LIS done a week and half ago still pain?

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LIS done a week and half ago still pain?

Postby ehanson3 » 12 Mar 2013, 15:09

All I have to say is this board as helped me out a lot to answer questions that I have had ever since having my son 3.5 months ago and being burdened with this horrendous "fissure". I am only 26 years old this was my second child. And honestly if someone would have told me that a fissure could happen during labor I would have opted for a csection in a heart beat!
I tried everything before going for the surgery but my fissure pain just got worse. I really never had a day off from the pain I would be in tears when having my BM jump into the bath sit for 20 minutes, shove Rectiv up my bum, take 3 advil :) and walk around my house cleaning or trying to stay on my feet just to try to get my mind of the terrible terrible spasms I would have for up to 4 hour after and then eventually my day would go back to normal like nothing only to start all over the next morning.
I finally had enough and had LIS surgery March 1st so not yet been even two weeks. I am still using Rectiv since my Surgeon actually referred my ass to literally being a "tight ass" my muscle I guess over his 30 years of experience he said is one off his top tightest muscles he has seen and told me no wonder it wouldn't heal with conventional methods like diet, creams, stool softners.
I guess I am just questioning the pain I am having. I can tell now finally where my fissure even is I couldn't tell at all before the pain just felt like it was everywhere not just one side. Its on my left side farther back. I can actually touch it now and its not near as painful and I know that its healing since I do not GET ANY spasms on my right side anymore at all!!! yay! When going number 2 the pain is barely there. However, I am for sure getting spasms on the my right side after the BM where he cut and I also get the famous stinging randomly throughout the day that I have read on here. But the pain is hard to explain its like being punched over and over and over in the butt and then having spasms pull the bruised area over and over lol. Sometimes I feel a pinching on my right side and I can feel what is like a harder spot where I assume he did something?!
Just ready for this to be gone. Is this just the healing process going on. Will the cuts he made heal with my spasming on that side. I can for sure tell that one side of my butt is lose while the other half is tight lol!!!! I use the cream which helps a bit but they come and go all day long!
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Re: LIS done a week and half ago still pain?

Postby coconut » 13 Mar 2013, 07:46

I had my surgery on March 6th, and I'm also still in pain. I have no insight for you, other than you are not alone.
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Re: LIS done a week and half ago still pain?

Postby jr2 » 13 Mar 2013, 09:02

Hi there!
As you mention, it's only been a week since your surgery so you are still very much in the early stages of recovery. All of the things you are feeling aren't out of the ordinary nor are they unexpected. Every surgical recovery is a little different because every patient is different, and every surgeon does things a little differently. The muscle has been cut but it hasn't been totally taken out of service, so while you heal you will likely have a lot of different kinds of pains.
Do you have a postoperative appointment scheduled soon where you can discuss your concerns with your surgeon?
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Re: LIS done a week and half ago still pain?

Postby marg6043 » 13 Mar 2013, 13:40

ehanson3 Sorry to hear that you are in pain even after your LIS.
But just like JR2 said you are healing and just had your surgery.
I am not doctor, but I can only imagine that you are still getting spams because I believe LIS surgery means scrapping the fissure and nipping your anal muscle at the same time, so no only you are swollen and sore from all that manipulation, but at the same time nipping the anal muscle will cause also spams in some way or the other.
I could be wrong as I never had LIS, and anybody can correct me if I am wrong.
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