Try to take 2 weeks off after LIS

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Try to take 2 weeks off after LIS

Postby Bottominal Blues » 11 May 2012, 09:28

HI All,
Today is 10 days post LIS and this is the first day that I really feel good! No advil or tylenol or anything today! I would definately suggest if you have the luxury, take 2 weeks off post surgery to allow to recoup. I was in a bit of a panic yesterday thinking I had to return to work on Monday, how would I cope, what if I needed to have a BM etc...but I think, after today and I have the weekend, things are okay. Don't rush recovery. And don't put off the surgery, I am looking forward to a great summer after last years was ruined! Cheers everyone!!!
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Re: Try to take 2 weeks off after LIS

Postby newmomoct » 11 May 2012, 10:11

Thanks for the info, I'm trying to figure out how long to stay out of work after my surgery. Glad you're feeling well!
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Re: Try to take 2 weeks off after LIS

Postby Sana1 » 11 May 2012, 23:27

Hi Bottominal Blues
I also live in Toronto area and wonder where you had your surgery done and who did it. I could only get a general surgeon after 3 weeks of suffering ( I cryed to the receptionist). Today she finally performed a finger test on me and said that I have a chronic fissure (for 2,5 month) with a skin tag and I'm very narrow down there. Next week she will do an anoscope test with sedation. Since all conservative treatments work partially ( I re-tear every 5-6 days ), she said it's up to me when I want to have LIS done. I totally can't live with fissure, but in my last visit to ER i found that I don't respond to strong narcotic painkillers! They gave me (after 5 hours of waiting) Morphin IV and Percoset, it maid me dizzy, but pain was the same... Earlier I tryed Tylenol 3 with the same result, so I know I need surgery, but I don't know how I will survive post op...
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Re: Try to take 2 weeks off after LIS

Postby jr2 » 11 May 2012, 23:49

BottominalBlues.. So glad you are feeling better and are on the mend! Image
Why does your doctor want to put you through an anoscopy, even with sedation, and put you through all that when she has been able to diagnose you with a fissure? Did she explain that to you? Usually doctors will do that if they can't see anything, but in your case, if you've already resolved to have surgery, and she has been able to diagnose you with a fissure, what's the purpose of the scope?
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Re: Try to take 2 weeks off after LIS

Postby Davo » 12 May 2012, 03:42

Hi Guys,
I had LIS about eight weeks ago and i returned to work a week and a half after my procedure. If i was to advise others on the expected timescale i would probably agree with BB and say about 2-3 weeks however everybody is unique and some may take longer or quicker depending upon their own personal circumstances.
I completely agree with jr2 - My CRS's approach to diagnosing fissures is just by sight, if he can part the cheeks and see a fissure then thats it diagnosed and nothing more is required. He saved the full inspection until i was under general anaesthetic during my LIS but before then it was nothing more than a visual. Surely to have an anoscopy will just cause you further discomfort which is something you certainly do not need at present.
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Re: Try to take 2 weeks off after LIS

Postby Sana1 » 12 May 2012, 21:59

jr2 wrote:BottominalBlues.. So glad you are feeling better and are on the mend! Image
Why does your doctor want to put you through an anoscopy, even with sedation, and put you through all that when she has been able to diagnose you with a fissure? Did she explain that to you? Usually doctors will do that if they can't see anything, but in your case, if you've already resolved to have surgery, and she has been able to diagnose you with a fissure, what's the purpose of the scope?

I think she diagnosted a fissure by seen a skin tag. Fissure is inside, so she might have seen only the part of it and doesn't know how long and deep it is. Regarding a scope with sedation we both agreed that it would be better if I am totally relaxed and painless during the prosedure considering how tight my canal is. She also wants to investigate why I can't hold my BM... Well, It's getting better, but my " reacting time" is 30-40 sec. On my worst days it was under 10 sec. You can imaging how it affects my life, I pray that it won't happen when I am driving on a highway (I spend about an hour and a half - 2 hours there every day).I made an emergency kit just in case. My sphincter is totally crazy! I don't want to call it by name, I am only 41 and honestly think it's just a respond to inflammation and will keep improving.
What I like about my doctor - she is not rushing to cut. I could compare to another with whom I was consulting 2 years ago about hemmies, he was arguing with his student in my presence if it class 3 or 4 and recommended colonoscopy and hemmorhoidectomy. After I read reviews about the last procedure, I cryed a lot and decided not to go for it. Now i have a lovely combo - hemmie and fissure plus candida in the closest neighborhood :D
You could ask why I did't go to CRS. I live in Canada and waiting 6 month for him is a price we are paying for having a free medicine like Dennis mentioned.
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Toronto area CRS

