Returning to work (desk job) after surgery - and surviving

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Returning to work (desk job) after surgery - and surviving

Postby RedRose80 » 08 Jan 2012, 20:02

Hi Everyone,
I've already posted quite a bit on this forum. I work a desk job and am seated pretty much for 8 hours. My surgery was on Wednesday and it went well I think. Well I took off tomorrow (Monday) because my butt around the area of the fissurectomy still hurts and seems swollen. When I try to sit down in a chair it hurts very badly, almost like a shooting pain.
Do you think I will be able to go back to work on Tuesday? My doc prescribed me a mix of oxycodone and acetomenaphine 325mg but I have been afraid to take these as he told me they cause constipation which I am terrified of and have not taken in the last two days. What did your doctors recommend you start taking? I want to be able to sit and just do my job.
I just want to feel normal again. I haven't even had a decent bm yet... augh.
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Re: Returning to work (desk job) after surgery - and surviving

Postby dwarfs8 » 08 Jan 2012, 23:12

ouch... and imagine the shooting pain upon sitting down...wld u be able to work frm home?
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Re: Returning to work (desk job) after surgery - and surviving

Postby grannymaria » 09 Jan 2012, 12:27

Red Rose - keep up the daily regime as far as your diet sweetie.. When you go back, plz take time to get up every so many minutes during the hour each hour so you won't have that much pressure.. God bless you and keep us posted.. Image
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Re: Returning to work (desk job) after surgery - and surviving

Postby RedRose80 » 09 Jan 2012, 17:48

Hey guys,
I called my doc today and the office recommended that I wait to return to work until I feel I can sit okay. I think this is good advice. I plan on returning on Wednesday and will definitely get up each hour to move around.
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