Postpartum fissure

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Postpartum fissure

Postby tarabyte » 05 Aug 2012, 20:22

Hello all -
I wish I would have found this group earlier! I have been dealing with a fissure since about two weeks postpartum, so 9ish months now. Daily Miralax and the Nifed cream usually keeps things under control, but I re-tear at least monthly and it all starts over again. I'm still nursing my daughter, and just praying that when I'm done, the fissure will clear up. I drink at least 12 glasses of water a day, but sometimes it just isn't enough. Just here to remind myself that I'm not the only one, and to hopefully stay sane :)
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Me too!

Postby BronwynST » 23 Jan 2013, 14:52

Just wanted to let you know that my fissures (first in my life) popped up 2 months postpartum. They did not start with a large BM or constipation.
I'm pretty sure I still have them and re-tear easily, so I, like you, just keep everything very soft. I eat two to three prunes before every meal and snack and I take my magnesium supplement 2 to 3 times a day depending on what I eat. If I eat anyting bread-like, for example pizza, or pasta, then I might even take 2 magnesium supplements just to make sure everything stay soft. I am still breastfeeding and like you have read many a story about the fissures clearing up when the breastfeeding is over. My other two kiddos breastfed till they were 2.5 so I have a long time to go as I am very committed to breastfeed for numerous reasons.
I am about to write a very detailed account of my story in hopes that it will help someone. The depression from this situation has been horrible but far more manageable now.
Giant hugs! You are not alone.
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Re: Postpartum fissure

Postby Alecia Marie » 15 Jan 2018, 12:36

Hi ladies! I can see that your last posts were from quite awhile back. I am wondering if you have healed since? Did things change after you were done breastfeeding? I also don’t want to stop breastfeeding but imagine once I am done my body might have a little more energy to heal my AF.
Alecia Marie
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