Postby Bottominal Blues » 13 May 2012, 13:47

Hi Sana1
So sorry you have to put up with the pain, know what it feels like! I went the route of Nitro ointment (which I had to beg my GP to prescribe me, even had to take in the dosage and amounts etc as he knew nothing about it) and tried that for a few months with no results. I finally begged him to refer me to a CRS as this was out of his comfort and knowledge level(well, I didn't say that to his face, but thought it) and he refered me to Dr. Bernick who works out of Toronto East General. He is a CRS and is assistant head of the surgery department at the hospital. It took me about 4 months to see him, the wait was long but then he asked me if this was something I could live with (NO) and he scheduled me for LIS. I only had to wait maybe 2 months for surgery. He did a colonoscopy the day before (as I am 50) and just to check out things before the surgery, but I had the LIS the very next day so timing was good. The surgery itself is like 10 minutes and you are leaving to go home like 2 1/2 hours after surgery. For me, it was painful the first week, but I only took percocet a couple of days and only 1 or 2 each day, then switched to tylenol and advil. I must say, on day 10 is when I realized I was on the road to my new old life! For the past 3 days I have felt really good, a tiny bit sore and itchy but really good. I like Dr. Bernick. I have heard some people going to the the Rudd clinic as well, but I like this guy. There must be others, every hospital will have at least one surgeon I would imagine and we have a load of hospitals in our city! Good luck with finding a CRS, I think that is really important! Anne
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Re: Try to take 2 weeks off after LIS

Postby Sana1 » 13 May 2012, 19:05

Thank you for information Anne ( by the way my name is Anna ). I would probably wait another month or two to think about LIS, anyways I am very busy at work during summer ( I'm dental hygienist ) and I was sitting home with broken arm for 10 weeks, so earliest time I can afford going for surgery is September - October. Today I have a good day ( touch wood! ), it helps me to believe I will surve the summer. Lets see what my surgeon finds on my exam next week ( I have it in North York General ) : and how I feel after. Image
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Re: Try to take 2 weeks off after LIS

Postby sososore » 14 May 2012, 16:59

I am scheduled for LIS surgery on Friday and my surgeon said that I could be back to work by Monday. Hmmm...I wonder Image if I cut his sphincter if he would be whistling a different tune (and from a different orifice). Image
Perhaps he is correct, but I hate when doctors act this way. I am a tough cookie, but everyone is different and I just can't imagine that I will be up and running (without a bathtub by my side after a BM) just days later. I told my boss that I was taking a week of sick time (didn't tell her what the doctor said) and she is fine with it. I just hate feeling like a baby if I am still not back to normal after a week. I have had many surgeries in my life and nothing so far is like the pain I have suffered from this fissure.
I appreciate the information I have gotten from this board because if I was not up and running a few days after surgery I would be wondering what was wrong with me. I wish I could come up with something clever to say to him to wake him up to the fact that he is still cutting a muscle in a very tender area and I still have a fissure to heal. Heck, I may not have even had my first BM after surgery by Monday.
Which leads me to one question. He does no bowel prep. While the idea of hours of BM's freaked me out, I am also a little confused by no prep. Has this been anyone else's experience?
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Re: Try to take 2 weeks off after LIS

Postby 44alegna44 » 14 May 2012, 19:01

Hi Mary,
Best Wishes with your upcoming surgery Image I've never had any other health issues in my life that required any kind of surgery...but what I did have 19 years ago was natural childbirth...and when I've tried to explain my pain to people with this fissure, that's exactly what I compared it to...the pain from that labor was hell and my fissure pain put me right back I'm so glad you've made the decision to end your pain and suffering.
As for the bowel prep, I think it's about 50/50 now-adays...some surgeons require it and some don't. I did not have any prep either, and I was thankful my crs didn't require it. I can't imagine having to clean my system out to that extent with a fissure. So I think your crs is on point with that...although I do think he's way off base telling you you'll be back to work on Monday.... Image I'm glad you took the week off, you'll need at least that.
Best Wishes, and please keep us updated with your progress Image
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