Upcoming surgery

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Upcoming surgery

Postby small_flower » 21 Jan 2007, 12:28

Well, as I said in my last post, my surgery is scheduled for the 15th of february. Part of me cannot wait! I want this surgery more than anything, because I am tired of feeling like I am passing lumps of sharp granite, like I did this morning...twice. Image Im tired of having to soak in the tub all the time, I'm tired of crying to my boyfriend because I am in so much pain...
I cant wait to have that embarassing skin tag gone!
However... Image
I have some fears too.
I dont fear the surgery so much, because I have had a colonoscopy before, and I know I wont feel...see...know anything that will go on in that operating room. Im thinking that the recovery will probably be the worst part of this whole process. Thats what I am scared of folks. I read giz's post, and now ive gotten to thinking, what is my first BM going to be like? What if I rip my fissure open again sometime in the future and have to go through this whole thing again??? What if this surgery doesnt work and this was all for nothing? What if I have no choice but to suffer with this condition forever? I dont want to go through this ever again Image I really really dont!
My recovery, ugh....I hope my doctor tells me what to eat and what not to eat. I want to know exactly how to take care of myself, so I dont screw it up. Its going to be a pretty lonely recovery I suspect because most of the family will be at work. Luckily my dad is retired so he should be at home some of the days at least. I always have three kitties to keep me company too. Maybe I should post a picture of them sometime.
At least I wont have to worry about how much time I take to heal. The woman I'm student teaching with told me that any days I missed I could make up at the end of the semester. Thank goodness.
I guess I am just facing the fear of the unknown. I dont know what to expect. Theres also that 3% chance of incontinence that I am scared of. Its sticking in the back of my mind. What if?
I dont know...Ive never had any surgery before, and I am just scared of the pain.... :pale:
Please help :(
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Re: Upcoming surgery

Postby Guest » 21 Jan 2007, 13:26

hi Kate..
I read giz's post, and now ive gotten to thinking, what is my first BM going to be like? What if I rip my fissure open again sometime in the future and have to go through this whole thing again??? What if this surgery doesnt work and this was all

hunny..i know just what your thinking ,,,and yes i know your fears.. i think the greatest things you have got going for you #1 you know what the problem is.. i spent so long not knowing..5-6 years..on and off..
the 2nd thing amoung others is ..you found a place where peolple have shared there experiences.. and that helped me out soooo much.. to read about things like this just overwelmed me because i thought i was like the only one with this problem,., and to try and explain it to people who never had it was just a waste of time..i felt scared and alone..
i cried a few times and the pain was so long and so bad i asked god to just take me!!!... i was scared..i didnt know what i had done to my own body and why it wouldnt heal..
the great thing i feel that helped me finding this place was the headstart on my diet change...from this room i learned.. i changed my diet 100% before surgery..
keep your head up hun and just think about how great your gonna be and feel.. i couldnt imagine in my wildest dreams what it was gonna be like to go to the bathroom without shaking and holding on to the walls,, then jumping in the tub.. but it happened .. and i felt so different about everything!!..in my life ..it all hit me like some kinda spirtual thing it was strange....
please start asap with your diet change.. if i learned anything that has helped i think everyone here its fiber!!!
fiber is my friend!!..i take 5 tabs in the am and 5 tabs at nite,,
i panic when i forget..lol
keep your spirts up ..your gonna be fine ..
dont be afraid to ask questions!
we are all here for you sweetie!
good luck(which you wont need),,,your body is about to thank you!!
i had my tab removed also..seems the reason it sometime felt ok was this skin tag was a flap and tried to heal....then if i got abit constipated it would tear again,,,, its gone now,,and im doing great!,.,and you will to!!!
and just a note to all..i was doing some research on the 5% that had problems with incontinence ..it seems from what ive located..
its folks who are obese and very unhealthy..hope that helps!!

Re: Upcoming surgery

Postby Deleted User 5 » 24 Jan 2007, 11:52

Well, be prepared in case you have some "bumps" along the way during your recovery. As for your diet, you just keep eating what you've been eating, fruits and veggies and maybe some bran!

My surgeon made sure I had pain-killers, but be careful, they will constipate you if not used judiciously!

My worst pain from the surgery was when I first woke up. They gave me dilaudad and I was happy! Later I did have some pain but never over about a "5" on the pain scale. But 1 1/2 weeks out, I was pretty much pain free.

