My Story + A Remedy: DIY Coconut Oil Suppositories

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My Story + A Remedy: DIY Coconut Oil Suppositories

Postby Louisa » 18 Apr 2011, 13:37

Hello everyone!
Sorry, this is a bit of long but wanted to get my whole story out and the remedies that have helped me get better.
I've just come across this board and would like to introduce myself and also post some things that have helped me heal my fissure and those that seem to have hindered my healing. I'm a 31 year old mother of one who developed a fissure with the birth of my (large!) baby. I believe my fissure was exacerbated by the fact that I was also breastfeeding which led to dehydration, constipation and ultimately a dire situation in my bottom.
By the time my daughter was a month old, I was in so much pain that I finally bit the bullet, swallowed my pride, and went to the walk-in clinic and was so fortunate to be seen by a doctor who was very sympathetic to my situation.
The doctor diagnosed me with a fissure that also appeared to be ulcerated which explained why I was in pain *all the time*--standing was painful, sitting, lying down--the throbbing in my bottom just never ceased. I was crying all the time and was barely able to look after my newborn daughter. I developed a huge fear of going to the bathroom and ate the minimum I could while still trying to take in enough calories to produce the milk to feed my baby.
The doctor at the walk-in clinic prescribed 'Proctosedyl' and I went on my happy way thinking I'd be cured overnight...Ah, to be young and naive! As it goes, the Proctosedyl helped a bit and I was no longer in constant pain, it seems I'd healed enough that my pain was mostly around bowel movements--about an hour afterwards. I combined the medication with taking hot sitz baths (with a plastic sitz basin that fits on the toilet) with sea salt added to it. This seemed to help a lot, though I wasn't completely better.
At this time I also changed my diet to include a lot more fruits and veggies and olive oil to help soften my stool. With all this my fissure was manageable and I was hardly noticing it any more.
My daughter was 11 months old when I was diagnosed with low-grade ovarian cancer and required surgery to remove the tumour. Unfortunately, this also spelled the return of my fissure--no one warned me just how constipating the morphine that I was required to have after the surgery was going to be! My fissure was back with a vengeance.
This time, however, I decided to take a more natural approach. I made myself a mixture of manuka honey, olive oil, vitamin E oil and a few drops of basil oil and applied this religiously after each bowel movement and every morning and night before bed. I don't remember the exact time frame, but I believe it was 2-3 weeks and my fissure seemed gone for good. Even without watching my diet I had no more pain and I all but forgot about the fissure.
About 1.5 years later though, after being bitten by a stray cat and put on heavy antibiotics (very constipating!) my fissure was back and worse than ever. I was back to crying daily. Then I remembered my manuka honey cure from before and tried it out--it seems that this time, because I was on antibiotics and my good bacteria had been all but destroyed, I developed a fungal infection *down there*, which, to say the least, is one of the most unpleasant things I've ever experienced. I found myself having to go back to the walk-in clinic and this time the doctor wasn't nearly so sympathetic. She prescribed an anti-fungal for the infection and Diliatazem (sp?) for the fissure. I don't know if I'm allergic to the Diliatazem, but it caused me severe pain to the point where I was ready to give up and ask for surgery (though I'm terrified of that prospect). I could barely function doing minimal tasks at home as the pain and discomfort were always with me.
It was then that I realized I had to do something different. I'd read about people having success with Key E Suppositories and was keen to try them, however, I could find no one that would ship them to Canada (or suppliers here). So I decided to make my own suppositories. I realised that I would need a suppository mold and after some thinking came up with the idea to make one out of food-grade silicone from the art supply store.
I knew that coconut oil was soothing for the skin and it stays solid in the fridge so would be an ideal base for the suppositories. I melted the coconut oil in a stainless steel bowl over some steam from the kettle, added vitamin E oil and a few drops of sweet basil oil and mixed it all around. Then I poured this into my suppository mold and placed it carefully in the fridge. After about 10 minutes I had solid suppositories. The relief from these things is amazing--the oils are so soothing and the fact that they are cold helps alot too. I now use them morning and night and after each bowel movement. I sometimes alternate them with AnuZinc Suppositories now, which are also healing.
My other absolute must-never-miss, is 1/2 cup - 1 cup of prune juice last thing at night before bedtime--the prune juice is absolutely wonderful for keeping stools soft and passable.
I don't know if this will work forever (especially if I have another baby or require another surgery), but it has worked wonders for me and I've been pain free for months and I'll continue to use it just as a preventative measure.
I hope this helps someone out there who is suffering. I empathize so much with anyone who has suffered this dreadful condition.
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Re: My Story + A Remedy: DIY Coconut Oil Suppositories

Postby alpinestrawberry » 19 Apr 2011, 07:19

Thank you for your story, Louisa!
The way you got your fissure sounds exactly like me...large baby + breastfeeding + probably dehydrated from breastfeeding = Oh my God, what it this!?
I'm glad that you've found relief through natural means. I was able to 'survive' with my fissures for five years (they were dormant for long periods sometimes).
IF, like me, you find that your fissure returns and won't go away, PLEASE don't be afraid of the surgery. I was, and all I managed to do was waste a year of my life being in constant pain and a state of anxiety. The surgery is a piece of cake compared to fissure pain, and even other surgeries! What you went through with the surgery for ovarian cancer is much much worse than the fissure surgery. My surgery for sinus problems/deviated septum was way worse than the LIS too.
That being said, I hope your natural method continues to work for you. Feel free to post here anytime, it's a great place to get support and sympathy for a terrible problem that most of us aren't comfortable talking about with the people in our everyday lives.
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Re: My Story + A Remedy: DIY Coconut Oil Suppositories

Postby Louisa » 21 Apr 2011, 21:44

Thanks so much for your response, Jess! It is very heartening to hear that the surgery went well for you and is not to be feared. As I mentioned above, I am afraid of the fissure returning if I do have another baby (hopefully not another big one!) so I will keep the surgery option open if I do end up in that position again. Thanks again for taking the time to respond to my post! I love this board--everyone seems very warm and supportive.
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Re: My Story + A Remedy: DIY Coconut Oil Suppositories

Postby soregirl39 » 04 May 2011, 08:03

alpinestrawberry-what was the operation called that you had please?
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Re: My Story + A Remedy: DIY Coconut Oil Suppositories

Postby alpinestrawberry » 04 May 2011, 11:24

Hi soregirl,
It was the same operation that most people around here get; LIS stands for lateral internal sphincterotomy. But the hospital and doctor I used called it a partial internal sphincterotomy. I think I like LIS better than PIS, myself :) .
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Re: My Story + A Remedy: DIY Coconut Oil Suppositories

Postby Elphie » 04 May 2011, 12:50

I had it too, my CrS called it lateral superficial internal sphincterotomy. Best thing I ever did.
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