My Story Thus Far

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My Story Thus Far

Postby small_flower » 16 Feb 2007, 11:17

So here is the story of my surgery, as best I can remember it.
I woke up at 6 and had to be to the hospital at 7:15. When we arrived, we were told we had to take the stairs because they were doing some electrical testing on the elevators, to which my dad replied, well we'll get out cardio in. I had to report to the fifth floor. Lots of stairs.
So I got to the pre-op waiting room, and sat for 10 minutes or so. They called me and took my information and gave me a bracelet. In another ten minutes or so, the nurse took a group of us down to the fourth floor. I was shown into your typical pre-op room with beds and nurses and curtains. I was told to remove all my clothing and put on the hospital clothing they had provided. This was pretty comical because I am a very small gal, 5' and 101 pounds or so. The clothes were absolutely huge Image , so at first I didnt take off my underwear, but then I was told later that I had to remove it, so I did. I liked those clothes! They were huge but they were comfortable. Anyways...
One of my nurses came in and introduced herself, asked me if I was allergic to latex, had I eaten anything that morning...and then she took off. So i read my book for awhile and then my anesthesiologist came up and visited. Asked me the same questions basically. I gave him my bag full of medications, and he looked those over. He asked me if i had ever had trouble with anesthesia, and I said no. That I had had a colonoscopy and had been put on demerol (which by the way was amazing, Ive never slept so much in my life). Anyways, he said what they were going to use was going to put me into a deep deep sleep but that I would bounce back from it much quicker. He left. A nurse came in and put in my IV, and she put it in the side of my arm, closer to my wrist, which was weird, but since I was going to be lying on my stomach, it made sense. Getting that done was probably the worst part of the actual surgical experience. Another nurse came, took my blood pressure, asked me lots of questions, basically more of the same. She said I had to take all of my jewelry out, which is harder than it sounds. I had to take my nose piercing out, and I had to take my earrings out, which are gauges, and look like horseshoes with little balls on each end that are supposed to unscrew, but I could NOT get them out. The other ones are pretty much the same except there is a ball that fits between the two ends of the earring and just clips in. I got those out. The others they just ended up taping i think.
After that, I met a few more of my nurses, and then it was time to go. I almost started crying as I waved good bye to my dad.
On the way, I confided in my anesthesiologist, and told him I was scared, and he said "well of course! this isn't something you get done every day." It was a short ride to the OR, and I had to sign some sort of release. Then I got off the bed, walked into the OR, and laid down on my belly. I positioned my arms above me head, one had a special table for my arm with the IV in it. The anesthesioligist put one of those finger monitors on my finger, and I briefly saw my surgeon. I got shot up with dope. I asked my surgeon about the incontinence, and he said something along the lines of " I dont think thats going to be a problem," one of the nurses told me she liked my earrings...i said thank you, and that was it.
I woke up in recovery and had some cranberry juice. I laid there for quite awhile. The nurse asked if I needed pain meds, and I said no, which was stupid because they had used a local anesthetic which started wearing off on the way home. They took the IV out, I got dressed, and they wheeled me out to the car where my dad was waiting. My dad drove me home. It was an uncomfortable drive (half an hour) because like I said, the anesthetic was wearing off, and it was getting more and more sore. :( I eventually got home to bed, and slept while my dad went out to get my meds. I took them as soon as he got home, an hour later.
They put me on oxycodone. The first couple of times I got really dizzy, my vision got patchy, and my whole body broke out in sweats. I tried to eat dinner but felt nausceous so I stopped. Basically, yesterday was a lot of sleeping and a lot of taking medicine. Oxycodone, milk of magnesia (can we say yuck?) and stool softeners. Magically, my body woke me up every 4 hours to take more pain killers. I have only been taking 1, which doesnt totally rid me of the pain, but it makes it bearable. I am afraid to take 2 because of the reaction I had to one. So at 8:30, my mom helped me sit up so I could take my pills, and then I went to bed. My dad checked on me around 1, and I had already taken to Oxy, and I woke up at 4:30 am to take the Oxy again by myself, and I took another one around 9 this morning.
I was able to eat some toast this morning. Image Toast with jam. Whole wheat of course. Then I used the shower head on my bum, which I am supposed to do three times a day, and then my mom made me an egg and another piece of toast. I almost finished all of it.
Now you are officially up to date on how I am. I feel pretty weak, and pretty tired, but all I've been doing is sleeping. Im waiting for the nurse to call back. I need to know how long I have to keep using the gauze on my bum for drainage, and I need to know how long the drainage should last. Right now it seems to have tapered off. This whole experience has been aggrivated by my monthly visitor (no better time I could have possibly gotten that right? Image I know the ladies here can relate).
I am also able to walk up the stairs with little trouble, its just sitting thats really a problem right now. I hope that I wont need the pain killers for too long, because I hear Oxy is highly addictive. Umm....I cant think of much else to say, so I guess I now have questions for our veteran surgeon people.
How long did it take before your pain subsided?
How much did you sleep? What was your best position for sleeping?
When did you get your first BM? (I havent gotten mine yet)
Thanks all, I will keep you updated.
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Re: My Story Thus Far

