What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

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What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

Postby Jojo1 » 23 Oct 2011, 07:47

Hello all;
Two questions actually . . .
In terms of recovery experience, which is worse of tge two procedures? I do understand they do two different things.
Second, does it complicate things if your fissure is located at 3 or 9 instead of 6 oclock?
Not facing surgery yet cuz of the coumadin, but suspecting I will do it. I know my fissure occured after hard bm, but I also suspect (okay I know) the spot where it occured was weakened by two years of sometimes agressive rubbing/pinching due to itching over tge last couple years - so I wonder if there was even a chance I would be able to heal without surgery. Odd because the itch was only in the evening or bedtime and too embarrased to ask doc about it. It's at 3 or 6, which hever is on the left side.
I read that the make the muscle cut on the side since the fissure is usually @6 and I wondered if the position of mine would cause a problem.
Also considering what contributed to mine, I wonder if that has compromised that spot's ability to heal even with LIS and that they might look at removing the fissure as well.
You'll see more questions from me as I am one who has to know minute details . . . I mean everything . . . it helps me cope.
Oh, one more uestion. How do you soak after? Is it okay to sit on it in the tub or do you use a sitz bath on the toilet?
Okay I am done . . . for now.
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Re: What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

Postby TonyStone » 23 Oct 2011, 10:00

I lay down in tub, warm water, iPhone with Netflix and relax for 20-60 mins.
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Re: What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

Postby Sue1962 » 23 Oct 2011, 18:16

How many times a day did you soak Tony??
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Re: What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

Postby Guest » 23 Oct 2011, 19:34

Hi there,
From most of the posts that I've read in here, a fissurectomy is a little rougher recovery than LIS alone.
Many folks who get a fissurectomy have LIS along with it, but not all. There have been a couple in here who have had just a fissurectomy and some who have had fissurectomy w/ Botox.
I don't think it matters where your fissure is located for LIS to heal you. Most are located @ 6 or 12 o'clock. Other locations aren't as common and could (but not always ) raise suspicion for Crohns.
I've read on here- and I'm not sure about this because I haven't really researched it, that the LIS incision can be made on the right or left according to the surgeon. Image
I would use the regular tub for sitz baths and lay over on my side. I personally don't like sitz baths. It's like setting on the toilet for 20 minutes which has to add pressure to the area.

Re: What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

Postby Guest » 23 Oct 2011, 19:42

Have you saw a doctor about the itching at night or been diagnosed. I'm not trying to be nosey, but there are some really simple things that could be wrong and cured. :)

Re: What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

Postby TonyStone » 23 Oct 2011, 20:12

2-3 if possible, min of 20 mins(sitz)
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Re: What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

Postby Toby727 » 23 Oct 2011, 22:55

Hi Jojo,
I recently had LIS. My fissure was on the left side also which is not as common. I was checked for chrons since that is usually the cause of a fissure on the side like that but thankfully that was not my case. My Dr did the incision on the opposite side from the fissue. I am 3 weeks post surgery and feeling wonderful. I really havent had any pain from the fissure since surgery. Had a little discomfort from the incision site due to swelling and just soreness from the surgery but no pain like I experienced prior to surgery. I tried the creams for a few weeks but there was so signs of healing with them. I only wish I hadnt waited so long to do the surgery.
When you do decide to have the surgery I would just want to suggest the following:
1. Water, Water, Water
2. Miralax (This will be your best friend)
3. Sitz baths (As many times as possible and especially after BM's)
4. Fissure friendly diet
I hope all works out for you. And please continue to use this board. It was such a big help for me during my recovery time after surgery.
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Re: What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

Postby Jojo1 » 24 Oct 2011, 02:17

No, I didn't see a doc about the itching. Too embarrased.
As to the locatiin, don't think it is chrons as I mentioned I had itching for a couple years and that spot was a spot I rubbed and pinched a lot. That's why I think it was weakened and tore with hard bm.
Thanks for the encouragement.
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Re: What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

Postby StevePain » 24 Oct 2011, 11:53

I had LIS and Fissurectomy and don't mind telling you it bloody hurt like hell, I know if I'd only had LIS things would of been much easier for me, the fissurectomy increased my pain levels enormously and hindered healing by months if not years, never again would I have a combination of the two...
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Re: What's worse, fissurectomy or sphincterotomy?

Postby Jojo1 » 25 Oct 2011, 03:10

Why did it hurt so much, do you think? Perhaps with the fissurectomy the surgical "damage" was on the surface, not under like sphincterotomy?
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