fissure and stress?

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Re: fissure and stress?

Postby Sue27uk » 11 Oct 2011, 09:42

Dwarfs8, I am sorry to hear about your loss in April.
I think my fissure came after a long line of stress. I had a horrible experience on the teaching course I was on, as a result lost all my confidence, pulled out of interviews and didn't get a job. Managed to get a job in a school as a teaching assistant 5 months later and ended up working with a teacher who put me down all the time, which wrecked any confidence I had. This caused IBS. 5 months later had to take a load of 11 year olds swimming every day for 2 weeks which was a nightmare!! 2 weeks later I got my gynae problems and a fissure. I know this sounds crazy but I look on getting a fissure as a positive thing now because 1) I have met some people in hospital who have had terminal illness and found them genuinely inspiring. 2) I have got a new perspective on my life, and realise how little things used to bother me don't matter anymore.
I prioritise my health and myself a bit more, doing whats best for me and not always rushing round after others. I have stood up for myself and people have respected me more for it, and I am proud I have done it. Plus it has forced me to face some things which have been under the surface for a long time. I am learning to change my life and deal with things more. Long overdue some may say!!! I still have times where I'm stressed but these are less now.
Obviously I don't want to have a fissure anymore, but feel better in myself and thats half the battle. Hope this doesn't sound too corny or cheesy!! Don't give up Jenny! You will get it sorted out, if it is IBS I know how bad that can be. I was in agony for 5 weeks with it, until the medication etc kicked in and its not until a year later and changing my diet has almost eliminated my symptoms :D
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Re: fissure and stress?

Postby jenny2 » 11 Oct 2011, 13:58

hey sue, what drugs do they have you on for ibs? or anyone on here that may know what they give you. do you have to watch what you eat with ibs?
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Re: fissure and stress?

Postby StevePain » 11 Oct 2011, 15:57

I was taking Fybogel Mebeverine for my IBS and yes you do have to watch what you eat, I suffer from IBS C so the constipation is a nightmare!!
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Re: fissure and stress?

Postby Sue27uk » 12 Oct 2011, 11:30

I started on buscopan but my body got used to it. I'm on mebeverine now which is working better. You do have to watch what you eat, a bit trial and error really. I went to a dietician and thats really helped. If you search on here for IBS I wrote what she'd said to me :)
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Re: fissure and stress?

Postby jenny2 » 12 Oct 2011, 13:24

i have never heard of them drugs for ibs sue. maybe after i go back to see gastro doc he will put me on something that works. i will search for the ibs thing you wrote on here.. thanks..
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