Just diagnosed and in terrible pain...HELP!!

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Just diagnosed and in terrible pain...HELP!!

Postby ting327 » 28 Sep 2012, 15:42

Hello, I was just diagnosed with 2 small fissures I have had all summer and I just started the nitro cream, does anything help with the pain?? I take metformin for diabetes which gives me diarrhea so I NEVER have hard stools...I pray this pain goes away..does anyone get better without surgery? :(
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Re: Just diagnosed and in terrible pain...HELP!!

Postby richibeno » 28 Sep 2012, 16:43

hi ting i have type 2 diabetes ,i think i will heal slower than a person who has not got diabetes,
keep up water intake at least 2lts a day lots of fibre ,if you are on the loose side you wont need a stool softner ,i take movicol ,how do you normaly heal ok or does it take a while ,i have rectogesic which is nitro
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Re: Just diagnosed and in terrible pain...HELP!!

Postby Lauren12 » 28 Sep 2012, 18:26

Hi ting
You might want to ask your GP for painkillers. When I had my fissure, I took Diclofenac, which is a prescription strength NSAID, and paracetemol, both at the same time. I don't know where you live - these are brand names of painkillers in the UK - they might be called something different if you're in the States.
I took both for months on end, sometimes only once a day after bowel movements, and sometimes more than that. However a word of caution about continuous NSAID and paracetemol use - you do have to ask your doctor about this. As it happens, my husband is a doctor, so I knew what I could safely take. I always took the NSAID on a full stomach, as it can irritate the stomach. Even so, after taking them for months at a time, on and off for two years, they did begin to upset my stomach, so I can't take them any more. I can't even take over the counter Ibuprofen as it's the same type of drug and now upsets my stomach. Luckily however, I'm cured (I had the lateral internal sphincterotomy operation) so don't need it any more.
Also some painkillers are constipating (although not the two mentioned above), which normally you'd avoid if you have a fissure. But you say you have diarrhoea anyway, so this may not be an issue for you. I'd consult your doctor about it in any case.
At least your fissures are small - and therefore likely to heal more rapidly.
People do get better without surgery. In fact I think the majority of people with fissures probably do, but people who've healed rapidly on their own may not seek out boards such as this.
As you probably know, there are non surgical treatments, and it seems to be the case nowadays that doctors will start someone with a fissure on conservative treatments, like the cream you're using, to see if that will heal them. The various creams and Botox injections do work for a proportion of people, however they don't have as high a success rate as the Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy surgery. I think if the various creams haven't healed it within six to twelve weeks, then it's time to move on to the next treatment (although it's a long time since I read the relevant research on this, so my memory may be rusty) . Keep going back to your doctor if you need to until it's fixed.
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Postby Coconut Oil Healed me » 29 Sep 2012, 00:57

Hello, You have to watch the kind of medical advice you get on this forum.
Virgin Coconut Oil will heal/soothe the anal fissure and any anal itching you have. Try to limit pain killers and use ice bags on the area.
We have all gone through the incredible pain of anal fissures so try EVERYTHING you can possible BEFORE you have surgery. I was minutes away from having my sphincter sliced open when one of the doctors listened to ALL of my symptoms.
You have someone suggesting Diclofenac which is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. I was on that drug and others such as Advil and I got ulcerative colitis from these drugs. Which meant constant pain in my lower bowel and diarrhea passing through my anal fissure up to 30 times a day.
Don't take pain pills if they cause constipation or diarrhea. For almost a year the doctors thought my main problem was an anal fissure when it was colitis caused by the pain killers.
I was taking pain killers for 4 years because of a back injury from a motor vehicle accident. I started having frequent bleeding and my area inside my anus was on fire. I tried every drug to stop the pain but nothing worked. The doctors thought it was just an anal fissure. So I took more pain killers making the bowel inflammation worse.
As soon as I stopped the Advil the anal bleeding stopped. GOOGLE "excessive NSAIDS".
I have had two colonoscopies. On both they could not see any inflammation but when they did biopsies they found bowel inflammation. I am taking hyrdocortisone acetate 10% enema foam (CORTIFOAM).
I healed the anal fissure with virgin coconut oil.
I went to emergency five times before they figured out I had colitis. Internal hemorrhoids usually do not cause any pain.
I have stopped all pain killers for my back and only use a sleeping pill at night. The bleeding has stopped.
I was going to the bathroom 10 - 30 times a day. I was good in the morning until I had my first bowel movement and then my sphincter would be spasming continually until I had another bowel movement. It was the body pushing out all the poison. By the end of the day I was pushing out a small amount of yellow pus from the inflamed bowel.
So my anal fissure is healed, the scope tests revealed no visible problems (hemorrhoids) inside, yet still I had burning pain, especially sitting. It turns out I have inflamed bowels and the enema foam has greatly decreased the pain.
I almost had my sphincter sliced open when the real pain was just inside my anus area due to inflammation caused by too many pain killers.
Smear coconut oil all over the outside of your anus and inside if it is not too tender several times a day and you will notice a difference immediately. Good Luck.
Coconut Oil Healed me
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Re: Just diagnosed and in terrible pain...HELP!!