Postby Cheryl » 16 Feb 2007, 17:03

Image for taking the time to share all of this with us Kate.. alot of people will read this in the future when looking for advice of what surgery is like and how they will go with recovery..
You should be chuffed, so far, you sound like everything is going very well Image
I am surprised they sent you home straight after you finished the op, I stayed overnight and left the next morning (still quite groggy) and i even thought that was too early... Image
I can relate with you about the uncomfortable ride home in the car, firstly i went back to my MIL's (she is a psycho driver) and she managed to hit every pot hole in the road, and then the drive from her house to mine later that night was about an hour :|
My first BM came about 26 hours after the op...
your nausea sounds normal, anaesthetic will do that... def. did for me.. I did not start eating until breakfast time the day after the op, just some toast like you with jam.. :)
Sorry I should go back to the first BM, that is rather important and im sure you are thinking about it alot!
I think i went so soon because they gave me laxatives, as you know they did not work for me, after figuring that out, I just used a bit of fibre supplement and stool softener (not too mcuh of either)
The first BM was very scary, but it never hurt at all, it more or less fell out.. be sure never to push or strain as the area needs to heal.
That pinching pain you were referring to, that lasted a couple of days for me, (then the burning started, but that was my laxatives, so you dont have to worry about that) Image
I slept on my back, flat, then sometimes on my side with a pillow between my thighs.
Regarding the gauze up your butt, they took that out for me 1 day after the op, i still oozed a little bit, but not much. It will subside soon.
I dont think I can give you much more advice yet, you sound to be doing really well.. just think how good your gonna feel this time next week!! Image
Im so proud that you went and had this done, you will be a new person soon, and you will have your old life back!!
Keep us posted
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Re: My Story Thus Far

Postby Guest » 16 Feb 2007, 22:27

thanks for posting this, found it a very good read. how old r u can i ask? i am still very scared about the idea of surgery but i guess i cant b a baby forever over it!!
i hope u continue to feel better.

Re: My Story Thus Far

Postby Guest » 17 Feb 2007, 08:10

Thanks for sharing your experience, Kate. I am not yet to the surgery phase but it is helpful to read about it.
I know you are relieved to have that part over and you can get onto healing! Congratulations and many good wishes for your speedy recovery from here on out! :cheer:
Your avatar is so funny! Where did you get it? I should use something like that in my emails to my friend and family since they know I have so many butt issues!
Anyway, so happy to hear you are home and in good hands!
Take Care!

Re: My Story Thus Far

Postby Guest » 17 Feb 2007, 08:14

I noticed you were in Connecticut and wanted to ask who your doctor was? I had a great colo-rectal surgeon in South Carolina but she moved to Connecticut last year. Her name is Dr. Christine Mirth. Just wanted to see if maybe you had seen her-she is awesome. I actually cried when I called her practice and found out she had moved.
Just curious if maybe she was your doctor!

Questions answered and recovery part 2

Postby small_flower » 17 Feb 2007, 14:34

Well, I am so thankful for all of the support.
To answer some questions
I am 22, 23 in april.
And no Lecia, I had a Paul Vignati do my surgery. He was very good.
As for my avatar, I have a Livejournal account that I dont use anymore, but I am still able to search for avatars through the network of journals.
and now for...recovery...part 2.
I had my first BM yesterday, and it was very painful. The first time I felt like I realllly had to go, but I simply couldnt get the stool to move. I pushed....bad idea. So I finally gave up, and cried in the tub. My mom made black bean burritos but I couldn't eat them because I had some viscious heart burn, so I settled for a cut up pear. We watched grey's anatomy and that took my mind off of things for a little bit. I actually made the remark to my dad that I felt like I was in an episode of grey's anatomy because everyone at the hospital had blue scrubs on. Image
Anyways....after the pear, I felt like I had to go again, so with dread and heavy footsteps I went into the bathroom. Viola! I was able to go without too much effort on my behalf. Since then I've been going fairly regularly, but the BM's have become very soft and sort of liquidy. I am taking 3 colace a day, MOM at night, and 2 glasses of juice with fibersure in them every day. I dont know if I should back off or not. Image
I have been sleeping a lot too, but have managed to stay off of the oxycodone for now. I am on tylenol, and take 2 every 6 hours. My butt only really hurts if I am on the toilet or right after a BM. I have been taking baths after every BM.
Despite all of this, I am getting really frustrated. I am not someone who has very much patience when I feel like complete shit. :( Its only been 2 days since the surgery and my doctor said it would be at least a week of being sore. All I want is to get on with my life, I want to be able to eat normally, and stop taking all of these blasted pills! I hate them. I worry at night that they are going to interact and Im going to stop breathing. I am your classic worry wart.
I have been trying to eat more, but this is a very slow process, also very discouraging. :no: I just dont have an appetite. If i do eat, I eat very slowly. Today I have had some strawberries, a few blueberries, some homemade turkey soup (which my cat was more interested in than I was) and that is about it so far. I am hoping that I will feel better every day, but I am incredibly discouraged and frustrated at this point. Like I said, I have no patience, and I just want to cry a lot, because there is nothing I can do except make myself eat more, and its a viscious cycle. Eating means pooping, and pooping means pain...*sigh* Image
Thats how it is with me right now folks. I'll check in again, hopefully I will have some better news for you soon.
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Re: My Story Thus Far

Postby Deleted User 5 » 17 Feb 2007, 15:52

Glad to hear your complete story! Sounds like you're getting everything under control and that first BM wasn't sa bad! :cheer:
I used to have a few surgical scrubs! I loved them, too. So comfy!
And you may as well ( you've heard THIS before) RELAX and get used to being "out of touch" and out of it for the next several days. You need to heal!
But it's Ok beginning about now to start pushing yourself a bit. Get someone to take you somewhere -- get outta the house for an gour or too -- if your butt can handle the ride (sit on a cheek)
Again, enjoyed reading your really took me back.
Oh, BTW, you don't miss those SPASMS, now, do you Image
Deleted User 5

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