Great to find I'm not alone

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Great to find I'm not alone

Postby fitchatak » 03 Sep 2012, 07:50

Hi there - I've been suffering with anal fissures on and off since the birth of my son twelve years ago. They have been troublesome and caused a bit of discomfort, but nothing to what I have been experiencing since the Spring this year and particularly in the last couple of months. This is in a whole other league... The burning pain, itch attacks, the lack of sleep - it's really getting me down. I've been on Anoheal for 6 weeks but the itching has just become unbearable - I've had to give up using it. I have not tried nitro this time around, I only used it once before and the headache was immediate and explosive - perhaps I will give this another try.
Anyway I'm off to my GP today for an appointment and I hope to get a referral to a Colorectal surgeon. I am a teacher and due to go back to work this week and I am really really stressed about how I am going to cope. Does anyone have any tips about how to cope with headaches from nitro? How to cope at work? Also how to convince my doctor of the level of pain I'm experiencing? I'm really struggling here...

Thanks for all the information on this website by the way - I have felt at least that I have got some support and stuff to try out for eg, a sitz bath is on it's way from Amazon as of now. Funny thing to get excited about I suppose but there you go...
By the way - I don't generally get any bleeding from my fissure - what does this mean? I can feel a ravine at 12' o'clock on my anus that is maybe about 5mm deep? so it's there alright and is very very sore but doesn't bleed- any ideas? Feels so weird talking about my sore bottom on the interweb, but desperate measures for desperate times, I guess. :oops:
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Re: Great to find I'm not alone

Postby Ever the Optimist » 04 Sep 2012, 11:46

Hi Fitchatak,
Sorry to hear of all the pain you've been enduring and hoping you get a referral to a CRS very soon.
I used Anoheal, which worked well for me, but a lot of people do complain of that "itch" whilst using it. Perhaps it's worth trying the Recto again. I think some people do get used it after using it a while but I do understand your concerns with the headache thing and having to work. For that very reason, I switched to the Anoheal.
Are your employers aware of your medical situation? If not, it might be worth discussing it with them and a good employer should take measures to assist you in helping you get through this as they do have a Duty of Care to look after you! I know it's not the nicest thing to have to share but I had to talk to my boss about my issues particularly as it led to surgery and she has been so supportive, allowing me to work flexi/ part time hours when needed etc etc.
NO ONE (not even a GP in my opinion!) understands the level of pain a fissure causes unless they go through it themselves, so GP's will only prescribe painkillers & the creams (which can also sometimes assist in constipating you! - so don't touch codeine based painkillers, whilst trying to ensure smooth BM's!!) I really do sympathise. Hot baths/ Ibruprofen/ applying Aloe Vera straight from the plant and other cooling topical creams helped me get through the worst with a donut pillow under a cushion to sit on at work...Not to mention, nice soft stools and lots of water!
Just like you, I had no blood, which I found quite weird as it seems to be the commonest sign of a fissure but guess symptoms vary from individual to individual. Look at that as a positive!!.........
Don't worry about posting anything on here. Everyone understands what you're going through and anything pretty much goes! It's good to get it off your chest and there's always someone here to offer you support when you need it.
Just hang in there for a CRS referral and they will be able to diagnose you properly and suggest a way of getting you back on track! All the very best to you :)
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: Great to find I'm not alone

Postby fitchatak » 04 Sep 2012, 13:45

Oh thank you for replying to me Ever the optimist. I found your comments so helpful and supportive. I had my first day at school today and I did ok actually - much better than I thought. I was so anxious and hardly slept last night. I started the nitro last night and although my head was really foggy and little painful i could cope with it , nothing like butt pain anyway - today my af seemed a bit better. I sincerely hope this continues. My doctor also gave me some night time suppositories with an anaesthetic and hydorcortisone- i've used them in the past but not recently but he said it would help with the itch. Are these a good idea they are called 'Proctosedyl suppositories' - has anyone tried these?
So all in all feeling more positive.
I did tell one of the management team at work about my problem and that it is ongoing - she was sympathetic and it means if I have to call in - I don't have to explain it to her when she is having her breakfast ( we have to call her at home before 7.30am) At a meeting today we were sat for about 3 hours and I did start to get uncomfortable but I got a cushion and decided that if anyone asked I would have a bruised tail bone or something! Hope I sleep a bit better tonight as have a really full day tomorrow. Hope everyone's bottoms are not too troublesome tonight. x
PS Re Fybogel - a good thing or not? I'm taking one sachet a day just to help things stay managable but don't know if this is the best thing or no? any advice?
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Re: Great to find I'm not alone

Postby fitchatak » 04 Sep 2012, 13:51

Oh and I forgot to mention that the doctor referred me to a CRS - so that is good news I guess - just feeling a bit nervous that it might send me down the surgery route quicker than I would like. You are so positive Ever the Optimist, a real tonic - I was really getting down about my situation so thank you again.
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Re: Great to find I'm not alone

Postby Ever the Optimist » 04 Sep 2012, 14:46

Fitchatak - love your name! :)
That is great news that you have a CRS referral!! Yes, it might send you down the surgery route but then again, fingers crossed it won't get that far.....At least, you will a specialist providing you with some good advice.
Also great news that your first day back at work went well. It's good to be distracted and to try to continue as normal. My worst moments are when I have time off, on my own and that's when I start stressing more about my poor bottom !!
It's easy to get drained and down by the whole thing - it's relentless, you physically feel something most of the time whether pain or twinging or soreness and you're forever shifting position or trying to cover it all up from other people....Really frustrating and horrible thing to deal with. Trust me, I've hit rock bottom with it but realised that a positive attitude helps a LOT in getting through it all Image
I haven't used the particular suppositries you mention but I think a lot of products like Germoloids, Anusol etc. contain those same ingredients and I have used those. I find them very soothing and they do help provide relief but just as a temporary measure rather than a long-term cure.
As for Fybogel, I started on a sachet a day but stopped using them after a week as they made my poops bigger! and I realised I didn't really need to take it as my fibre intake was already pretty good (bran, yoghurt, fruit for breakfast - Wholemeal sandwiches, 3 bits of fruit as snacks, high fibre digestives/ snacks - always brown rice/ pasta/ veggies/ salad/ beans/ jacket potatoes form evening meals) plus loads of water! & chamomile tea........
You will get through it! Sounds like you have a great attitude too - just stay positive, truly hope the nitro continues to help and try to get loads of sleep! You sound like you really need it! and it proper rest also helps recovery....
Sweet dreams and may tomorrow be even better than today
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: Great to find I'm not alone

Postby Sloe » 05 Sep 2012, 18:24

Hi everyone! So glad to find this place. There is so little info on the web about fissures. I am 32 and have been dealing with a couple fissures for a year now. Went to see a butt doctor who started me on an antibiotic, after 3 rounds it made no difference. Then we tried flaygl and cipro at the same time. I had a major allergic reaction ( my skin was pealing off and my tongue and mouth were very swollen). So then he mentioned sugically opening up the fissure and draining it. And that was officially the LAST appointment I had with him. Though now I am at my wits end and am seriously considering it. I went looking for answers because mine seems to drain a lot of mucus. Image Does any one else have this issue?
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