After the all surgery, going to school off 2 months

Going to school after 2 months off surgery

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After the all surgery, going to school off 2 months

Postby Aliaa » 27 Sep 2016, 02:22

Hi everybody
I was scared to start school after the surgery off 2 months and a week now. Cuz my daily routine would be changed and so my BM goings. I woke up at 4:00 am and returned home at 6:00 pm. I feel like I exhausted my body terminously. On the 1st day, I didnot poop as I used to go every morning bec I woke up at a different time. But then when I returned home and took my dinner, I got the instant urge to go and it was ok. A bit on the soft part but ok. On the second day, the same happens except that I felt the urge to poop after breakfast in the college. And it was ok too. Though the BM is ok, the anus kept hurting me a lot these past days. On the third day, I got the urge to poop but nothing comes out though it is stuck. Not hard though but just doesnot come out. But when I got out of bathroom, the anus was paining me a lot. I could it go to school today and missed my lecture. So I slept and woke up at about 8:00 am. I pooped but it wasnot very easy. It was not hard though not too soft as before. It was formed! And kept paining me till now. No redness in the area, it is like an internal pain. I use a foam cushion when I sit in college but still I feel I am putting pressure on the bottom if I sit for a bit too long. I was getting better just before school starts. Do u think this gonna be forever as long as I am tiring my bottom by attending school?! Or it is a matter of time till my body would adjust itself to the new routine?! Did it happen with anyone attending their work? Hope any help, I am very desperate

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Re: After the all surgery, going to school off 2 months

Postby pinpin » 01 Nov 2016, 06:01


What type of surgery had you?
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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Re: After the all surgery, going to school off 2 months

Postby Aliaa » 01 Nov 2016, 12:10

I amnot sure Pinpin, but it took just 3-4 min. The dr told me he will cut the injured part and let the fissure be healed itself. I guess itis LIS. It was costly.
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Re: After the all surgery, going to school off 2 months

Postby Aliaa » 01 Nov 2016, 12:54

I see you have done LIS in 2013, how do you feel now?!
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Re: After the all surgery, going to school off 2 months

Postby pinpin » 02 Nov 2016, 02:17

My cut was not somewhat enough for me, and after 3 years muscle restored its power. I am getting fissures time to times, but most of the cases I can heal them returning to diet, miralax and sometime enema prior BM.
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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Re: After the all surgery, going to school off 2 months

Postby Aliaa » 02 Nov 2016, 10:14

This is really great Pinpin that you finally restored your muscle tightness. But what do you mean by having a cut that's not enough?! is that the reason you keep getting fissures?!
I was wondering if you have suffered a coccyx dull/ internal pain?! I sometimes have this pain though I am 3 months and a half post-op. One of the 2 fissures was close to it and I had this dull pain prior to op. I thought it is something wrong with the tailbone itself cuz of sitting down for a long time. But apparently, my crs, after external examination, told me it is because of the fissure. Its pain radiates to the tailbone. And now after surgery, I still have the same dull pain though my second fissure location stops painting me after the surgery. Can one fissure be healed while the other is not?! If you have any idea
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