Twas the night before christmas . . .

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Twas the night before christmas . . .

Postby Jojo1 » 14 Nov 2011, 16:19

. . . okay, not really. But, it's the night before my LIS and I am officially nervous. Not so much about the procedure as I have just about convinced myself that I am going in for a very expensive nap.
I am anxious about afterward, tjose first 24-48 hours and what to expect, like how you feel, can you walk/sit for ride home, how groggy . . . anything I need to know.
I've spent the last couple of dqys researching what kind it dog I want when I get one as I just had my cat if 20 years put to sleep (first and only cat I've had) and now I need to occupy my mind.
So, what's the real deal, what was your first 24-48 hours like? Gimme all, the good, bad and ugly.
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Re: Twas the night before christmas . . .

Postby Guest » 14 Nov 2011, 16:35

First 24 hours-
Woke up from LIS and skin tag removal at the hospital with no pain, just numb. Took a vicodin at the hospital before leaving. I laid down in the back seat on the way home. It was an hours drive, I was still numb and didn't feel anything when I got home. When I got home I walked outside to stand and smoke a few times. Yep I'm a nasty smoker,Lol! I did almost pass out and realized I was walking a little too much on my last trip to smoke. I'm not sure if it was the Vicodin or the whole ordeal of the day, but I broke out in a cold sweat and thought I was going to hit the floor before making it back to the bed where I then puked and thought to myself I better take that phenergan I asked for- for the nausea and lay down! I did take my vicodin religiously every 4 hours for the first day, and didn't feel anything at all until I woke up in the middle of the night a little sore since I went a little past the 4 hours. I set a timer to take it again in 4 hours.
Next morning- I removed packing that was pressed against the outside of my rear in a bath. I was scared and very careful, but it came off easily!
Later on that day, I had my first BM! No shards of glass or fissure pain at all which surprised the mess out of me.
I cried like a baby, LOL! :oops: Took my bath and laid back down...YEAH!
Slept through the night without waking up for vicodin and just took OTC pain relievers the next day.
You're going to do fine! Good Luck!!

Re: Twas the night before christmas . . .

Postby Jojo1 » 14 Nov 2011, 18:43

Thanks so much, Dawn.
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Re: Twas the night before christmas . . .

Postby Jojo1 » 15 Nov 2011, 23:05

Okay, twas the night after . . .
Made it through here's my "tail." Did prep at noon and arrived at hospital at 2:30. They gave me a pager for when the nurse was ready for me, but it didn't go off. They took me back and reviewed everything. Took my bp, which was wlghtly elevated (hmm, I wonder why?) Then put IV in and allowed my good friend back with me. Sawr nurses one by one, then doc and finally anesthetist, he was nice, but said he'd be gone by the time I woke up . . . and he was, too.
OR nurse told me I would be positioned while asleep, don't know how that works, but there you go. Took me to OR, sarted my happy juce and gave me oxygen. Next thing I knew, they were waking me up and I was slghtly on my right side as requested with a dull ache on the left side of my WhooHah. Told'em it was about a 3-4 and they gave me a little something to help. Also gave me water and graham crackers. It was 5:40. I kunched crackers and water over the next hour, they gave me after care instructions. My fiend hae.picked up my pain meds at the pharmacy. Hadn't seen the doc yet but he had someone after me. Still in pain, so they gave me two percoset and I set my timer for the next dose. Had occasiona twinge on left eide in front (vaginal area), and nurse said that's normal. They helped me sit ip and move to chair and once I was good and steady, they cleared me to dress and go home. Laid in back seat and we stopped at cvs for mineral oil (instructed to take 3-4 tbspn 3 times daily) and was home by 7:30.
Unsteady when standing too long, so grabbed apple and water and to bed. Just took pain dose and changed pad ad I had to urinate and hoing back to bed. I have gas, but it's not ready to come out. Not looking forward to first bm, but okay right. Going back to sleep.
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Re: Twas the night before christmas . . .

Postby pita111 » 16 Nov 2011, 03:59

Jojo, I hope you awake this AM and feel relieved that it is over and that you are on your way to recovery. You are probably very sore and tender. Keep us posted on your progress!
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Re: Twas the night before christmas . . .

Postby Jojo1 » 16 Nov 2011, 06:25

Yesh, I am tender. Feels a little better as I put some ice to it to help with swelling. No bm yet, but I don't think it'll be to long. I'll just wait. Have had a couple activia with fiber and few bites of apple. Just gonna chill for now, warching according to Jim.
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Re: Twas the night before christmas . . .

Postby shakeit » 16 Nov 2011, 06:38

Jojo1 congratulations on your surgery! I had mine last week too, so i'm not too long down the post LIS line. I had my first BM about 54 hours after the op, I was terrified, but when it finally arrived it wasnt as bad. It was easier as the LIS loosened things up. I felt quite sore too, internally and externally and still have some. Good programs are a good idea, I dont watch much TV but did do so over the weekend.
Hope the path to recovery is smooth - good thing your on the road.
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Re: Twas the night before christmas . . .

Postby Jojo1 » 16 Nov 2011, 08:49

Thanks so much and congratulations on your surgery.
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Re: Twas the night before christmas . . .

Postby Jojo1 » 16 Nov 2011, 14:32

Not quite 24 hours. No elimination, nut passing gas quite a bit. I know there's a plug, but must be deep cuz I can't see it. Feel good, nut have been sore and achy in the neck and upper body. I'm guessing from the positioning and breathing tube. Hopefully it will improve soon.
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