Seasoned to AFs, newbie to forum, and now pregnant!

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Seasoned to AFs, newbie to forum, and now pregnant!

Postby sskyy » 10 Mar 2013, 12:39

Hello everyone! I'm a new to ANY kind of forum, so thank you for having me! Thank you for having such a forum as well! I just wanted to ask a question regarding pregnancy and flatus (passing as) pain with recurring AF. Two unrelated topics, but two things that are concurrently happening that I'm not sure what I should do.
Been having issues with AF since two Saturdays ago. It got better, then it retore this past Saturday. I found out I was pregnant two days before that. What do I do? I used to do the Miralax thing, but now I don't know what to do? I've increased my fiber, but I think that hurt me more than help me. BMs were unusually fuller and consequently my AF retore. It hurts when I pass gas now.
Anyone manage an AF while pregnant? Anyone else have advice on how to approach caring for this AF now? Anyone use the prescription cream while pregnant? I ordered a sitz bath from Amazon. I used to just hold a shower hose there, but it's too wasteful of water.
Any thoughts, advice, suggestions, or words of encouragement will be most welcome! Thanks!!
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Re: Seasoned to AFs, newbie to forum, and now pregnant!

Postby delasama » 10 Mar 2013, 13:36

Ask your doctor if you can take miralax while pregnant. I have had fissure over three months and miralax is only thing that has really helped me.
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Re: Seasoned to AFs, newbie to forum, and now pregnant!

Postby sskyy » 10 Mar 2013, 13:54

I have an appointment with the OB/GYN tomorrow. I know laxatives are not recommended for pregnancy, and it's the usual "increase water, fiber, exercise, etc." song. I drink about a gallon of water a day (no joke) and incorporate flax and chia seeds into my diet for an overall fiber intake of 20-25gms a day. I definitely hurt myself more than helped myself with the fiber increase... the bulky BM I had on Saturday was a nightmare.
I believe I have a sentinel pile that is annoying me now. I have had both hemorrhoids (which have thrombosed about a year and a half ago) and this AF that re-tears about every other month for about 5 years.
Never thought to see a CRS since I've been seeing my GE for years for my EOE disease.
Pregnancy and management of AF are my main concern at the moment.
Thanks for your input!! :)
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Re: Seasoned to AFs, newbie to forum, and now pregnant!

Postby delasama » 10 Mar 2013, 14:47

I saw crs a week ago. He saw sentenial pile and said yep its a fissure. My mom said she had hemroids and pooped blood after her pregnancy with me. I don't think she had a fissure though. This fissure is the worst pain ever. Especially those post bm spasms! I would sill ask your doc about miralax. It's not a stimulant laxative. It more of a water absorber like fiber only it doesn't create bulk.
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Re: Seasoned to AFs, newbie to forum, and now pregnant!

Postby sskyy » 10 Mar 2013, 16:34

Thanks for talking with me. Yes, I also have hemorrhoids on top of my AF, too. I think I am in a conundrum. The salts in the Miralax could be absorbed, so I think that's why it might be a no-no in pregnancy although I've heard of pregnant ladies taking it for severe constipation. I'll ask tomorrow. Thank you, and yes, AF pain is very bad and the aftermath is just a whole different kind of discomfort. Good luck to you!
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Re: Seasoned to AFs, newbie to forum, and now pregnant!

Postby owmybum » 11 Mar 2013, 03:45

Hi sskyy,
Firstly... Congratulations on your pregnancy!!
I would definatly ask the doc which stool softener is safe to take whilst pregnant.
If you don't fancy taking anything then try for foods that will naturally keep things soft.
Soluble fibre is not too bulky and makes things soft. Fruits, veg, pulses, fish, chicken, brown rice.
Try adding some ground flax seed and olive oil to your diet.
There are a few threads on the diet tips boards which would be good for you to read.
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Re: Seasoned to AFs, newbie to forum, and now pregnant!

Postby sskyy » 11 Mar 2013, 11:18

Thank you, owmybum! (Cute name, by the way!) I think there is something intrinsically wrong with my gut neural innervation. I've had these issues since I was an infant (as my mother has told me), and I know I always had "tummy aches" while growing up. I eat 5 prunes before bed, I drink at about a gallon of water (maybe 3/4 a gallon realistically), and I eat mangoes and green papaya. I add ground flax seed and chia seeds in everything! I normally would soften my stool with OTC supplements, but with this pregnancy now, I have no idea what I should do. My AF has been re-tearing and re-tearing each and every time with significant blood in the toilet. It's so painful and annoying!! I'll be meeting with the doctor this afternoon, so I hope she can give me some insight on how to handle this! I've also made an appointment with a CRS to see what he has to say about this as well. Thank you all for all your advice!
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