DON't do like I did and take any laxatives after the surgery! Boy, *THAT* was a mistake!

Do be prepared for 2-3 weeks of recovery (out-of-work/school). I was back at work in a week and a half.

It's been four weeks now AND I FEEL GREAT!!!Image


And DO keep us posted as the big day arrives.

Hugh Image
Deleted User 5

Re: Upcoming surgery

Postby small_flower » 24 Jan 2007, 14:06

I am hoping that there wont be too many bumps during my recovery, but I am not expecting everything to be peachy keen either.
I will stick to my diet...at this point...i really dont think I have a choice. Its better than being in pain, and when I think about it, I'll be a lot healthier later on in life, as someone on this board pointed out. Image
I am concerned about the laxatives, because my surgeon said that the biggest post surgery issue is to make sure you arent constipated or having hard stools. He did say that I would be getting some sort of pain killer and a laxative. Do you think trying to not use the pain killers all together would be a wise move? I just dont want to mess this up!!! But then again, I dont want to be running to the toilet every 2 minutes either.
A) My room is in the basement, and thats two small flights of stairs to climb...it would be good exercise, but nonetheless, not very convienent. B) I know that going too much can be just as irritating if not worse.
So what do I do? Take the laxatives sparingly? Maybe this is something I should discuss with my surgeon before they put me under.
As for the 2-3 weeks of recovery, well, the most I can be out is 2. If i dont do my teaching now, I have to tack it on at the end of the semester, and after a certain date, it becomes an issue. But just because I go back to teaching doesnt mean that I cant just take it easy, sit on a pillow a lot, and not put too much stress on my body. I guess that is one of those things that you have to just feel out for yourself huh? We all have different needs. :)
I will be posting a lot on here, more and more leading up to the surgery, and certainly after, since I'll be stuck at home alone on the couch every day. Cats are good company, but they can only compensate for the lack of human contact so much.
Thanks for your advice Image
I promise to keep everyone up to date. Maybe i'll even write it in a journal style or something, so other people can see what its like day by day.
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Re: Upcoming surgery

Postby Deleted User 5 » 24 Jan 2007, 17:08

If i recall, you're young! You won't have the problems I had!
The laxatives aren't a terrible idea, though i know others on the forum will disagree with me. That first BM after general anesthesia will be slow coming, and the stool may get too hard. A small amount of laxatives may help keep that from happening. Just be ready for the burning. But it'll go away within a few minutes, and guess what -- YOU WON'T HAVE ANY SPASMS Image
>A) My room is in the basement, and thats two small flights of stairs to >climb...it would be good exercise, but nonetheless, not very convienent. >B) I know that going too much can be just as irritating if not worse.
Just don't overdo it....try the smallest dose possible. I wasn't running back and forth. It just BURNED when I did go. But without the laxative, I was NOT able to go. When I finally did go without a laxative, I had to push HARD to get it out...NOT SAFE!!! You could tear yourself worse, or worse...
Just try to be fit as possible before the surgery, and a few days after the surgery, start pushing yourself to do things. Don't just lie around.. That way you'll get your strength back sooner and be back at work on time.
Yeah, I have a cat, too (like Gareth, wherever he is now!!!)
The very best to you!!!
Hugh Image
Deleted User 5

Re: Upcoming surgery

Postby happyass » 25 Jan 2007, 17:29

hey there....
while i can't say don't be afraid, cause i was, i think that there is some wisdom amongst those who have gone thru this....
1. keep in the best physical shape you can before surgery
2. eat the fiber good safe diet prior to the surgery and i would even go further to keep it simple to soups and the bran cereal and lots of water
3. and i am sure there is a food plan that some of the veteran surgery peeps can put together that can make your cooking, diet, and eliminations as easy as possible
good luck sweetie...i know you will do great!!!!!
hugh, i am so proud of you........you are now ass happy! Image
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Re: Upcoming surgery

Postby Cheryl » 25 Jan 2007, 19:42

Hey Kate
please dont be frightened, as the first BM will not be bad.. providing you are eating fibre full foods, lots of fresh fruits and veg, staking a stool softener and 'relaxing'
I am pleased you are booked in for the LIS, and I hope they remove that tag for you too, they are annoying arent they??
Check out mine and Annies surgery experience, I think it may help you relax a little
Keep us posted ok
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