Postby Lauren12 » 29 Sep 2012, 09:45

Hi Coconut Oil Healed me
I’m really sorry to hear of the effect long-term NSAID use had for you. I think it goes without saying that people on this forum are not doctors, so any advice people give relates purely to what has worked for them. I did use the words “a word of caution about continuous NSAID use” and reiterated that ting should consult her doctor if she considers painkillers. I was moved by her mention of pain and her using the crying emoticon – I could relate. In the days when my fissure was acute, I was sometimes in so much pain that I didn’t know how to deal with it. Obviously avoidance of any consistent painkiller use is a good thing if other things will work.
I agree that surgery should be a last resort and these days, the doctors seem to agree, as they seem to try a variety of treatments before they suggest surgery. However there are those, and I’m amongst them, for whom surgery is the only thing that will fix it. I tried a variety of things – medical (diltiazem cream, two lots of botox, banding of haemorrhoids, removal of skin tags) and alternative (eliminating dairy, adding various foodstuffs to my diet, e.g. pecan nuts because of their healing properties – in fact I altered my diet substantially in line with things I read on forums) – but only the LIS operation finally removed the pain.
Many of those who’ve had the LIS operation comment that they wished they’d had it sooner. I’m certainly amongst them. If it wasn’t for the time that was devoted to conservative treatments, I could have been cured a good year earlier. My surgeon told me that a few years ago, the only medical treatment for anal fissure was the LIS procedure. However in recent years various other treatments have been introduced like the various creams and the botox procedure. He said that in a way, I’d fallen foul of that, in that everything else had been tried for me first, whereas if I’d suffered a fissure ten or twenty years ago, I’d have had the LIS procedure as a first resort and been cured sooner.
In my case, laying down for hours every day for two and a half years because of pain has had very bad consequences for my body. I suffered muscle atrophy and the ligaments and tendons tightened up. When I tried to regain a normal level of fitness for my age when cured, I suffered a succession of injuries, joint and muscle, because my back and leg muscles were weak and in-elastic and the joints were taking the impact of the exercise. Even now, a year after my butt was cured, my body is still not back to normal – I’m suffering bursitis in one hip because the muscles weren’t strong enough to take the impact of exercise, and inflammation in the joint in the other hip through over-use, because I was relying on that hip because the other one was bad. I had a torn muscle in my back because the muscles were weak, which healed, cartilage damage in my knee and a frozen shoulder. I still can’t bend properly or squat because I didn’t bend for two and a half years when I had the fissure because it hurt the fissure. I’ve been working with a physiotherapist for a year, on and off, to try and regain condition. Before the fissure I was very fit and active.
So in my advice, I was coming from the direction of yes, try conservative treatments, and I suspect that for most people with a fissure conservative treatments probably work to cure them. I suspect we don’t hear from the majority of people like this, as they then just get on with their lives instead of seeking out forums. However if one treatment doesn’t work, keep going back to your doctor. I take your point however that sometimes doctors haven’t considered the overall picture, and as in your case, a treatment may make things worse. That’s where people posting of their individual experiences is helpful.
Btw, many people come here looking for reassurance about the LIS operation because they’ve reached the stage of having to consider it. Seeing it referred to as ‘having your sphincter sliced open” is a bit alarmist, when any surgery involves an incision, and it’s an operation with something like a 95% success rate.
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Re: Just diagnosed and in terrible pain...HELP!!

Postby Savaici » 29 Sep 2012, 18:17

As Lauren12 has said, and as is repeated often on this forum, we are not doctors. Advice is given with the understanding that members of the forum will be following up with a medical expert, and not accepting as gospel what is offered in advice - being it that 'I cured myself with coconut oil' or suggesting surgery...or anything else for that matter. We are adults, and in the end we make our own decisions and do not need to be warned against the advice of others on the forum.
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Re: Just diagnosed and in terrible pain...HELP!!

Postby ting327 » 01 Nov 2012, 20:48

Well nothing has really helped...the pressure and pain after BM is mind numbing..I think I will try this coconut oil that everyone is talking about to see if it will give some relief.
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Re: Just diagnosed and in terrible pain...HELP!!

Postby terrydactyl » 06 Nov 2012, 10:14

Sorry to hear you are in so much pain. A couple of weeks ago I literally staggered into my docs surgery in terrible pain. She told me this was caused by irritation of the nerves in the anal area which was causing muscle spasms. She prescibed a painkiller which is often used for nerve pain in the UK called Amitriptyline. Gabapentin is similar. If you are in the States they will have something similar. I took 4 tablets a day for a week and a half and have now dropped down to 1 a day as the spasms have now stopped. This drug may work for you. It has side-effects: I gave me the shakes and I felt very listless but that was better than the pain. You also have to cut out all alcohol. Good luck
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