning which was nice and I've been out shopping a couple of times since my surgery. The surgery and recovery have been a dream compared to what I was expecting. Let's just hope it works. Only time will tell I guess.
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Re: Need some support about possibility of surgery

Postby happyass » 28 Jan 2011, 16:57

oh bambi i just want to give you a big hug!
well, it is very interesting to read a lot of the forum users lately are really focusing in on how much havoc the skin tag is contributing to their well-being.
that skin tag is a force not to be messed with - a true jekyll and hyde!!!!
i can't tell you what to do next other than look backwards from what you want to do.....
if april 5th is your trip....
then allow about 6-8 weeks for recovery - even though you may be more mobile and symptom-free earlier than that. so that is about 2 months.
you would probably want to do something "procedure wise" between now and first to second week of february. i know, how can you manage to book an LIS and/or skin tag excision that quickly!
here are a few thoughts if you do get the procedure done soon:
1. for the long plane rides, dose up on vicodin - if you tolerate that well. that should help you with pain
2. for the car rides, take breaks every 20-30 minutes to walk around. i know this would make your car ride possibly longer but that would be a way to make that part more manageable.
i totally understand your frustration bambi.
that is how i managed to live with this skin tag. it was crazy.
then i guess mentally and vicks vapor rub and having so much hope, i would make it through the day.
it is possible that you going thru your off and on period with the supplements and having that stomach flu could have thrown in a kink into your 2 week progression of feeling good.
all i can say, is that no matter what happens, don't get discouraged.
if there is a way you can manage the pain and still get out and do stuff, i think u deserve your trip! put that pain in it's place and tell it to go #$%^ itself and enjoy your trip.
see if you can get some pain medication for management while away and then when you get back, have your procedure date already scheduled.
hopefully the trip can recharge your batteries and you can look forward to the procedure and have a speedy recovery.
big hugs 2 u!
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Re: Need some support about possibility of surgery

Postby Guest » 28 Jan 2011, 18:01

Hey Bambi,
It's so hard to say since we are all so different. From my experience, I know 2 months post-op would have been plenty of time for me to feel well enough. I remember driving myself to the crs at 4 weeks post op and was still just a little sore from the tag removal. It was only a half hour away to get my exam at a closer office and I didn't have any problems. It seems we are all so different with the healing times.
I just want you to know that I'm really sorry you are still having pain/ problems with your fissure!
Bambi, I know how scary the surgery can be. I was out of my mind, scared to death. I think you are going to be pleasantly surprised. You have been through hell with your fissure and I really think the recovery is going to be better than you are thinking.
My sister said the same thing when I was going through this. I think they have a better perspective on what we need to be doing while we are so scared!
I hope you get this over with soon and get your life back. You seem like a really happy person by nature and this just takes a toll on anyone after so long. Image Image

Re: Need some support about possibility of surgery

Postby Bambi » 28 Jan 2011, 20:25

Thank you all for all the support. I'm really bummed now because after those two firmer poops of little amount, I figured that after dinner I would have to go again and sure enough...and it felt like I was getting ripped apart when the size and consistency did not appear to warrant that at all! It almost feels like I am getting tighter down there . Freaked me out for sure now! I am trying to not get too worked up about it. I have been using my mantra from the Christmas Eve service that really struck me this year- "Fear not". As we speak, something else is happening that will probably put me in the car on Wednesday driving from California to Colorado... so we will see how that goes. In the meantime, I will call my CRS and see what he says.Thank you for always being there- and I wish I could take that hug!
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Re: Need some support about possibility of surgery

Postby happyass » 05 Feb 2011, 23:42

i hope you are doing well bambi.
been thinking of you.
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