Stress and healing

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Stress and healing

Postby MistahJ » 07 Apr 2012, 01:18

As I mentioned in a previous topic, I had LIS just recently on 28th March.
I was quite worried that the pain from the fissure did not seem to be going away but yesterday I awoke and everything felt really good. No pain at all even after a BM and 20min walk. After 3 months of Hell I was so happy I felt like I was going to burst. It was an indescribably good feeling.
Unfortunately, later that day I got into a very nasty argument with a family member. Before we had even finished speaking the pain of the fissure had returned and now the pain is back to where it was a day or two after the surgery. I feel so crushed that I just want to die and don't know what to do. I cannot even think about this person let alone speak to them without being incredibly tense. My first glimpse of light at the end of a very long, miserable tunnel and they ripped it all away from me for no better reason than they wanted to throw a temper tantrum over the most trivial BS you could imagine.
My butt and sphincter are now incredibly tight and clenched every waking moment. Will this simply slow the healing process or stop it altogether?
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Re: Stress and healing

Postby workingonit » 07 Apr 2012, 10:17

I know exactly what you mean. I am not recovering from LIS but my AF definitely feels worse when my 9year old is being difficult.
I think it will slow healing, but not stop it. IMO. The tighter the muscle there, the less blood flow is getting to where it needs to go.
Maybe you can avoid this person for a while? Try to use the 'like water off my back" shield. Or practice meditation to push it from your mind?
Or maybe just ask this person to be a little more considerate while you are healing...
With my daughter I try to put it into perspective and file it away til we are both in a more constructive mood to talk about it. Easier said than done! Image
worse comes to worse, know that you are still healing even so.
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Re: Stress and healing

Postby 44alegna44 » 07 Apr 2012, 16:25

just posted my update of misfortune post LIS....and all a domino effect caused from stress. as Tanya said, i too believe it will simply slow the process, that's all. And at this point in your recovery, you've really gotta try to put yourself first, it may mean fracturing a relationship for a while if understanding from this other isn't an option right now. You had surgery, it's a big deal, you wanna get better....sometimes you have to ask what matters more to me right now...hopefully the answer to that is your good health! In time, everything else will fall back into its proper place.
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